How are you feeling SCL? Best of luck for tomorrow! Xxx
How are you feeling SCL? Best of luck for tomorrow! Xxx
I am very nervous to be honest! Slightly concerns me that it's more painful than natural labour, but other than that, I am excited that I will soon see my baby!
I will tell you all the good things about it before Monday, Naomi and nothing negative!
Having frequent Braxton Hicks... Wonder if I could still manage it!
Wishful thinking...
Hope you're gearing up and feeling ok too, Naomixxxxxx
Looking forward to hearing about baby's safe arrival!!
Well done you Caroline for managing with the two on your own! First day doneand it's the weekend now, so does that mean your OH will be around?
Bit of cramping still but not much else to report here. Just had a hot curry for tea and am going to do some bouncing in a bit! Xxx
Yay for having him with you for the weekend
Aw RRS is it your first, I've forgotten? I was 10 days over with millie and I went completely stir crazy haha! Hopefully your cervix will open up soon - things can change very quickly so just because it's not open now doesn't necessarily mean you'll be waiting a lot longer xxx
Evening ladies, just been catching up![]()
Has anyone got any tips for swollen feet? I went back to work this week after the summer hols for 2 weeks and my feet have just ballooned! Saw the MW on Tue who checked protein, BP etc and said I was 4/5 engaged which is good but my feet, Owcch!!
Lovely to see Sept babies arriving, I've still got 2 more weeks so will most likely be one of the last to deliverxx