Losing weight.... who's joining me?


you are all doing excellent .
amzhunny- you must feel sooooo good fitting into that dress well done hun cannot wait to see pics on your big day :D
and omg congrats Rach i had no idea whoo hooo gonna miss you here lots though :)
Hey all,

Hope you are all well, sounds like everyone has had a good week, i started my job this week so had no time to come on here.

Well weighed myself this morning and i have maintained....which i am pleased about because i have only exercised twice this week and i have had a chinese, curry and a macdonalds!!!!!!! What a pig i am...so it looks like i am getting my metabolism back woo hoo.

Bought a pair of skinny jeans yesterday aswell - extremly proud of myself.

so, 4 weeks to go still 5lb to go...i think i can reach that goal in the 4 weeks.

Booked our honeymoon aswell and going to Egypt very excited...

Good luck all for this week xx

wow hun i am so excited for you sounds like its going to be amazing!!

Ive lost another 2 pounds

well its been 6 months almost exactly now since ive started to lose weight
here are my measurments

Oct April
175 pounds 133 pounds
waist 42.5 inch waist 36 inch
Hip 43.5 inch hip 37.5 inch
bust - 44..5 bust 36 inch

i am so happy with my accomplishments but still done feel my ideal shape i think its just my extra skin which is getting me down now which really i can only try my best to tone its still not even been a year so maybe it will get better with time. I dont know what i would have done without the encouragment of all you girls your the best :D
That is a fantastic acheivement Saulino you should be extremly proud of yourself. :clap:

My excess skin is also a pain... its on my tummy my legs etc are nice and toned but my belly seems to be falling behind...its alot smaller than it was but i will just have to continue all the sit ups i do lol
Thank you hun!! :D
i guess its understandable because of all the stretching during pregnancy but i guess because it stretches so fast i figured it would be almost as easy to get it to go down :? not likely!
Hey all,

Hope your all ok....

well just weighed myself and i am 4lb's lighter....which i dont think is possible in one week with the amount i have eaten and drank lol so maybe i didnt weigh proporly last weekend when i maintained and theres a bit of weight loss then..

So 3 weeks to go.....1 lb to loose... YAY!!!

I am nearly back to pre-preg weight now but still cant get in some of my clothes....like has haven a baby made my hips slightly wider? Plus still got saggy skin!

wow hun youve done amazingly well you had a goal and your one pound away from achieving it well done !!
Your going to look stunning and the lose skin i dont know what to say for how to get ride of that :think: in time it should get better im hoping so too :lol:
I think your hips do grow and stay bigger mine did anyways .
so proud of you hun :hug:
i'm ok for now after 1 month, i just try to keep thing simple and natural , it's worked for me :cheer:
I still don't have a scale...so I can't truly join until I get one. Doing a little better...had a lot of oranges yesterday, but not much else that was healthy. I had a donut that I didn't really even want. I think I am eating out a fear that I won't have enough, which is pathetic really. My husband and I don't always have extra $ for a lot of food, and we tend to run out and such. (We'll have much more money soon, we are moving to a nicer place and splitting rent with a roommate). So I have to get a scale. And stop eating because I am bored! Or lonely! Or tired!

josiegirl - i dont have a scale either i just weigh whenim somewhere there is one :lol: Healthier food does cost quite a bit more doesnt it!
Just try your best to not eat when you are bored that was my main thingi dropped and i lost alot of weight because of it , also i dont eat after dinner time unless im up super late then have a light snack .
Good lcuk everyonexxx
Thanks Saulino! Things are kind of halt for me right now as my Miss Ruby and I both have foul colds, so no exercise. Lots of healthy food and vitamin C though. I realize I eat pretty healthy anyway; I eliminated my thousands of calories daily muffin snack, and I just have chocolate soymilk when I want something sweet. I wasn't so worried about the weight as I wanted to tone my tummy! But honestly, as a mom, when I do have time to myself at the end of the day, the last flipping thing I want to be doing is crunches!
hey all, weighed a day early as i have my hen do tonight!!!!

I have lost my pound so i am back to pre preg weight now :clap: yay...

my aim was to get to it for the wedding and i have....

my next goal is another half stone and to tone my belly...it is getting there just a slow process.

Good luck to all for the up and coming weeek.

2 weeks to go ooooooooh!!

josie girl hope you guys get better soon ! teh hard part is the toningit is a long process!!

amzhunny - way to go congrats :D cannot believe your weddingis 2 weeks away and just think you will probably lose a pound or two more by then youve really done an amazing job :hug:

I weighed tonight at my dads and have lost another pound down to 130 :)
where has every one gone??
amzhunny how was your wedding hope i didnt miss a thread i havent been on much recently.
:wave: hi how is everyone??? hope you are all doing well :hug: xxxxxx

misslarue hows it going hun ive not caught up with you for ages xxxxxx

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