hi all from what i can see you are all doing fantastic
misslarue the birthday was lovely thanks hun
diet gone out the window i knew it would april is such a crappy month for us and now o/h granmother has passed away

which is just adding to our crappy month why is it everyone we know dies in april

we have had 1 every april for the last 4 years now
also thought ttc would help me lose weight but its not its hindering me as i keep thinking oh well no point going to put it all back on anyway

just before i got my bfp with Jamie i had lost 4 and a half stone and put every bit of it back on while i was pg i dont think i have the heart for that to happen again and i know it would
not been to SW for 3 weeks now and hand on heart i cant see me going back if i get my bfp this month till after baby is born hopefully then il have nothing to stop me and be more determined than ever

get back to a size 12 instead of a bloody 18/20
anyway whatever happens i will still be popping in every now and again to see how you are all getting on
