Losing weight.... who's joining me?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I don't want to have all the excess baggage anymore... I want to be comfy this coming summer (Nov - Mar) and not feel like "5 lbs of flour in a 2 lb bag"!!! :D :D :D :D
Anyone fancy joinging in? We don't have to enclose our weight, but could come and "weigh-in" once a week..... perhaps give each other some support?

I'm aiming for a lb a week. Keeping it "do-able"!! :wink:
Emilia xx
Im up for that, I have started an eating plan today....

cereal and 1 bit f toast in the morning
cereal or soup for lunch
and a sensible dinner (what ever that is!)
for snacks im eating fruit or a go ahead bar

I weigh 15 and a half stone :(

I want to get back down to 13 and a half, my pre pregnancy weight

Welcome Layla!!
I started today too...
bran plus milk for brekkie
pitta bread and salad for lunch
fat free homemade soup and bread for dinner
fruit for snacking

'cause i'm bf'ing, I'm suppose to have more calories.
I really need to cut down on the bread - my downfall!!!
We'll see who else is interested, but in meantime, I'll see you here next thursday for weight again.
Well done - I're going to get back into our old clothes again..... yippeeeee
Emilia xx :wink:
I'm up fir it too but am a bit worried about not eating properly. Have always had an issue with diet, am basically rubbish at knowing what is good and what isn't (obviously I know 3 mars bars a day like I am currently getting through is not helping me) but especially now I am breast feeding I don't know what I should be doing. Any tips??

Need to stop eating bread and pasta - crave carbs so much at the moment.
Hi Beanie...
I know what you mean about the carbs.
I don't know what happened since Oscar was born, but I have become addicted to sugar ie. biscuits especially. Otherwise, I'm not eating that much, because by the time I've fed everyone else in the house, Oscar is crying for his feed so I don't get to eat my own until late in the evening or never!!

Anyway, some tips here might help...
Dry fry mince, instead of using oil.
Grate cheese - you use less and it covers the sandwich nicely.
Baxters soup for when you're really starving.
Limit the butter that goes on the sandwich
Don't eat DH's leftovers!!! :D
Ditch the sweeties and replace with fruit.

Hope it helps. It's a start at least :D :wink:
Lets keep it up girls - we can be lighter next week - not heavier!!!
Ching ching :wink:
Emilia xx
I lost three pounds last week, and have put it up again because I caved over the weekend. Isn't it weird how a quarter pound of chocolate can put three pounds on you?

Aiming for a stone gone by easter but may have to compromise...

i posted on here the other night asking everyone if they knew any diets that work.

I am really up for this, it also gives you an incentive if you have other people following your progess.

I weigh 11.5 stone and i want to get to 9.5 stone, my pre pre pregnancy weight (before Amy!!)

Nice one Emilia
Hi im up for this too i not only need to loose a stone before i go on holiday next month but i have a wedding to go to in july and i want to get trim again and be the weight i use to be before being pregnant but at the moment i have to many temptations around me although im tryingto eat good sometimes i slip up. i will try my best at this but may falter on the way we will see!
Am going to weigh myself tomorrow (eeekkk). Never mind with all this support we will soon be a bunch of skinny malinkies :D :D :D
How can we possibly fail with all the support!!!! :D :D
Let's weigh ourselves, try and eat well and making healthier choices.
Let's be aware of the "obvious crap" that we stuff in our "cake holes" and leave them well alone!! TUNNOCKS TEA CAKES..... uhmmmm, NO!!!!!!!!
Let's just keep it at a pound a week - an more than that is just a "Brucie Bonus"

Let's go girls.... keep posting ideas and support!!!!! :D :D :D
I'm feeling thinner just thinking about it!! Nutter, I know!!!
Emilia xx
girls for anyone interested i lost 4 stone on the slimming world diet last year before i got pg its the only one thats ever worked for me
i did the vegetarian one as you can eat as much pasta and potatoes as you like but limits your meat found this the better one as i crave carbs and not a big lover of meat replaced meat with quorn snacked on fruit and muller light yoghurts and ate 1 bar of choccie every day was losing sometimes 3lb a week and was never hungry even had a night off every tuesday and ate whatever i wanted and still lost the weight will def be joining again after ive had baby :D xxxx
Tip of the day.....

Drink a small glass of water every hour. Cleanses you!

Ooohhhh.... just think - soon we'll be feeling "Twice the height and half the width". Keep it up today!!! :D :D
Hi girls i cant wait to be joining u on this topic, im looking forward to gettin slim... my baby due end of may thou its cutting it a bit fine for the summer but i hade Dior last march and 3months later i was the slimmest i av ever been.. i no alot of ppl are against them but i have used slimming pills in the past, they are called Trimmers http://www.salonlines.co.uk/forwomen/in ... id=232&p=1 they worked wonders for me, they just take your hunger away make u feel full up i only got one pack the 6week ones and that made me drop 2 dress sizes as i have always been a size 10 but i went up to a size 14 at one stage (this is all before i ever had children)
im so bad!

yesterday i started on this new healthy eating lark

my plan is...

cereal for breakfast and 1 bit of toast
cereal or soup for lunch
sensible dinner
fruit and go ahead bars for snacks

i did all that but was craving for choccy, which is strange coz i dont eat much anyway.

i went to morrisions to get a few bits and while at teh check out i saw cream eggs, they started teaseing me i swear!! so i had to have one.

when i got outside the shop, i shoved the whole thing in my mouth, anyone would think i hadnt eaten for days lol

i had to eat it before i got back home, and even went as far as to hide the reciept so Jase didnt know i cheated lol

going to try to be good today!
Can i join too.....after the weekend LOL!
Iam completely addicted to CCE's (cadbury creme eggs!!) my local sells 3 for 89p, it would be rude not to!!!
Im am half a stone lighter than pre preg weight, god knows how! but i still need to lose 2 stones. was 12, now 11.5, want to be 9.5. I get married in august so really need some support and encouragement
I've honestly had a "kak" day!!!!! Oscar was a wee honey and dispite all the tears, etc.... I DIDN'T RUN TO THE BISCUIT CUPBOARD!!!!!! Big pat on my back......
Let's keep it up. How are you coping today, Layla?????

Emilia xx
it didnt work at all today, been stressed out and mad.

will try again tomorrow
Nevermind hun... since you mentioned creme eggs... hhhmmmmmm, I'm strugling not to think about them. Sadly, we don't get them here! :evil:
Tomorrow will be better for us both. :wink:
Emilia xx
Noooo, mars bar and chips - though not at the same time. Pants dasy, hope tomorrow is better :pray:
Just to let you girls know that i just saw you can get weight loss tickers on ticker factory...and feel free to re do this diet thing in about 8 months :D

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