Someone to go through the 2ww with?

I am just willing it to be monday so we can POSMFS!!!!!!!!pee on some more fricking sticks! Woop woop to peeing on sticks! LAdies i so have everything crossed for you all and obviously for me too. BABY DUST TO US ALL!!!!!! xx
I am just willing it to be monday so we can POSMFS!!!!!!!!pee on some more fricking sticks! Woop woop to peeing on sticks! LAdies i so have everything crossed for you all and obviously for me too. BABY DUST TO US ALL!!!!!! xx


he he

I am 7/8 dpo today, teary and emotional. Is this a sign of the witch bitch?

Also - I just had a call from my OH to say that his friend at work has just gone for his wife's first scan and they are having twins! It made me well up! So, I am V emotional today. No good symtoms though. I am just gagging for some implantation bleeding!!!

x x
right girlies quick update, as the days gone on not only do my nips hurt but my right boob does now and i keep getting stabbing pains well...shooting pains every now and again in em :/ good or bad?? lol xx
Stabbing pains and any kind of breast pain right now has got to be a good sign Hun. I've also had the stabby breast pain. HOw are you holding out not poas?? X
Hi ladies my bbs are aching now, I've also had a few cramps but so slight it's prob nothing, good luck ladies are you all testing with fmu Monday xx
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hi girlies,
hope you have all had a good day!!

Lara - sorry to hear you are feeling a bit emotional.
Daniph - thanks for all baby dust
Deedee - glad wind has subsided!! Ans sore bb's
Sue - good good more sore bbs - yes fmu for me for sure

funniest thing happened this morning, felt fine then brushed my teeth and felt really nauseous for about an hour!!
Felt fine rest of day.

Toothbrush nausea - good good, got to be a good thing!
I have not a lot really! Hmmmph. Give me some symptoms!
And all I can think about Is poas.
I'm incredibly warm. X
Stabbing pains and any kind of breast pain right now has got to be a good sign Hun. I've also had the stabby breast pain. HOw are you holding out not poas?? X

Oh good lol. i'm doing ok re not POAS as of yet...i only have one in so monday it has to be! the weirdest thing tho this morning...i havent had sugar in my tea since i was a kid and i really needed one in my tea! usually too, a nice steak canadian and egg sadwich...but for sum reason i wanted mustard on it...hmmmm! very strange! hope everyones good today, maybe the weekend may take our minds off POAS lol :) xx
Ok so you are fancying unusual things. Sounds good!! Have you noticed any change In appearance of nipples? I hear thats one of the earliest things to note. No change for me that I can see. Are you (or any of the other girlies) hot? My skin is very warm to the touch. My OH keeps saying "my god you are boiling"
Apart from that I currently have nothing to report :( x
Ok so you are fancying unusual things. Sounds good!! Have you noticed any change In appearance of nipples? I hear thats one of the earliest things to note. No change for me that I can see. Are you (or any of the other girlies) hot? My skin is very warm to the touch. My OH keeps saying "my god you are boiling"
Apart from that I currently have nothing to report :( x
Ok so you are fancying unusual things. Sounds good!! Have you noticed any change In appearance of nipples? I hear thats one of the earliest things to note. No change for me that I can see. Are you (or any of the other girlies) hot? My skin is very warm to the touch. My OH keeps saying "my god you are boiling"
Apart from that I currently have nothing to report :( x

My nipples seem to be darker in colour and thats about it, with my 1st preg i didnt have any changes what so ever the only thing i got was mild sickness 2mnths in for a few wk and that was all so all this is very new to me lol! i felt very hot last night, cant really check atm as i've just done the housework so i'm boiling lol xx
WHy oh why! symptoms still nothing for me! Oh its all ok!!! Only two days ladies - I think Im doing so well to hold out as Im due AF on wednesday!!!!!!! more baby dust. Oh my boobie feel ....... lumpy!????? haha wierd! xx
Omg I've poas pls have a look I think there is a faint line but I don't know anything about evaps etc it came up in the time I'm due af Thursday but these tests can pick up 6 days before apparently. Pls be honest xx


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Slightly clearer x


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Played about with the pic (although you can see the line clear as day without me tweaking the pic)



I can definitely definitely see something! How soon did it come up? Within the time limit???? X x x x x
Eeeeek!!! Ok breath!!!
Yeah it came up with in the 5 min it states on the predictor pack that if it comes up in 30 min no matter how light it's a bfp!!
Not going to believe it yet!!
Wow!!! Excellent!!! Post up tomorrows pics too hun. So are you definitely sure about your ovulation dates? You're so early that's soooo exciting!! X

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