Someone to go through the 2ww with?

Yeah it's my first cycle with the clear blue fertility monitor and it peaked on 28th and it matched niggly pains I was having. I've never seen these tests before they're called predictor and can detect the hormone 6days before af, I got them from asda 2 for £8.80!!

I'll test with fmu tomorrow. Xx
This is just awesome!!!! Damn u!!! you have now made me wanna poas!!! heheheehehehe! wicked Sleepy! xxx
Well done Sleepy Sue!!
Defo a line there, and yes no matter how faint there has to some pregnancy hormone for anything at all to show!!
How long have you been trying for - do you think its down to the fertility monitor?

On a down note for me, im pretty sure im out.
Have had some spotting and cramping again today - im sure its that B.i.t.c.h, i think that touch of pinky the other day was also her.
the rest of my symptoms obviously my messed up mind. xxx
Daniph - definitely wait till Monday cause it's now going to cost me a fortune in tests lol

Corrine - you're not out yet, fingers crossed it remains as spotting!! Vie been trying three months, I got a bfp on my first cycle and then mc a week later :( last month didn't really try and now this.
The monitor told me that I peaked a day earlier than I thought I did(cd13 instead of 14) I think the monitor keeps you focused although tbh I was a little obsessive lol
Are you thinking of getting one?

Thanks ladies, fingers crossed this is it xx
Well retested this morning with fmu and don't know if I've got a dud test or yday was an evap
I used the same test as yesterday but the control line took forever to come up and nowhere near as dark, then the test line was super light, don't think it would pick up on a picture.
I'll test with a digi on Tuesday/Wednesday

:wall: bugger :(
I suspect u got a dud test today! Yesterdays did not look like an evap to me, don't be too disheartened! I have a good feelibg about you xxxxxx
hey sue,
oh no thats weird?
if control line took forever then obv a prob with it, and if still a faint line - then it had to detect some hormone?
What a head screw for you tho!
Have you got any other tests to do now???

those fertility monitors are a lot of money, so i do t know prob not. I think i kind of know when i ov, but like you say could be a day out or so. opks dont work for me so i dont use them.
Spotting has stopped again - so my head is screwed too!!
Bb's very tender, feel a bit nauseous, but that could just be down to af and the fact i had wine last night!!

I doint think i am - i done that test on thurs (6 days b4_ like you = but there was def no line at all.

yes me too. dont have much choice with a 2yr old!

any new symptoms dan? still holding out for tom am?
My bbobs r a bit tender but thats not unheard of when AF is here, and I woke last night cramping in my tummy. NEver happened before. I am so trying to hold out! I have no htps in the house so its been a little easier but I only did a tesco shop online last night and bought two! They shall be delivered to my door between 11 snd 1. Gunna try and hold out till Monday but be harder with htps in da house! How about you??? xxx
i had some spotting yesterday, and af cramps so convinced myself that af was on way as i do sometimes get that a cple of days b4 im due.
Spotting gone again now.
Felt really down last night, as really thought thats it im out.
The disappointment is huge - even contemplating just not trying anymore and getting my head round the fact that of not having anymore. Tried to picture my life with another child and without another child.
So im not out yet, but very very nearly i think. xx
Its easy to say for another but try not to feel too disheartened! I know Ill feel it when af arrives in me but i will try not to! Dont change ur life plans because your fallen at a few hurdles. You will get there! As will I and we will support each mother until we r both in tri 1 xxxxx
i know i just want to relax and forget , and a bfp catch me by surprise!!
i cant cope with all this stressing and i know its making it worse.
so i figure if i can feel hat im not bothered then i might fall!

more spotting! i know im out!
have everything crossed for you and all other girls this month. xxxx

Thanks ladies
Daniph - yay for symptoms!!!
Corrine - you never know till she shows up in full force. Still got my fingers crossed for you.

Here is the two tests together bottom is ydays. Now going to wait for tue or Wednesday !!


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Its deffo a BFP!!! And if its not I will eat my hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You have no idea of the smile you have just put on my face.
Thank you (((hugs))) xxxxxxxxxx
firstly...hows everyone doing more day to hold out :D

WOW sleepysue...that is deffo a BFP :) congrats hunni...seems a lots happened since i was last here yesterday morning lol!

As for me, no 10 of feeling queasy, nips still very sore and still getting the odd shooting pains in them, not many cramps, maybe the odd twinge thru the day...and thats about symptoms have ground to a halt lol...i have a test in ready for monday but tbh if that comes back neg then i think i may take a little trip to the docs!


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