Someone to go through the 2ww with?

Well done to us all for not POAS!!!
I might POAS on Saturday even though that would be too early. Tell me not to!
Chinese last night - mmm, sounds good.
One other symptom out of nowhere - my lunch tasted a bit off.

x x
haha funny you should say that, my tea tasted off yesterday too, only had quiche chips n beans but the quiche and chips tasted funny to me...dont POAS yet hahaha! i'm trying to hold out till after the weekend, busy weekend anyways so i should be ok :) x
i did POAS!!
Sorry to let the side down!
No sniff of a 2nd line feel really deflated for doing soon!
Sorry to let the side down girls. xx
its ok i POAS yesterday...even tho u know its gunna b neg u still feel bad dont ya lol :/ maybe next time hey :D x
It me and Lara ahead on the not POAS front! yay!! hehe! girlies, I am so so so so so so tempted! Corinne - dont be deflated ...... ITS WAY TOO EARLY!!!! much love to you all.
Oh extra note - food never tasts "off" to me EVER! mwhahahahhahahahaaha x
Sorry to bust in... Daniph you so made me lough :p food never tastes off to me either :p
food never usually tastes off to me neither :( so i'm hoping my cooking tastes better today lol :) xx
Cookies can never and I mean NEVER taste bad! Hope - IM glad I make you giggle- I aim to please xxx
Food tasting bad - if only!!!
All I have done today is bloody eat!!
Thats what i do to pass the time on this wait!!!

Thanks Daniph,
yes i suppose i shouldnt feel down - i just thought that i would atleast see a really really faint line, as it says can detect from 6 days b4 period due,(for 68% of women) I am at 6 days . But i drinks loads and loads of water and quite a few cups of tea, so i knew really it would not show up for me!!

So girls shall we make a pact to all test on a certain day and report back?
Whos up for it?
And what day?

Right well Im the same as you Corrinne - 6days to go until AF! I have a short luteal phase as only 26 day cycles. I AM NOT TESTING! The thing for me this months is that I think we have done everything humanly possible to concieve so if I get a BFN I reckon it will really get to me this month!

In relation to your FRER - 68% of women get results - therefore 32% dont. Thats 32 people in 100! So not even a small amount! You are nowhere near out!!!!

I am going to try and hold off until Sunday. If I can I may even try to push it out until MOnday! (I have a day off! Yaya!!!! xxxxxxx
I'm going to test monday i think :/ possibly tuesday and if thats a bfn then i will go by my next af day friday lol so i'm either 4 days before periods due or 8 pmsl...i have to be complicated dont i :roll: xx
Ok so what are we saying - we are testing on Sunday or Monday??????? x x x
ermmm, I dont mind waiting until Monday. But could probably test on Sunday too and it wouldnt be a complete waste of time.
Let me know what the verdict is.
Strange day today - my nipples are defintely less sore :( but am getting stabs in the sides of them.
And it was also my tea that tasted off!
I have a bad feeling about this though, because I am pretty sure when I fell preg last time the only symptom was implantation bleeding. So not holding my breath!
I'll do monday too and let u all know how it goes, i'm not holding my breath either, i had no symptoms what so ever with Elise but then ppl say every pregnancy is different so i guess i cant rule it out, i've had stabbing pains in one nipple today but both are still sore also soooo.....what will be will be i guess! x
Right well Im the same as you Corrinne - 6days to go until AF! I have a short luteal phase as only 26 day cycles. I AM NOT TESTING! The thing for me this months is that I think we have done everything humanly possible to concieve so if I get a BFN I reckon it will really get to me this month!

In relation to your FRER - 68% of women get results - therefore 32% dont. Thats 32 people in 100! So not even a small amount! You are nowhere near out!!!!

I am going to try and hold off until Sunday. If I can I may even try to push it out until MOnday! (I have a day off! Yaya!!!! xxxxxxx

I feel exactly the same as you - We BD so much it felt like when we had only just met, every opportunity. We were like little kids - sneaking off!
So again, if im not I think i will take it pretty bad.

So Sunday or Monday ... der der der........

who votes Sun
who votes Mon
just been to the loo and sorry if tmi but very very light pinky tinge.

does that mean af on way? Surely too early? Could it be from implantation?

Oh someone get me a head transplant im doing my own head in!

May have to vote Sunday - not sure if o can hold out til Mon - thats if the witch dont get me first!!!!!!!

MOnday it is then! But i will confess to you all if/when I cheat! xxx

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