Weigh-In Today

Yayyyy...Well done Lucy, Emilia and Layla!
Im sorry to let you all down, but i just am really struggling to 'eat healthly' Im craving chocolate or sweet stuff all the time, ive been told some people do when they are BF, i havent gained any weight this week, bu neither have i lost any. I have 2 stone to loose before 5th Aug, bought my dress on saturday, it would be so much nicer with out big fat arms!!!!!!!!!!!
Please please help me....ive got the Charlie Brookes DVD, its still in the postage wrapping collecting dust. Inspiration desperatly needed :cry:
Thanks Hels....
Listen, I had the same problem... I couldn't get enough of the sweet stuff. No meal was complete without a biscuit or 3... or choccie!!! I had to have it!!
I read about this addiction in a health mag and decided to try and ditch the awful habbit I'd gone and got myself into. I've now stopped eating so much crap and whilst following a healthy diet, I have replaced the sweet stuff with more fruit and yoghurts. Now with Easter approaching, I've been enjoying one tiny wee egg after my lunch, rather than dinner. Also snacking on dried fruits and nuts (not salted). I'm loving it!

Also, if you're worried about your arms, get a tin of baked beans out and do some upper arm excercises while bf. You'll have toned arms before you know it........ considering how many times we have to sit down to bf.
If you want to be slimmer by Augusy - start adopting better habits today!! Don't postpone any longer, otherwise you're going to want to kick your own butt!!! We're here to help....
Try sugarfree jelly or include a little of what you like once a day. If you have a thing for choccie say, choose dark choccie and put a few squares aside for whn you can relax with a cuupa and everyone else is tucked in. You'll have time to enjoy it at least.

Let's do it!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Emilia xx
Layla - yeah agree with Saulino that because muscle weighs more than fat you haven't lost this wk but your body is looking better because the swimming is toning. Muscle burns fat though so eventually you will be losing even if your building muscle up as well but then you can start to eat more because your body will be more efficient at using/burning the calories you consume.

You can do it Hels! I still crave sweet things - yesterday I am ashamed to say that I ate 3 chocolate bars :shock: a couple of things I have done today that might help:
1)if I eat chocolate it has to be dark choc - at least 50% cocoa cos then at least it is classed as more healthy and better for us.
2) in a food blender I've chopped and mixed a few squares of dark choc, oats, mixed nuts (brazil, hazel, almond, cashews),pumpkin seeds, dried apricots, prunes and sunflower seeds. Blitz it up then flatten on a baking tray and put in the fridge for an hour then cut into "bars". I'm going to have one a day after lunch - I used to buy a bar like this from Boots but at £1.29 each it was costing a fortune!

Unfortunately I'm cutting out dairy at the moment (trying to see if it makes a difference to Olivia's colic) cos I love low fat yoghurts etc.

Thanks Girls :)
I will do it....i will.
Wow Lucy your a clever sausage arent you??? Gotta have a go at that recipe...mmmmmm.
I have a really horrid cold and chest infection and asthma is rubbish at the mo, im not making excuses, but when it is better i WILL do my DVD. I have totally cut down on take aways, my only vice is sweet stuff, predomenently chocolate, but i do love solid dark choc too.
Thanks for your support, really need it thank you.
Not telling!! You're just a wee skinny malinky - only fatties allowed on here!! :D :D :D
No offence anyone - just high on Teacakes at the moment!!
Sorry :oops: :oops:
Emilia xx
Help would it be really bad if i had some of this really nice cake i made? I dont want to undo any good work i've done. :?
Sorry for butting in your losing weight topic (I'm far too greedy to diet) but I just wanted to add that when I was b/f I ate nothing but chocolate for a week. I remember one day in the first week after Roo was born, I didn't get out of bed (was too ill) and ate a whole giant box of Roses :oops:

I was convinced that Roo's poo smelled like chocolate becuase of it :?

I also HAD to have a drink the second she latched on. Does anyone else have that?? It was the worst feeling ever if I didn't have drink...

Sorry I've changed the subject, off to get some chocolate now lol :lol:
Ofcourse you must have some of the cake. How else? Depriving yourself is a sin - now what are you waiting for........ OH will tell you that plenty working out when the lights are out might be in order........ forget the cake then!! :D
Emilia xx

Sorry i havent posted for a while but had a few problems with my nephew being ill and my nan in law was ill. but thankfully they are both doing better now.

anyway. i am doing the charlie brooks dvd and i can really recommend it. i am using it along with walking and roller skating once a week until i get down to 13 stone and then i am changing to my cindy crawford dvd and then alternating it. i lost 9lb in three weeks and then put on a couple of pounds last week :oops: blooming penguins :oops: but i am back on track and the thing that i find helpful is writing everything down that goes into your mouth. sometimes you dont realise what youre eating until you write it down. plus another tip is 2litres of water a day.

good luck ladies.


maybe if we all pm laura she will set up a site for us. it will be easier to find.
Hmmm thats true emilia wait til he gets home then!!!!! :D Sorry :oops:
Thats just the same as me Kim, really thirsty and crave chocolate all the time....

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