***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Mummy2b my toddler just turned 2 and it is HARD. He is throwing tantrums so intense he often hyperventilates and even vomits. They also last hours sometimes. He also has a lot of new intense fears. He was born a "spirited" boy, even while
I was pregnant with him his kicks and movements were larger than life, so I'm not surprised he's having such a difficult adjustment. He is also the most tender and sweet little boy, and my heart absolutely breaks to watch him struggle. But also I can't ever put the baby down cause he will run over to her and squish her giving a hug!

I am so sorry you ladies are struggling with postpartum body and tummy issues. It's such a crappy feeling.

Redhead FINALLY!!! Welcome sweet boy!
Were they specific plasters? I'm waiting for a call back from the dr to see if I can just get more antibiotics without going in, will ask if I s not out anything on it. It's just when I dab it now there's a bit of blood.

Well today is my first day totally solo! My little success has been having a shower, drying my hair and going downstairs for breakfast while she sleeps in the Moses basket with the monitor on!
Were they specific plasters? I'm waiting for a call back from the dr to see if I can just get more antibiotics without going in, will ask if I s not out anything on it. It's just when I dab it now there's a bit of blood.

Well today is my first day totally solo! My little success has been having a shower, drying my hair and going downstairs for breakfast while she sleeps in the Moses basket with the monitor on!

Yes they are 'faster healing Hydrocolloid dressings' I'm going to mention mine to the health visitor on Monday. What did the dr say? How did you feel having breakfast and a shower on your own? X
Mummy2b my toddler just turned 2 and it is HARD. He is throwing tantrums so intense he often hyperventilates and even vomits. They also last hours sometimes. He also has a lot of new intense fears. He was born a "spirited" boy, even while
I was pregnant with him his kicks and movements were larger than life, so I'm not surprised he's having such a difficult adjustment. He is also the most tender and sweet little boy, and my heart absolutely breaks to watch him struggle. But also I can't ever put the baby down cause he will run over to her and squish her giving a hug!

I am so sorry you ladies are struggling with postpartum body and tummy issues. It's such a crappy feeling.

Redhead FINALLY!!! Welcome sweet boy!

Aww bless him, hopefully it doesn't take too long for him to adjust x
Midwife came today, weighed Polly and she's put 6lb on in a week! So the bringing up milk thing is obviously not doing her any harm. She said it's very normal and try infacol, but so far today we've had nothing come back up!!

I've got an overhang too, not to bothered by it at the moment, the only problem is that air isn't getting to my scar (it bled last week and I'm on antibiotics) so it's s bit red

Oh wow that's fantastic, mine hasn't fully healed either and I think it's due to lack of air x

Just how are you supposed to sit and air it with a baby?! And you've got 3 boys!!

I know it's bonkers, I did buy some plasters from boots to help it heal ... It pretty much has apart from 2 bits in the middle that are still oozing blood x

Mine started to smell different so I got it checked at GP. Boderline infection so I had antibiotics and they got me prescribed some gauze which I had to keep tucked in under my skin fold as it was draining serous fluid for about a week. Then it dried up properly, healing very well now. I just go over it with an antiseptic wipe every night to keep clean and the alcohol in that dries it a bit as well. I'm using the Palmers coco butter skin oil on it too.

I knew I was losing weight overall during the pregnancy, currently about 10lb below my booking weight.

Six week check next week. Ethan is now 11lb 1oz having both breast and bottle as I can never make more than 30ml at a time between both breasts :shrug:

Sorry I've not been around,hope everyone's doing well.

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Were they specific plasters? I'm waiting for a call back from the dr to see if I can just get more antibiotics without going in, will ask if I s not out anything on it. It's just when I dab it now there's a bit of blood.

Well today is my first day totally solo! My little success has been having a shower, drying my hair and going downstairs for breakfast while she sleeps in the Moses basket with the monitor on!

Yes they are 'faster healing Hydrocolloid dressings' I'm going to mention mine to the health visitor on Monday. What did the dr say? How did you feel having breakfast and a shower on your own? X

I missed the call back and couldn't get through! It's less red today though.
It felt good, like I was superwoman for managing that! We went for a walk yesterday and to a baby group today but all the babies are so much older and playing with the toys so it was a bit boring just sitting in a room full of strangers holding her!
Midwife came today, weighed Polly and she's put 6lb on in a week! So the bringing up milk thing is obviously not doing her any harm. She said it's very normal and try infacol, but so far today we've had nothing come back up!!

I've got an overhang too, not to bothered by it at the moment, the only problem is that air isn't getting to my scar (it bled last week and I'm on antibiotics) so it's s bit red

Oh wow that's fantastic, mine hasn't fully healed either and I think it's due to lack of air x

Just how are you supposed to sit and air it with a baby?! And you've got 3 boys!!

