Someone to go through the 2ww with?

just been to the loo and sorry if tmi but very very light pinky tinge.

does that mean af on way? Surely too early? Could it be from implantation?

Oh someone get me a head transplant im doing my own head in!

May have to vote Sunday - not sure if o can hold out til Mon - thats if the witch dont get me first!!!!!!!


i had the very light pinky tinge on sunday once (just on tissue) and once tuesday had nothing since so dont look too much into it re af hun cos mine aint due while another 4days (or maybe 8) lol x
thanks deedee!
yes its just the waiting game so I must just chill out and WAIT!!!

Will really really try to hold out until Monday. xx

Try and get that HCG up! Then we can post pics of any questionable results!!

PS - Corinne - pink on tissue must be a good sign!! Sending LOADS of positive vibes and fairy dust to you all!! x x x
I have no symptoms :( I think I'm 7dpo
Lookin forward to nxt month now :(
Good luck ladies :) xxx

Try and get that HCG up! Then we can post pics of any questionable results!!

PS - Corinne - pink on tissue must be a good sign!! Sending LOADS of positive vibes and fairy dust to you all!! x x x

Hi Lara,
oh thanks, i have been getting really uncomfortable pulling pains aswell down below - so bad i had to take paracetamol- so ok now! And no more pink so just a tiny bit!!

That perked me up - get that HCG up!!

So yes here here!!! I will wait I will wait!!!!

Baby dust back to you!! xxx

ooooooooooo symptom to report! twinges lower right hand just slightly below hip level and about an inch and a bit in! What could it be!!!!1 xx
Fx for implantation cramp :)

Thanx corrine :) I sooooo hope you're right xxx
Sleepy Sue - 7 dpo is v early for symptoms!! You're still in the game!! :)

Corinne - a small amount of pink blood at 10/11dpo could well be implantation bleeding!! :clover:

And good luck Daniph :)

Hows everyone today...anyone got any more symptoms? i'm on day 8 of feeling sick although this morning its quite mild, just queasy thankfully! tmi alert...had quite a lot of wind and constipation lately too...the wind yeah thats normal ish i suppose haha but the constipation isnt normal for me! Ahh well at least it friday, nearly the weekend :) xx
hi deedee,
ooooh .... a symtom for sure!!

Roll on Monday....... cant wit to hear the news from everyone!

my cramps seem to have gone and no more pinky! At work all day today - so will be kept busy and mind off it!
So wont be on here until later.

Have a great day everyone . xxxx
I am up and i don't feel like going to work today. I think I am now 7/8 dpo (being conservative)
Symptoms are poop. Bbs are LESS tender now than when I ovulated and although they are bigger that's normal for my af.
So it's a down day for me today. I am sure I am out.
Everyone with pink tinges - that really does sound hopeful!
Grrr bloody 2ww sucks. Fed up of you now 2ww - I am putting you in the naughty corner and not letting you off until you have sat there for a minute for every day of your life. So that's 14 minutes. Then come and apologise for being so god damn annoying!!!

Have I lost the plot? X
Corrine...i was thinking possibly a symptom too, had constipation on and off for a week now :( grrr hate it lol.

i wouldnt rule yourself out just yet Lara, as said before i had no symptoms with my first preg hardly, the sickness that i got with that preg didnt come on while after a month or so of been preg so dont worry too much! as for losing the plot...i think thats what the 2ww does to you haha!

I am up and i don't feel like going to work today. I think I am now 7/8 dpo (being conservative)
Symptoms are poop. Bbs are LESS tender now than when I ovulated and although they are bigger that's normal for my af.
So it's a down day for me today. I am sure I am out.
Everyone with pink tinges - that really does sound hopeful!
Grrr bloody 2ww sucks. Fed up of you now 2ww - I am putting you in the naughty corner and not letting you off until you have sat there for a minute for every day of your life. So that's 14 minutes. Then come and apologise for being so god damn annoying!!!

Have I lost the plot? X

ha ha yes i think so!!!
must get to work!
chat later. xxxxx
I am late for work ha ha - no energy today. Cross with my boobs for being so unsore!!!
So ladies - deedee now has wind, Corinne had
A pink tinge and some other symptoms coming along nicely - how Many BFPs do you predict on Monday or by end of next week?!? X x
I am late for work ha ha - no energy today. Cross with my boobs for being so unsore!!!
So ladies - deedee now has wind, Corinne had
A pink tinge and some other symptoms coming along nicely - how Many BFPs do you predict on Monday or by end of next week?!? X x

My nips werent that bad yesterday though Lara, really on the verge of not been sore anymore but my god today is the worst they have been lol! as for the wind its gone now haha, i only seem to get it on a night time before wonder i cant sleep on a night :( i'm not even gonna jinx us by guessing on how many BFPs by the end of nxt week :x lol but good luck to all anyways!
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WE WILL GET SOME BFPs!! I can feel it , and even if its not me, I can feel this link has some HCG in it!! x
i hope so Lara...this 2ww is harsh dont fancy doin it again lol i will keep my fingers crossed for everyone :) x

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