• May 2016 Mummies •

Sick of these Braxton hicks getting my hopes up! I just know they will fade off after a while but I still wonder if something is happening! Xx
Sick of these Braxton hicks getting my hopes up! I just know they will fade off after a while but I still wonder if something is happening! Xx

Same lol!
Mine r alot more uncomfortable now and feel them in my back too, but they lead to sod all! Xx
It's so annoying isn't it, when they keep coming and are a bit painful it's gives you that glimmer of hope then... Nothing!! Xx
This bloody ahow is annoying me too lol!

Had it for 5 days before Noah arrived tho so know that can be sweet FA too haha!

Another sweep tomorrow tho! FX that helps x
So annoyed with OH :-( I said last night that I wanted to get as much done and sorted as possible so that we could try and relax tonight, and get an early night to get some sleep in while we can!! Well he cleaned the kitchen floor (which is tiny btw) then went and sat in the living room on his phone 'waiting for the floor to dry'....while I was upstairs moving stuff around, packing bags for all of us, putting Moses baskets together, washing away, cleaning the bathroom etc. He got all annoyed when I started getting stroppy with him, trying to tell me that there's not much left to do. So I wrote him a list of everything that I still needed to do - put covers back on car seat, put seat and base into car, out Moses basket stand together, get steriliser and other bits out the loft, Hoover, tidy, gather rest of Oscar's stuff......so he promises to come home and get straight into it today. Well he's supposed to be back for 5pm, but he hasn't even left his job yet which is over an hour away, so he's not going to be back until at least 7pm. Oscar needs a bath and is usually in bed by 6.30/7pm, and I thought it would have been nice to spend one last evening together as the three of us, but he obviously thinks work is more important today. I'm just really annoyed. He knows how much there is to do and how much in stressing about tomorrow but just seems totally reluctant to help me out and just gets pissy when he sees how annoyed I am :-@

Sorry for the rant :-/ I knew it was too much to ask to have a relatively stress free evening!

So annoyed with OH :-( I said last night that I wanted to get as much done and sorted as possible so that we could try and relax tonight, and get an early night to get some sleep in while we can!! Well he cleaned the kitchen floor (which is tiny btw) then went and sat in the living room on his phone 'waiting for the floor to dry'....while I was upstairs moving stuff around, packing bags for all of us, putting Moses baskets together, washing away, cleaning the bathroom etc. He got all annoyed when I started getting stroppy with him, trying to tell me that there's not much left to do. So I wrote him a list of everything that I still needed to do - put covers back on car seat, put seat and base into car, out Moses basket stand together, get steriliser and other bits out the loft, Hoover, tidy, gather rest of Oscar's stuff......so he promises to come home and get straight into it today. Well he's supposed to be back for 5pm, but he hasn't even left his job yet which is over an hour away, so he's not going to be back until at least 7pm. Oscar needs a bath and is usually in bed by 6.30/7pm, and I thought it would have been nice to spend one last evening together as the three of us, but he obviously thinks work is more important today. I'm just really annoyed. He knows how much there is to do and how much in stressing about tomorrow but just seems totally reluctant to help me out and just gets pissy when he sees how annoyed I am :-@

Sorry for the rant :-/ I knew it was too much to ask to have a relatively stress free evening!

U rant away id be mega annoyed too!!!!

I asked the boys dad if he minded coming to aldi with me today as my pgp is horrendous, i cant manage the trolley, noah and shopping bags whilst being 5days overdue, fat woth sore as hell hips and massive cankles.

He said and i quote 'cant you go yourseld tomorrow when ive got Noah?'

Yes i know we are not together but jesus christ hes the one that left me 29wks pregnant whilst carrying his son and having to look after our other by myaelf for the last 12wks!
Didnt realise driving me to the sodding shop and helping me grab some bits was sooooo much effort!!!!!!

Theres my rant for the day lmao!
They live in their own world don't they?!

I'd be annoyed at that too, doesn't take much to help you with a bit of shopping really.

I feel like I'm probably overreacting but I don't care haha he's annoyed me. He's still not home. Oh and the neighbours have started arguing. Again. Every day this week so far. I can't wait to bring a screaming baby home and keep them up haha.

