Losing weight.... who's joining me?

:wave: hi girls i lost 61/2 pounds in the last two weeks - but having a bad day today - how is your weekend going
Well done Ella, thats fantastic - whats your secret?! :clap:

Hope everyone has had a good week just converted my loss and its 2.2lb! my scales are in KG lol Had a few rubbish days aswell so i am pleased i am heading in the right direction.

7 WEEKS TO GO and 8lb to loose come on..

I am finding it pretty hard in the motivation stakes at the moment though, craving chocolate and i have no excuse. Looked after me niece the other day and ended up eating half of her big packet of choco buttons mmmm they were so nice though!!

Good luck all for this week we are all doing great
I think it was because I was eating so much crap before I started :oops:

I set up my cross trainer and hope to do 30 mins every day too - I have arranged Darragh's christening for the 25th May and I want to have lost 16lbs by the time it comes around so have to try and stay determined :cheer:
Hey Ella we can be target buddies....my wedding is 25th May and i have 8lb left to loose anything after that is a bonus....well done on 30 mins on cross trainer i get too bored...i can manage 20 with a dvd on. Trouble is its in the garage so have to take laptop out there!!

Whats your diet hun? I am on no particular on such as ww or sw i just eat 3 meals a day.
amzhunny said:
Hey Ella we can be target buddies....my wedding is 25th May and i have 8lb left to loose anything after that is a bonus....well done on 30 mins on cross trainer i get too bored...i can manage 20 with a dvd on. Trouble is its in the garage so have to take laptop out there!!

Whats your diet hun? I am on no particular on such as ww or sw i just eat 3 meals a day.

wow congrats on you wedding - only seven weeks - you must be excited :cheer: we can certainly be diet buddies, I only managed 22 mins on the c/trainer today, mine is in the garage too so it is quite boring I just have a radio out there. I am doing slimming world but I am not very good at it - still havent really got my head around the different days :roll: :roll:

how much weight have you lost so far if your only 8lbs to go ?
Please can I join! I have 9 pounds to loose to get down to my pre preg weight, but would like to loose another 5pounds on top of that
Babylicious said:
Please can I join! I have 9 pounds to loose to get down to my pre preg weight, but would like to loose another 5pounds on top of that

Hi :wave: Good luck hun!

I have 26 points each day cause I breastfeed and I'm finding it really hard to use them all everyday! Yesterday I had 9.5 left. I know if I have a chocolate biscuit or something to use them up I won't stop :lol:

Well done Ella on all the weight loss :dance:
I have lost nearly 3 stone!! i was a right porker during my pregnancy and then got water retention in labour and ballooned!!! i am pleased and can nearly fit into pre preg clothes...took me a while to accept that it was going to take time to loose.

welcome babylicious u can loose that weight, good luck xx

Great job on the weight lose girls :) your doing excellent

Welcome babylicious , good luck to you !

I didnt weigh in today havent been at my dads . but might try tomorrow somehow :think:
amzhunny said:
I have lost nearly 3 stone!! i was a right porker during my pregnancy and then got water retention in labour and ballooned!!! i am pleased and can nearly fit into pre preg clothes...took me a while to accept that it was going to take time to loose.

welcome babylicious u can loose that weight, good luck xx

:cheer: :clap: :clap: :cheer: well done - I am starting to realise it is not going to fall off too easily myself :twisted: :twisted:
it took me ages to accept it hun, long time and hard work! Its horrid feeling like S**t!!! but once you start loosing you start feeling heaps better and your 6 1/2 lb loss is a brill start
well done on the weight loss everyone! well i have lost another two which takes me to 12st 3lb
i am giving it a bit of a boost this week and am trying to do more walking, the weather is spoiling things atm though.... :(
Hey everyone :wave:

Rach...........how you doing hun?
How was Christophers birthday? Hope all went well. I wrote in his birthday thread that you should allow 100+ extra syns for the day! I did on Dans! :lol:
Don't blame you that things are tough this time of year. Just get through it as best you can. Start again when you are good and ready hun :hug: :hug:

amzhunny well done on your 2.2 lbs :cheer: :cheer:

saulino Sorry to hear about your car hun :(
but woo hoo on your 3 pounds loss :cheer:

xrachx go on girl! 2lb down :cheer:

:wave: Welcome poppy, good luck :D

Welcome :wave: Princess_Puddles, good luck hun
10 mins on your elliptical strider is great :cheer: I started late last summer and could only do 1 km in about 8 mins. Your fitness levels will go up really quickly. I now can do 5 km in about 24mins and have even done quite a few 10km. Keep at it and you will see a real difference :hug:

ella Well done hun 61/2 lbs in two weeks. Thats great going :cheer:

Babylicious Welcome :wave: Good luck :)

I lost a 1lb on friday :cheer: Pleased but then I went to a dinner and dance on Saturday so I will see how I have done this week! Missing SW though, esp my chocolate and orange hi fibre bars, yummy! I'm going to give it a few weeks and then go back once they have sorted out a new leader for my group.

Hope everyone has a good week :cheer:
Misslarue said:
I lost a 1lb on friday :cheer:

:clap: :clap: well done!! What happened your slimming world leader ? Im finding the slimming world diet much easier this week - it has taken me ages to kinda get the hang of it :roll:
I found it tough going at first but once you get going its great! I love it :cheer:
My old leader left quite a while back as he couldn't do our morning group. He still does other classes. Anyhoo! We had someone who didn't turn up a few times and then we got another one and now shes left :| But they don't tell you, you get ready, walk up there and theres no one there :roll: But I miss going so might joined another group if I can
Well done to all of you, you are all doing great!

I am having a good week and eating well so roll on sunday for weigh in

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