The boys dad thinks Charlie will be here Fri 13th lol.
I didnt want that.. But waking up today, 5 days overdue i dnt care now lol!! i'm fedup, can hardly move from my pgp, hips r in bits! Water retention is terrible! Feet are so bad even the soles are swollen and its painful to stand on.
So yeah! Fed up overdue moody preggy lady hereeeee!!!!
I think I would have gone nuts if they didn't give me the gas and air for pushing, although they were telling me off for puffing away and not listening to the midwife!Wow, he's gorgeous. Well done.
How much worse is it being induced pain wise? Gosh, I was pushing for 2.5 hoursand they took my gas and air away lol
I'm hoping more may baby's will be here soon, I feel bad for jumping the queue lol
Iheartdex always get checked out for reduced movements, reduced movements is the main reason for my induction happening. Nothing worse than worrying when a visit to be monitored can help xx
I don't want to go overdue! Baby has 3 days to arrive, or at least give me enough reason to think it's on its way. I'm so grumpy today. Baby is back up kicking my ribs so I know I need to spend the day on my ball and it's so boring! OH has taken the day off work to finish some of the smaller jobs around the house so at least I have company but I know we'll end up arguing because I'm so grumpy!
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Definitely get checked out iheartdex. I spent most of the weekend in hospital for rm, which is why they're inducing me tomorrow (sorry, another one queue jumping!!)
I can't imagine the pushing stage being so quick, really hope it's not another 2 hours for me. It didn't feel like it at the time, the whole thing seemed to go pretty quickly. But they gave me half an hour to get him out before sending me for a section, Oscar was born exactly half an hour later! The added pressure must have worked lol. Xxx
I'm glad you went in. If they were really worried they would say and just possibly bring your section date forward. Let us know xxI'm hoping more may baby's will be here soon, I feel bad for jumping the queue lol
Iheartdex always get checked out for reduced movements, reduced movements is the main reason for my induction happening. Nothing worse than worrying when a visit to be monitored can help xx
I'm there now chick. Heart rate seems fine but no movement.
They're not saying anything yet so I'm hoping all is fine because of heart rate. Xxx