***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

My husband has just completely jinxed it so it won't happen tonight but ... 2 nights in a row they have slept through :)
They have slept through a couple of times before but only one night x

My husband has just completely jinxed it so it won't happen tonight but ... 2 nights in a row they have slept through :)
They have slept through a couple of times before but only one night x

Oh enjoy it, sounds like you are all doing really well :)
My husband has just completely jinxed it so it won't happen tonight but ... 2 nights in a row they have slept through :)
They have slept through a couple of times before but only one night x

Lucky you! We're still mostly 3-4 hourly with only the occasional 5-6 hour gap :mad: there's just no filling him xx
Liam slept through from 7 weeks, it must be in their genes. I do consider myself lucky though, not confident enough to say it will be every night though - time will tell x

Hi ladies
Sorry I've been MIA - our Internet went down for a week and since then I've just gotten out of the habit of coming on here. Struggled a lot when simon started back at work as me millie and James all got colds and it's been really hard going. Especially when simon is on nights and I have to do the bedtime routine on my own- James is a really good baby but hates being put down. He's happy as long as he's being held or in the sling, but the moment I put him down he gets completely hysterical which makes getting millies dinner or giving her a bath etc really tough! Struggled with guilt a lot too as haven't been able to devote as much time to mills as I used to and some of the special time we usually have eg cuddles in her bed before she goes to sleep, I haven't been able to do all the time (first off because of the c section and then after that because some nights I'm holding james at the same time or he's feeding).

Getting into a bit more of a routine with things now though! Nights are hit and miss. Sometimes james does 5 hours between feeds at nights or other nights it's hourly. No predicting it really!

Still down with the cold and can't seem to shift it.

Sorry to hear so many of you are having issues with the scars. Mine has been the same, also because of the overhang meaning air can't get to it. It split in two places but I haven't needed antibiotics as it doesn't seem to have gotten infected. One of the openings has almost healed and the other is looking better than it was so fingers crossed! I am also feeling major body dissatisfaction - my overhang is even worse second time around and I can barely stand to look at myself in the mirror. First time around I think I was less upset because I knew I'd be having another baby so there didn't seem to be much sense in stressing too much about it as my body would be changing again. This time though I know I'm not having any more kids and so feel like I want my body to get back to normal a bit more. I know bodies change after having children but the overhang is just not something I want for the rest of my life.

Want the scar to heal quickly so I can start exercising! I need to cut out the crap food too as I've been indulging way more than I should.

Karen have you had your 6 week post baby diabetic test? I've got to book mine for this week.

Caroline so sorry to hear your little guys have had a tough time of it. Glad they are putting on weight nicely now though.

Lovely to hear how the rest of you are doing :-) still can't believe our babies are here!! Xxx
Aww I hope your colds shift soon Naomi ... I understand your hatred of the overhang though - I hate mine I just cry whenever I get dressed and it stands out like a sore thumb.
Went for the 6-8 week check up the other day and my postnatal, wanted to punch the dr as he refused to do my postnatal as I looked pale ... I am ginger pale is my thing lol ... He is also insisting that he is either inserting a mirena coil or an implant when I go for my postnatal - it's not going to happen as my haematologist wants me to have something done that will actually stop me bleeding.

How are you recovering?

We have now had 4 nights in a row of sleeping through ... Hoping it continues

Took Liam to see peppa pig today at the theatre - he loved it x
It's horrible isn't it Caroline. Ah well, perhaps I will win the lotto and be able to afford a tummy tuck!!

How frustrating that the doctor wouldn't do the check because you were pale??? That seems a bit ridiculous? I'm currently trying to book mine for the second day in a row - you have to ring between 8:00 and 8:45 to book appointments. You can't book them at any other time - I went in to the surgery last Friday in the pm and they wouldn't book me an appointment as said they only book appointments over the phone. Yesterday I had my hands full and tried once at 8:10 (line engaged) but then couldn't try again until 9. Got through theN and they refused to book me an appointment as I was outside of the time limit. Today I have tried every two minutes since 8am and the line has been engaged every time. Getting so peed off!!! Don't even care what day I have the appointment I just want one booked!!!! Bloody ridiculous.

That's amazing about the sleeping through. James did a 6 hour stint then a two hour stint last night so not bad!

How did hE behave in the theatre? Tempted to take millie at some point!

Recovery is ok - the openings have almost closed now and not a sore as I was but still trying to limit my lifting. How is yours?
Your doctors sound bonkers, they should be a bit easier for making appointments. I hope it isn't too long until you get an appointment, mine is on the 29th November so my 6-8 week postnatal will be at 14 weeks.

He was fab, he was completely mesmerised. Thinking of trying him at the cinema soon too. You should take Millie I think she would love it.

