***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

awww hope your wee men are feeling better soon and home Mrs xx
Thankyou, he is still off the oxygen :) so it's looking good for going home tomorrow :) x

No baby for us yet! Have a sweep tomorrow and induction booked for Oct 14th. Scared I'm going to have a 10lb baba at this rate! Lol
No baby for us yet! Have a sweep tomorrow and induction booked for Oct 14th. Scared I'm going to have a 10lb baba at this rate! Lol

Same here yess, I'm 12 days overdue now. Tried a sweep on Sunday but couldn't do it. Trying again tomorrow, and if nothing I've got an induction for Friday.
Hope your baby isn't as stubborn as mine!!
Oh ladies, you have clearly made your babies very comfortable they will be getting squatters rights soon x

I'm still here! Feels weird coming on here now as a mom after spending 9 months asking pregnant related questions!
MrsB are you out yet? Redhead....anything?!?!
Polly keeps bringing milk back up, not every feed and not every time, sometimes straight away and sometimes over an hour later. It leaves me on edge as to whether she's going to spew or not!! She really gulps at her bottle, like she can't get it down enough. I burp her every few minutes. It seems worse in the day than st night but about 10ish she really scared me by throwing loads up while looking up so I think some went back down and she choked a bit :shock: wish it would settle down :-( just can't get the balance right, she's got eyes bigger than her belly!
I'm still here! Feels weird coming on here now as a mom after spending 9 months asking pregnant related questions!
MrsB are you out yet? Redhead....anything?!?!
Polly keeps bringing milk back up, not every feed and not every time, sometimes straight away and sometimes over an hour later. It leaves me on edge as to whether she's going to spew or not!! She really gulps at her bottle, like she can't get it down enough. I burp her every few minutes. It seems worse in the day than st night but about 10ish she really scared me by throwing loads up while looking up so I think some went back down and she choked a bit :shock: wish it would settle down :-( just can't get the balance right, she's got eyes bigger than her belly!

I would ask HV about that. Very normal I think! However, always good to check. Sure she's fine. Xxx
Hi, yes both boys are back, can't remember if I mentioned that the day after Robert came home I had to take Thomas in, he was a little worse, had to have oxygen and an NG tube, and stayed in a little longer. But they are both home and doing well now which is a relief.

I would as your hv about polly's feeds, it's probably nothing but it's best to be on the safe side :) x
I'm getting increasingly sad about my overhanging tummy post section ... I look horrendous when I put pants on so looks like I will be hiding in baggy clothes for a long time x
MrsB I feel the same about my body it's really upsetting me. I have 6 week check Friday with the Dr and hoping to get the all clear to exercise. I'm thinking about getting a personal trainer!! I've got two stone to lose I know I can't rush it but I want my body back.

No another note how are those of you with toddlers getting on? I'm finding it hard!
I've bought some new running clothes, but not convinced exercise will help

My 2 year old is being really good with the babies, until it gets to feed time and then because they get the attention for that brief time he starts to need things there and then like the toilet or a drink x
Midwife came today, weighed Polly and she's put 6lb on in a week! So the bringing up milk thing is obviously not doing her any harm. She said it's very normal and try infacol, but so far today we've had nothing come back up!!

I've got an overhang too, not to bothered by it at the moment, the only problem is that air isn't getting to my scar (it bled last week and I'm on antibiotics) so it's s bit red
Hurrah, finally had my little surprise bundle yesterday morning at 2.04am, he was 17 days overdue and was after 3 days of induction.
Samuel Blake Gegg 8lb 10Oz.
Couldn't be happier with him.
Midwife came today, weighed Polly and she's put 6lb on in a week! So the bringing up milk thing is obviously not doing her any harm. She said it's very normal and try infacol, but so far today we've had nothing come back up!!

I've got an overhang too, not to bothered by it at the moment, the only problem is that air isn't getting to my scar (it bled last week and I'm on antibiotics) so it's s bit red

Oh wow that's fantastic, mine hasn't fully healed either and I think it's due to lack of air x
Hurrah, finally had my little surprise bundle yesterday morning at 2.04am, he was 17 days overdue and was after 3 days of induction.
Samuel Blake Gegg 8lb 10Oz.
Couldn't be happier with him.

Congratulations, he really was a cozy little fella :), I bet you are relieved and over the moon.

My boys are 7 weeks old today :) x
Midwife came today, weighed Polly and she's put 6lb on in a week! So the bringing up milk thing is obviously not doing her any harm. She said it's very normal and try infacol, but so far today we've had nothing come back up!!

I've got an overhang too, not to bothered by it at the moment, the only problem is that air isn't getting to my scar (it bled last week and I'm on antibiotics) so it's s bit red

Oh wow that's fantastic, mine hasn't fully healed either and I think it's due to lack of air x

Just how are you supposed to sit and air it with a baby?! And you've got 3 boys!!
Hurrah, finally had my little surprise bundle yesterday morning at 2.04am, he was 17 days overdue and was after 3 days of induction.
Samuel Blake Gegg 8lb 10Oz.
Couldn't be happier with him.

Finally!! Congratulations. Cannot believe you were 17 days over!!!!!
Midwife came today, weighed Polly and she's put 6lb on in a week! So the bringing up milk thing is obviously not doing her any harm. She said it's very normal and try infacol, but so far today we've had nothing come back up!!

I've got an overhang too, not to bothered by it at the moment, the only problem is that air isn't getting to my scar (it bled last week and I'm on antibiotics) so it's s bit red

Oh wow that's fantastic, mine hasn't fully healed either and I think it's due to lack of air x

Just how are you supposed to sit and air it with a baby?! And you've got 3 boys!!

I know it's bonkers, I did buy some plasters from boots to help it heal ... It pretty much has apart from 2 bits in the middle that are still oozing blood x

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