I know it's bonkers, I did buy some plasters from boots to help it heal ... It pretty much has apart from 2 bits in the middle that are still oozing blood x

Mine started to smell different so I got it checked at GP. Boderline infection so I had antibiotics and they got me prescribed some gauze which I had to keep tucked in under my skin fold as it was draining serous fluid for about a week. Then it dried up properly, healing very well now. I just go over it with an antiseptic wipe every night to keep clean and the alcohol in that dries it a bit as well. I'm using the Palmers coco butter skin oil on it too.

I knew I was losing weight overall during the pregnancy, currently about 10lb below my booking weight.

Six week check next week. Ethan is now 11lb 1oz having both breast and bottle as I can never make more than 30ml at a time between both breasts :shrug:

Sorry I've not been around,hope everyone's doing well.


Wow that's a fab weight, the boys are being weighed on Monday as the health visitor is coming round. I think they may be about 7lb7oz ish ... not sure.
Going to mention my wound to her, if not the boys have their 6 - 8 week check on weds so I will ask the GP.

It's fab that you are still breastfeeding even though you have to bottle feed too :) x

Were they specific plasters? I'm waiting for a call back from the dr to see if I can just get more antibiotics without going in, will ask if I s not out anything on it. It's just when I dab it now there's a bit of blood.

Well today is my first day totally solo! My little success has been having a shower, drying my hair and going downstairs for breakfast while she sleeps in the Moses basket with the monitor on!

Yes they are 'faster healing Hydrocolloid dressings' I'm going to mention mine to the health visitor on Monday. What did the dr say? How did you feel having breakfast and a shower on your own? X

I missed the call back and couldn't get through! It's less red today though.

It felt good, like I was superwoman for managing that! We went for a walk yesterday and to a baby group today but all the babies are so much older and playing with the toys so it was a bit boring just sitting in a room full of strangers holding her!

I haven't ventured to any groups yet, I don't even know where to start looking for them x

Hi ladies!
Good to read the progress of everyone's babies!
Jacob is now 12lbs 2oz :shock and 60cm in length .... he's a big boy!
He started baby sensory classes last week and he loved it.
A wee up to date pic


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Karen he is gorgeous :)

I went to the walk in centre today with my wound and I'm now on antibiotics for a week ... Here's hoping it's healed soon x
Blimey, Polly was 64cm born, did I give birth to a giant?! He's gorgeous.
We're there many babies at your baby sensory class? I've found one I want to do and while they say they happily take babies 4 weeks onwards they mainly take 10weeks plus.
Hope you heal soon MrsB, my antibiotics worked.
Hi ladies!
Good to read the progress of everyone's babies!
Jacob is now 12lbs 2oz :shock and 60cm in length .... he's a big boy!
He started baby sensory classes last week and he loved it.
A wee up to date pic

Gorgeous, scn. Still breastfeeding Rowan.
It's so hard. He's constantly on me!
We're persevering, but I am sooooo tired! He sleeps well at night though so that's good.
Hop everyone else is well. Xx
Blimey, Polly was 64cm born, did I give birth to a giant?! He's gorgeous.
We're there many babies at your baby sensory class? I've found one I want to do and while they say they happily take babies 4 weeks onwards they mainly take 10weeks plus.
Hope you heal soon MrsB, my antibiotics worked.

Jacob was only 50cm at birth. The class we attend is birth to 6 months. There's quite a few wee ones around Jacobs age. He done messy play today in class which was painting with a sponge :lol: I can't get the blue paint out from under his nails!!

MrsB hope your wound gets better quickly .... mine was much better after a couple days antibiotics.
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Hello ladies,

How is everyone getting on?
Mrsb how i hope your wound is starting to heal a bit better.
scn your little boy is truely scrumptuous!
I hope everyone else is doing well and everyone is adjusting to their tiny little person in their lives.

Sam is adorable and im very much enjoying being a mother, especially now im getting a few hours sleep, breastfeeding is going really well too, im really pleased it hasnt been too difficult for me, i had cracked nipples and blisters for the first couple of days but now we have the hang of it my nipples are pretty much back to normal! I have had a couple of days where i burst into tears for no reason whatsoever, i think i was just a bit overwhelmed by it all, i certainly dont feel down so it was a bit weird!

Is anyone using swaddle growbags?

Me and my little monkey!


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Awww he's so beautiful Redhead :love:
I just use a crib sized cellular blanket for swaddling Jacob, he won't sleep without being swaddled xx
Hello ladies,

How is everyone getting on?
Mrsb how i hope your wound is starting to heal a bit better.
scn your little boy is truely scrumptuous!
I hope everyone else is doing well and everyone is adjusting to their tiny little person in their lives.

Sam is adorable and im very much enjoying being a mother, especially now im getting a few hours sleep, breastfeeding is going really well too, im really pleased it hasnt been too difficult for me, i had cracked nipples and blisters for the first couple of days but now we have the hang of it my nipples are pretty much back to normal! I have had a couple of days where i burst into tears for no reason whatsoever, i think i was just a bit overwhelmed by it all, i certainly dont feel down so it was a bit weird!

Is anyone using swaddle growbags?


Hi, it's starting to slowly improve :)
My boys were weighed yesterday now 8lb5 and 8lb 10 - very pleased with that after their little setback x

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