That is really good sleeping from James :) at least you get a really good chunk of quality sleep in.

My wound is almost healed now, the 2 holes are Not far from healing.

Started running with the dogs ... My legs and hips now hurt a lot lol, I just hope it helps my tummy x

So gorgeous MrsB :love:

I've had my bloods done for my diabetic check Naomi. They said I would only hear from them if there's a problem and I haven't heard anything so I must be ok.
Did you manage to get an appointment?

Jacob dressed up as Woody for his cowboy party at baby sensory class last Monday :lol:


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That's insane that it's not til 14 weeks Caroline! Great news that your scar is healing though.

I managed to get an appointment finally and doctor signed me off and said I could drive again, yippee! Had my first venture out on my own with the both of them yesterday which was a little stressful but we managed!

Out for my friends 30th meal tonight but no idea what to wear! Can fit back in pre pregnancy clothes in the main but a lot of them show the overhang!

Had my blood test and was meant to ring for results today between 2-4 but number was engaged again. Got through at 4:03 and the bitch at reception said I'd have to ring back Monday as it was no longer during the alloted time!!! I am definitely writing to complain because it's a total joke there. Hoping the results on Monday will be clear though.

Karen Jacob is gorgeous!!! Love his little outfit! We've got a little sleepsuit that looks like Mike from monsters Inc to put james in on Monday. Is Jacob enjoying the class?

James is awake more and more now during the day and his head control is getting pretty good. Can't remember at what point they generally start rolling but I'm in no hurry for him to become mobile - millie was walking quite early but this time around there are so many more choking hazards with her toys around so the longer he stays in one place the better haha!! Xxx
So gorgeous MrsB :love:

I've had my bloods done for my diabetic check Naomi. They said I would only hear from them if there's a problem and I haven't heard anything so I must be ok.
Did you manage to get an appointment?

Jacob dressed up as Woody for his cowboy party at baby sensory class last Monday :lol:

Love the woody outfit x
That's insane that it's not til 14 weeks Caroline! Great news that your scar is healing though.

I managed to get an appointment finally and doctor signed me off and said I could drive again, yippee! Had my first venture out on my own with the both of them yesterday which was a little stressful but we managed!

Out for my friends 30th meal tonight but no idea what to wear! Can fit back in pre pregnancy clothes in the main but a lot of them show the overhang!

Had my blood test and was meant to ring for results today between 2-4 but number was engaged again. Got through at 4:03 and the bitch at reception said I'd have to ring back Monday as it was no longer during the alloted time!!! I am definitely writing to complain because it's a total joke there. Hoping the results on Monday will be clear though.

Karen Jacob is gorgeous!!! Love his little outfit! We've got a little sleepsuit that looks like Mike from monsters Inc to put james in on Monday. Is Jacob enjoying the class?

James is awake more and more now during the day and his head control is getting pretty good. Can't remember at what point they generally start rolling but I'm in no hurry for him to become mobile - millie was walking quite early but this time around there are so many more choking hazards with her toys around so the longer he stays in one place the better haha!! Xxx

I'm the same Naomi, fit into all my clothes but the overhang is just very obvious, hoping my running helps but it's still early days so supportive knicker wearing will continue lol.
My boys had their first injections today ... They broke their little hearts for about 2 mins and then cheered up again.
They have fab head control too and so so smiley :) Robert has little dimples it's adorable.
Did you go anywhere nice for your venture? X
Awww your babies are all so Smooshy and alert!

I still have one that sleeps alot of the day but he's getting better.

Weigh in on Thurs was 8lb 12 so we are getting somewhere with the constant feeding lol.

Hope you are all well too xxx
They are all good sizes too, Thomas and Robert are only just fitting into size 0-3 months x

My overhang is so obvious in clothes too :cry:

Jacob was 12lbs 2oz at his 6 week check so don't know what he is now, I'll take him to be weighed at 10 weeks. He got his jags on Tuesday there and I was more upset than he was lol. Head control really good but the smiles are few and far between ... he's such a serious wee fella!

Naomi, James is adorable :love: Jacob loves his class and so do I it's really good fun and gives me lots of ideas of things to do with him at home which is good cos he doesn't sleep a huge deal during the day!
My overhang is so obvious in clothes too :cry:

Jacob was 12lbs 2oz at his 6 week check so don't know what he is now, I'll take him to be weighed at 10 weeks. He got his jags on Tuesday there and I was more upset than he was lol. Head control really good but the smiles are few and far between ... he's such a serious wee fella!

Naomi, James is adorable :love: Jacob loves his class and so do I it's really good fun and gives me lots of ideas of things to do with him at home which is good cos he doesn't sleep a huge deal during the day!

He's a good chunk of weight isn't he x


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