That's insane that it's not til 14 weeks Caroline! Great news that your scar is healing though.
I managed to get an appointment finally and doctor signed me off and said I could drive again, yippee! Had my first venture out on my own with the both of them yesterday which was a little stressful but we managed!
Out for my friends 30th meal tonight but no idea what to wear! Can fit back in pre pregnancy clothes in the main but a lot of them show the overhang!
Had my blood test and was meant to ring for results today between 2-4 but number was engaged again. Got through at 4

3 and the bitch at reception said I'd have to ring back Monday as it was no longer during the alloted time!!! I am definitely writing to complain because it's a total joke there. Hoping the results on Monday will be clear though.
Karen Jacob is gorgeous!!! Love his little outfit! We've got a little sleepsuit that looks like Mike from monsters Inc to put james in on Monday. Is Jacob enjoying the class?
James is awake more and more now during the day and his head control is getting pretty good. Can't remember at what point they generally start rolling but I'm in no hurry for him to become mobile - millie was walking quite early but this time around there are so many more choking hazards with her toys around so the longer he stays in one place the better haha!! Xxx