I nearly cried putting Oscar to bed just :-( feeling so emotional and sad that it's the last time putting him to bed on his own, next time I do it we'll have a baby to sort too (probably on my own if OH carries on being as useless as ever!). I held on to him for a few minutes longer to make the most of the cuddles, it's the only time of the day I actually get any cuddles off him, he's far too much of a busy body normally.

Ur not over reacting at all hun!!

Im guna feel the same when i have Charlie, every morning now Noah comes into my bed and we have the biggest cuddle. Trying to savour just me and him time now! Makes me sad, i pray hes going to be ok becoming a big brother. So worries hell start playing up at nursery or something xx
Growth scan today following RM last week everything looked completely normal. Measuring slightly ahead for dates, but nothing outside the norm. Was offered a sweep, but I declined. (Wasn't expecting it and may have freaked out a bit!!) Next apptbis next Wednesday at 40+2 where I will leave with an induction date!! Eeeep. It's all getting real now!
Ladies, it sounds like your men are being nightmares. Rant away until your heart is content.

As for the ladies cherishing the cuddles, you go right ahead. Although, when my sis had her 2nd, her 1st used to just snuggle up too. They both used to suck their fingers for comfort, and used opposite hands so they were both able to during joint cuddle time. It was so cute. I'm sure your babies will be the doting big brothers any baby would ask for
Sorry the men are being so arsey girls! They just don't get it sometimes. My husband has been amazing and done EVERYTHING for me the last few weeks, but he's still totally last minute with as much as he can!!! Last night he stayed up watching tv until 11, the cleaner was coming today, he had work at 7am. So he ran around like a total loony trying to tidy up for her and stressed himself out doing it - if he'd just given up the tv a bit earlier, he'd have been fine!!! But still. At least he didn't complain about it!

I'm a bit jealous of the influx of babies recently/about to come! I'm still getting periody aches. They're not coming and going though, so they definitely mean nothing, and I'm not really sure WHY they're happening. Had me awake at 1am till 4am today :-( had a day off today and toddler in nursery so wasn't too bad. Need to sleep tonight and tomorrow though to get through work. So very nearly on mat leave now - these next 2 days are going to be HARD!!!
So I've spent the evening shouting and in tears, I'm so pissed off. He had a flat tyre on the way home so didn't get back until 8.30pm, fair enough that can't be helped. But to then say straight after dinner 'I just need five minutes, my leg is hurting' and piss off to lie down on the living room floor playing on his phone, leaving me to clear up and carry on getting everything done - yes, I'm going to get pissy and start having a go. I asked him to call his mom to arrange a few what time we're dropping Oscar off with them in the morning and what w we need to take etc. Nope, he couldn't do that because he was 'trying to make his leg better'. Why not just call while you're lying on the floor instead of just playing on your phone?!
He honestly has no idea why I'm so angry and upset. This is our last night at home before baby comes. I shouldn't be getting so angry and stressed out. I even wrote him a list (he asked me to) of what I wanted doing, and he still has no idea.
He wants to go in his car tomorrow (all expenses paid company car, so makes sense), but that means emptying a whole boot load of dirty tools into the house which he hasn't made room for, swapping Oscar's car seat over, and why would I want to risk being stuck at the hospital with a flat tyre?! I don't get it. :-/
I'm sooooooo mad!!! Ready to sleep but don't think I can. I can't even look at him, let alone lie in the same bed. I'd had a lovely day with Oscar until he came home :-(

Hope the rest of you ladies have had a better evening than me ��

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Aw god Jen!! Why do they pick the most annoying times to be arses!!!!!!!

Go to bed hun!!
Ill be on in the morning to wish u the best for induction!! Xxxxx
I'm in bed, he's lay next to me in his phone whinging about his bloody leg �� just wait until tomorrow.....haha I'll give him something to whinge about then.

I'm really hoping I get some decent sleep and don't wake up at 4am like I have lately.

Aaaaaah tomorrow is the day!!! So scared now, think it's slowly sinking in. Xxx
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Id defo have to kick him in his bad leg Hahaha!

Aww its so exciting hun!!! Eeeek :) xx
I'm glad I'm not the only one mean enough to think that haha.

Baby is having a good wiggle right now :-) I can see the movements too which hasn't happened for a good few days. Strange and sad to think this may be the last time I see/feel it!


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