Weigh-In Today

Keep up the good work girls..... :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
I'll be back on Sunday/Monday... be good!!
Emilia xx
Can I join in?

I have 10 pounds left to lose before I get back to my wedding weight, but I am eating so much crap at the moment I think the weight is almost definitely going to start to go back up, rather than down if I am not careful.

So I need to join you all.

My wedding weight was 11st6 and my current weight is 12st2.

I am desparate to get back to my old exercise routine and I am planning to go back to karate next week. YIKES! They are going to get a shock when they see me turn up. I am very rusty though, and will probably do my back in or something, but here goes!

Need to start eating a lot more healthily from now!
weigh in tomorrow!

im feeling confident this week, i have been very good, so if i dont lose anything i will be mad :evil: lol

I think ill have gained LOL...had a poopy week and have had KFC twice!
gotta be good next week.
I've been to the loo, stripped down too
tummy in tight..... could scales be right??
Yippeeeeee..... I'm 3 lbs light!!!!!

Good luck everyone!!!

Hmm only lost 1lb or it could be 3lb not sure think the scales could be wrong but not sure? Sorry if that sounds daft at all? :(
Flossy... that's brilliant!!! The lb is equavalent to block of lard and that's a lot!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Rather a pound off than on, hey?
If you lose a lb a week, you've got better chance of keeping it off and in 3 months, you'll be your goal weight! :dance: :dance:

So, don't lose heart - you're on the right track!!
Where's every one else hiding today?

Emilia xx
i have lost nothing?!!!

i dont get it, i have been good all wekk, not eaten any chocs, crisps or fatty foods.

i might as well go back to teh way i was eating before coz healthy eating doesnt seem to have made the slightest bit of diffrence!
Hi All,

Can i join in?

I weigh 11.6 stone and i want to get to 9.6 stone,

Started friday 24th March healthy eating and today weighed myself and lost 2 pound!!! :dance:

Can anyone convert my weight and target weight into pounds for me, so i can have a ticker.

Can i weigh in tommorrow??????
Its raining and cold and i cant be assed to go to the chemist!
I just know ill have put it on.
Stick with it Layla, your doing great...you'll get your rewards. xx
well done everyone :clap: :clap: :clap:
layla dont lose heart hun some ppls bodies put up a fight when first on a diet stick with it and im sure it will soon start falling off xxxxxxx
Hi Yvonne.... you're 160 lbs - goal weight 132....... 28 (2stone) to lose.
Great start... keep it up!! :clap: :clap:

Don't worry Hels, we'll see you tomorrow.... good luck!!! :pray: :pray:

Layla.... please don't be so hard on yourself!!! :wall: :wall:
It's often a week delayed. Keep a note of what you eat - that way you can see what you're doing right or wrong. I'm a sad-do.... I keep note of everything that goes into my gob, otherwise I forget and end up eating more than I should. Portion sizes and kids left overs are 2 of the top probs.
Have faith and eat healthy to feel better.... the weight-loss will follow very soon. Pm me if I can help :wink:
Emilia xx
naa balls to it, ive had enough, no point in watching what i eat if its not going to make any diffrence.

Im going to eat as normal but go swimming twice a week to make sure i dont put more on
I have been watching what i have been eating and writing it in a diary, but i have been doing sit ups and leg lifts etc everyday, so i think it's that that has lost my 2lb.

Keep with it Layla, you may lose it all in on go :dance:
Do what's right for you Layla. Swimming will certainly help. I know you're going to TTC again soon, so perhaps you'd rather shift the extra few pounds after the pregnancy.
As long as you're a happy bunny - that's all the counts. So easy to get upset with our weight, but if you love yourself just the way you are, and no doubt Jase does too, relax and enjoy the swimming. Is Coby joining in with you? Sounds like fun - too cold here now for outdoor swimming - indoor pools are not big here. IF and when we move to Cape Town, I'll join the gym again. I'm not really getting any excercise at the mo - just bits of short distance walking.

Time for dinner here....
Emilia xx :wink:
I'm now 10stone 11lbs. I was about 10stone before i got pregnant but i feel like i would like to be 9stone.
Hi girls :D

Well last week when i weighed in i was 175 pounds and on Sunday when i weighed my self i am 170 pounds yay .
Only 20 more to go.
I think i lost so much ina week cuz ive been eating smaller amounts mroe often instead 0of wiating till im starving and eating twoce the amount. Plus gpin for walks each day.
Good job everyone else and dont worry sometimes it just takes a few weeks for the first bit to come off.
Can anyone tell me how to do the tickers?

xxxx Katrina
WOOHHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
I have lost 3lbs! Cant believe it as ive had a really poop week. Maybe its the stress LOL :D
I feel more like trying now, see you all on monday.xxx
Fab start :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Well done... have a good week! :wink:
Emilia xx

for makin the tickeres for weight lose, what do you put for your current cumulative value and units
Please someone help ive asked about three times now?? :(

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