Losing weight.... who's joining me?

Yay!! I lost 1.5lbs yesterday!! :cheer:
My Mum won though, she lost 3lbs, so I've told her I'm going to win this week :lol:
:wave: hi all from what i can see you are all doing fantastic :clap: :clap: :clap:

misslarue the birthday was lovely thanks hun :hug:
diet gone out the window i knew it would april is such a crappy month for us and now o/h granmother has passed away :( which is just adding to our crappy month why is it everyone we know dies in april :evil: we have had 1 every april for the last 4 years now :cry:

also thought ttc would help me lose weight but its not its hindering me as i keep thinking oh well no point going to put it all back on anyway :oops: just before i got my bfp with Jamie i had lost 4 and a half stone and put every bit of it back on while i was pg i dont think i have the heart for that to happen again and i know it would :(
not been to SW for 3 weeks now and hand on heart i cant see me going back if i get my bfp this month till after baby is born hopefully then il have nothing to stop me and be more determined than ever :pray: get back to a size 12 instead of a bloody 18/20 :(

anyway whatever happens i will still be popping in every now and again to see how you are all getting on :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxx
hey all, well done everyone for this week, once again everyone is doing great.

Well i started this week really well even posted on here i think that i was, then friday i had an indian and last night shared a kebab with OH!! And had a couple of choco bars....feeling like crap today me and Amber just seem to be passing our bugs to each other she has been at nursery all week and got a stinky cold and lo and behold i have woken up feeling like rubbish.

Well wasnt going to weigh in this morning but i have and according to my scales i have maintained.

So 6 weeks to go and still 8lb to loose. I need a kick up the bum i think people to get me to shift this half stone i am finding it increasingly difficult though....! I exercise thats not the problem its the treats.....need to make more of an effort
I started Monday and was really good til about Friday then it just went wrong :lol:

So, I'll start AGAIN on Monday LOL... I'm past caring now to be honest, I really wanna lose another stone but it's not the end of the world.

I'll do it, just gotta be in the right frame of mind 8)
Kirsty i was exactly the same, was doing brill till fri night when i had curry....!!! then it was a downward slippery slope from then.

Have woken up this morning though and i am determined. ANd started well lol had apple and yogurt for breakfast going to have soup for lunch and drink plenty of water!

going to try and do extra on cross trainer too.

go me!!
It seems to have been one of those weekends!
With me it started with a pizza and wine on Friday and I've been
snacking on cake bars and chocolate digestives most of the weekend
:oops: (And a drinking session withthe girls on Sat!!)
To be honest though, I'm not too bothered. I'll just be extra good for
the rest of the week and hope for the best on Thursday :)

Don't worry about the odd slip up, we've all been doing brilliant in my
opinion and deserve a treat now and then :wink:

all of you are doing amazing great work!!
I have had a bad week :oops: lots of white chocolate , licorice, chips, ect ect i did finally have my AF though so i needed chocolate :lol: havent been able to weigh in yet though .

Good luck for the rest of the week ladies!!
hey all,

i am so proud of myself, i had chicken salad for tea last night and OH went and got chips and curry sauce (my fave!!!!!) to go with his chicken and i refused a chip and usually i am nicking t hem all the time but i didnt i stayed strong!

Had a brilliant two days which is good just got to keep it up for the dreaded weekend!! have got a home cooked curry friday but thats my treat night.mmm!

hope ur all doing ok, good luck saulino for weigh in, you never know it may have had the opposite affect like it did with me one week..

i have had no choco this week....NEED IT LOL


this time next week i am sure you would have hit half stone woo hoo....

how are you doing it? Your own diet? what exercise u doin?

see if i can nick some tips lol
amzhunny said:
this time next week i am sure you would have hit half stone woo hoo....

how are you doing it? Your own diet? what exercise u doin?

see if i can nick some tips lol

I've just stopped eating crap :rotfl: banned all crisps, switched to skimmed milk, low fat spread, brown bread. Reduced amount of potatoes I'm eating.

I walk about an hour a day too and always on the go :D
Weigh day yesterday..I gained half a pound :cry:
Damn oreos!! When I got back I chucked all the chocolate biscuits out. I also found another tin and it had a load of chocolate in it that I forgot about!!
I've also reduced my points because I'm not breastfeeding so much.
Roll on next week!
Im raging :twisted: my sister in law reached her goal in WW and I am delighted for her (she lost 2 1/2 stone) - I think this is a great achievement but she sent me a very annoying text saying - I know you are struggling to lose weight and I think you should join WW - it was so brilliant blah blah blah - Im raging because _ I kinda thought I was doing well, and she hasnt had a baby so doesnt know what that is like - I know she was trying to help but I thought it was a bit smug :twisted: mind you I am going to get some determination from it so going to use it in a positive sense!

By the way I couldnt go to slimming world this week so no change for me
Ella, use it like you say as a detmination thing....having a baby really does muck you up and i was naive to that when i was pregnant and thought i would return to normal haha oh no!! People wont understand unless they have gone through it, and we all know you CAN do it and you have been doing brilliantly. Keep it up and you will reach your goal it will just take time something i had to accept....keep up the good work.

As for me just weighed, think i need some new scales though because i first stepped on and i had lost nearly 5kg!!! i was like no that can't be right so reset and i have lost 1.5kg which is 3 pound. Thats more like it!!

SO 5 weeks to go for big day and 5lb to loose.....

However in a moral dilemna, had my wedding dress fitting yesterday and its fitting perfect and they have told me not to loose anymore weight otherwise it might gape down the sides. hmmm.... i am having some of the length taken up and in 2 weeks i will have another fitting, shall i continue to loose till then knowing that if it needs altering anymore it can be...then stop??!!

I mean i start work on monday so wont be exercising as much as i have been so prob be more maintaining i guess...oh i dont know.

Hope you all have a good week.....xx
Congrats hun!! You will look beautiful !! I think maybe aim to maintain at this stage and do a few stretches in the evenings so you will feel nice and toned - you must be very proud of yourself you will have a great day :cheer:
Hey all, sorry I haven't been on here for a few weeks.
Huge congratulations to everyone, you're all doing so well :cheer:

Rach, I totally agree, sounds like you are doing the right thing hun.
And now you have your BFP!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Huge congratulations, I am so happy for you. I will miss you though as my slimming buddy. But I'll look forward to next year (no doubt I'll still be here trying to lose weight :wink: :lol: )

Anyhoo, I lost 2lb last Friday :cheer:
I won't be here for a few weeks. I'm off on holiday on Friday but I will be back, trying to lose the stone plus that I'll put on next week :rotfl:

Good luck everyone, hope you all have a good week :hug:
Didn't loose anything this week - put it down to the fact that I've been a lazy cow and eaten too much bread :| so I'm not impressed with myself :rotfl:

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