Thank you
That is a great weight he is just gorgeous xx
No period here either not complaining either.
GTT tomorrow hate having to fast and drink this stuff again fingers crossed results are good ��
Argh I just wrote a really long post and it didn't send. . . Grr!
Sansk hope that the GTT goes ok. My blood test was clear thankfully.
Caroline Hope your period is done with soon - doesn't sound fun. Have you ever been given anything to try and ease the flow a bit? Last time around my periods didn't start again until a month after I finished breastfeeding so hoping it will be the same this time around!
Karen your little guy is doing fab weight wise! James has dropped down a line - he weighs 9lb 11oz now which is 3lb 2oz heavier than he was born. Trying not to worry about it as the health visitor didn't seem too concerned.
His cradle cap infection thing has got quite a bit worse and the doctor has prescribed daktarin. If anything it looks worse today but perhaps it looks worse before it looks better. Bit worried it might be spreading as there's a bit on his forehead now and under his eye looks a bit red and crusty - obviously can't put cream near his eye though. Trying to be careful with hand washing etc. Makes me want to cry for him as it looks so sorexxx
Aww bless him, I hope it clears soon
My periods seems to be going from bad to worse ... I over filled a night time pad in less than 2 hours this morning so i pinched one of the boys nappies as they are more absorbent :/ x
I have been bleeding on and off ever since i gave birth (5 weeks ago) but not really that heavy so i have no idea if its my period or what. Mrsb - genius idea to use nappies!
Scn and sansk your boys are adorable.
Sam, is coming along quite well, he feels like a pretty chunky boy but he hasnt been weighed since his 10 day appt,i assume he will be weighed by the hv on his 6 week visit. I am struggling with breast feeding i think im producing too much milk and he isnt getting enough of the hindmilk as his poos tend to be greeny, and hes quite windy, im thinking of going to the breast feeding group on tuesday to see what they say. He is generally quite a happy boy though he does get grumpy in the evening before he goes to sleep for the night and im not sure if thats because hes overtired so ive been working on making sure he sleeps enough during the day - he was barely sleeping before but this week hes sleeping much more!
I hope everyone else is doing ok xxx
Mrs good thinking lol with the nappies hope it leaves you soon not looking forward to it myself xx
Redhead I had the green poo with Bowie I just put him back on the same boob for 2 or 3 feeds until it emptied it worked for us. If milk is isn't used body is supposed to adapt and make less xx
my wee guy wont sleep if put down during the day even in a deep sleep he wakes after 5 minutes if laid down. He even has wee bags under his eyes from lack of naps so I try and make sure he at least gets a 2 hour nap on me during the day. More sleep during day makes them sleep better at night.
Aww bless, my boys scream when I leave the room, they do not like being left on their own x