***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Aw Caroline sorry it's getting you down so much. I really do empathise though. Your hubby is very sweet saying he'll get it sorted if it's getting you down. But lol about the more kids question -- is he mad?!!

Kholl will have a read of your birth story in a bit. Hope you and your little lady are getting on OK!

I wonder how SCL is getting on? Xxx

He is very sweet :) but he also doesn't want anymore children, we always said we wanted 2 and we now have 3 lol x
Hi ladies
Good luck SCL, hope things are progressing nicely for you xx

Sorry I've not been on for ages, Jacob and visitors keeping me busy!!
We're doing great, Jacob never mastered the art of latching on and he's now just formula fed, feeling more gutted about it than I thought I would be ... still feel tearful that he never managed but he's feeding really well and got himself a routine feeding 3-4 hourly.
MrsB I've got an awful looking overhang too but it's very early days, try not to be too down about it xx
Naomi I hope things happen for you over the next few days xx

A wee pic of my boy :love:

He is scrummy :), I'm seriously hoping it either goes or dramatically reduces, my uterus is still contracting though so hopefully that will help x
Thanks Karen :-) and your little man is just gorgeous!!! Bet your heart feels like it could burst. Hope the visitors etc haven't been too much!
Glad you're doing ok xxx
Morning ladies. Hope you're all ok.
Am still pregnant!
Had pessary put in and had some tightenings. Waters went about 12.30am and pessary fell out, but midwife didn't believe me so didn't check me! Naomi, if you think it's gone, tell them and get them to examine you!
New midwife has JUST put a new one in and do might have lengthened the process a little. Cervix still firmly shut :-0
Next stop gel, then possibly some syntocinyn (or however you spell it) although I am reluctant to go for it and if not c section.
To be honest, loads and loads of inductions work, but my cervix has always had a mind of its own!
Anyway, to cut a long story short, new pessary put in and waiting.... Waiting.... Waiting!
Naomi, my advice is take LOADS of food for you and hubby, particularly hubby as mine is not even allowed a cuppa. Take loads of clothes and knickers and MASSIVE pads. And most of all, take things to do! Lots of things to do!
Oh no SCL - it's a bit mean that the midwife didn't check you, keeping fingers firmly crossed that your cervix starts to play the game soon

It's your turn tomorrow Naomi :)

In other news Robert has regained his birth weight and then a few extra ounces :) so we are all officially discharged from the midwives x
Oh no SCL how frustrating! Was hoping you'd have had him/her by now!!! Very annoying that they didn't examine you when you thought the pessary came out too. I will definitely be pushing it if I think the same happens! Hope this pessary worms. Must be doing something if your waters broke.

Can't quite believe I'm going in tomorrow! Thanks for the tips - got my kindle on charge and got a couple of magazines and my ipod and a portable dvd player. Have a few snacks but will take more now. Have you been moving around at all? My consultant said I'd be able to walk down to the cafe etc while the pessary is in but worried about too much movement making it fall out!
Oh no SCL how frustrating! Was hoping you'd have had him/her by now!!! Very annoying that they didn't examine you when you thought the pessary came out too. I will definitely be pushing it if I think the same happens! Hope this pessary worms. Must be doing something if your waters broke.

Can't quite believe I'm going in tomorrow! Thanks for the tips - got my kindle on charge and got a couple of magazines and my ipod and a portable dvd player. Have a few snacks but will take more now. Have you been moving around at all? My consultant said I'd be able to walk down to the cafe etc while the pessary is in but worried about too much movement making it fall out!

Was without pessary for 10 and a half hours, so won't be seen/reviewed again until midnight.
Had another pessary put in but it fell out again and then had another swiftly replacing that one! Trying to walk around a bit, but only so much I can do! Dan gone home for a sleep so feeling a bit emotional on my own! Too scared to go to the toilet as that's when it came out before both times I think!
Keep getting the messages from random people who don't message me at all, ever! Any sign of the baby yet? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
And the lovely sister in law got her twopence in. Told them when they said head was down and that they were thinking Caesarian, so she texted and said, now, calm down. Why do you think the head is down? She's lucky the only response she got was 'because they told me it is!' Grr anyway. Have noted no more texts or anything from her - think my parents have asked her not to! Hopefully a little closer to meeting our baby by at least a few minutes anyway(!) Keep hearing other people's babies crying in ward and makes me very emotional!
MrsB, I thought once waters were broken it wouldn't be long that they could leave you, but it doesn't seem to be a concern. Midwife reluctant to say too much without doctors being here and haven't seen one since early hours of yesterday morning.
Naomi, I said, should I stay in bed so that it doesn't fall out and midwife said no. It's common for it to fall out. Maybe not twice, but common, so just be aware! I said I'd give you the positives and haven't! Sorry! Just hopefully useful information.
Another thing I'd say, Naomi is if things are looking less than happening, tell your oh to go home and sleep. Better that they are refreshed for when things he risk of something happening and you being on your own for a while, but shouldn't be that quick... Advice from midwife. Also, though, I guess it depends how far away from hospital you live. We're really close, so not very risky, especially as I am seemingly not moving anywhere fast.
Having said this, counting down the hours until he gets back now.
Twiddling thumbs, waiting for pain. Such a bizarre concept...
Oh gosh that's not good that it fell out again!!!! Is it the way they're putting it in??
Sorry you're feeling emotional but don't worry - I want to hear it all not just the good bits as will help me to be realistic tomorrow!
Good thinking about your OH going home while things are sloe though. Hopefully you can get some rest too.
Is he going to bring you some more snacks and things to do? Xxx
I was under the impression they didn't leave you long, I had 36/48 hours in my head ... Those pressaries clearly don't want to stay inside you. Hopefully this one stays put and does something.
When we had Liam, we aren't near the hospital and Chris had been awake for the 3 days I had, I let him sleep in the chair until I needed him :) ... My mum was there until the pushing stage. So Naomi, going from what SCL said - depending on your distance from hospital and who is coming with you try and mentally plan something :) or let him sleep in the chair lol.

SCL- when do they decide if they want to do a section?

Seriously hope you get some progression soon x
My mum and dad are going to be in work but my sister is staying over tonight to be here for millie tomorrow. Luckily we live about 5 minutes from the hospital so simon will be able to go back and forth if needs be. He's not allowed to stay over night unless I'm in active labour so if it hasn't happened by tomorrow at 10 he will have to head home until 9 the next morning. Xxx
SCL hugs hope it all starts happening soon xx

Naomi best of luck tomorrow xx

Mines is Thursday burying head in sand here deliberley not thinking about it not sure if that's a good thing or not though��
Thanks all. You'll be great sansk and Naomi. You really will. The worst part is the waiting (if it doesn't work like for me, but it does work for many, many women!)
No progress so probably gel at 11.30 then drip after that.
Scared about drip, but want our baby, so hopefully alright.
The maggot in the Orange they gave me was s highlight....
A maggot?????? Ewwww!!!!!
Hope it works for you before the drip!

Sansk best of luck for Thursday! Out of interest, what snacks are you taking in with you? I am a bit stuck with what to take with the whole GD thing!! Xxx
Naomi best of luck for tomorrow, I hope it all goes well for you and you get to meet your little one tomorrow xx
Aw thanks Karen. Feeling so nervous right now! Not sure how much sleep I'm Going to get! Xxx
SCL you really don't paint a good picture of the hospital you are in ... I would not be impressed with a maggot as an appetiser either

Naomi good luck tomorrow :) you will do amazing ... 5 mins from the hospital isn't bad at all :) x

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