***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Mini pepperoni's, some cheese cubes or something, nuts and not sure whatelse, not even sure I will want eat what I mentioned...but just incase. Maybe sugar free jelly pots or make some pasta salad? I haven't decided on what goodies I will take for after...
Thanks ladies :-)

And thanks sansk - I've had my goodies for after decided almost as long as I've had the diagnosis for haha!!! Xxx
Urgh not sure if I actually slept at all last night.... got a massive headache and feel like shite so not the best start to today! Just had a shower which has made me feel slightly better and am popping the last of the bits into my hospital bag ready to leave in a couple of hours. Want to be ready in an hour so the last hour can just be spent cuddling millie. Feeling very emotional as no idea how long I am going to be away from her and miss her like hell already xxxx
I think mines bad because of my bump size, don't get me wrong babies are worth every pain etc we go through, but then when your hormones are dropping and you are emotional, we get hit while we are down. I won't be completely against a small bulge but I don't like what I currently see x

Mine startedhaving a loose bit hanging down from the bottom of my bump whilst pregnant (have always had looser skin there due to stretchmarks from puberty) and it's now more pronounced due to scar. Dreading the bikini hair growth. Gone all wonky.
Getting hugely frustrated. Been here a couple of hours and haven't got the pessary yet. Doctors are taking bloody forever to come round. It's just adding on to my time away from millie. Feeling really emotional :-(
SCL hope things have progressed for you now xxx
How's it going naomi? Hope you are progressing and there will be some news soon :)
No news :-( had pessary in at 12:45. just spent an hour bouncing on a pregnancy ball and am hot sweaty but still not so much as a twinge! Xxx
How frustrating, keep on bouncing!! You aren't allowed to go home either are you one you are induced am I right?

Scl any news?
How frustrating, keep on bouncing!! You aren't allowed to go home either are you one you are induced am I right?

Scl any news?

I was just about to ask this, if nothing's changed with me my midwife said I'll need the gel inserted and they'll likely book me in over the weekend. Don't know if that means I'm potentially staying in or going home!
I think mines bad because of my bump size, don't get me wrong babies are worth every pain etc we go through, but then when your hormones are dropping and you are emotional, we get hit while we are down. I won't be completely against a small bulge but I don't like what I currently see x

Mine startedhaving a loose bit hanging down from the bottom of my bump whilst pregnant (have always had looser skin there due to stretchmarks from puberty) and it's now more pronounced due to scar. Dreading the bikini hair growth. Gone all wonky.

My bikini line is horrendous currently but it just seems to be an effort lol x
How frustrating, keep on bouncing!! You aren't allowed to go home either are you one you are induced am I right?

Scl any news?

I was just about to ask this, if nothing's changed with me my midwife said I'll need the gel inserted and they'll likely book me in over the weekend. Don't know if that means I'm potentially staying in or going home!

Surely you are better off at home rather than staying in hospital for the whole week. Sending positive vibes anyway xx
Nope they don't let us home once induction has started, at least they don't here.
Had some contractions for half an hour but they've petered out now. Simon is going to have to go home at 8:30 if I've not progressed and won't be allowed back til 10:30 am tomorrow so it's going to be a long night on my own I think! Such a crappy system xxx
Aww Naomi .... sorry things are going so slowly for you. Will they do anything else overnight or leave you now until morning?
Yeh he can come back if I go into active labour. Still getting tightenings but they're not quite as strong as earlier and not that long - regular but only lasting 15-20 seconds. Haven't seen a midwife in hours and hours!!
They won't do anything now until 12:45 tomorrow when I will get assessed to see if my cervix is more favourable and they will break my waters if they can. Really don't want to go through days for it to just end in c section as that will mean an additional 3 days at least in afterwards so a hugely long visit overall. Childcare will be difficult as my sister needs to go back to work. Millie was crying for me this evening apparently which is breaking my heart!!! Argh I know it's not even been that long yet I'm just feeling very near the edge and negative about it all!! Xxx
Aww so sorry it's taking so long!! Must be so frustrating. Try and stay positive, I know it's easier said than done but you'll be home to Millie soon with your new bundle of joy xx
Sorry to thread hop just wanted to see how you were getting on Naomi. Sorry to hear its been so slow so far! Just think though, Millie will be getting her new brother or sister soon and she wont even remember the next few days when she sees them! Thats so rubbish thst you are sitting there not even a midwife calling in. Hopefully you can get a few hours kip! Baby will be here soon, hang in there, fingers crossed theres some news in the morning! :) x
Sorry to thread hop just wanted to see how you were getting on Naomi. Sorry to hear its been so slow so far! Just think though, Millie will be getting her new brother or sister soon and she wont even remember the next few days when she sees them! Thats so rubbish thst you are sitting there not even a midwife calling in. Hopefully you can get a few hours kip! Baby will be here soon, hang in there, fingers crossed theres some news in the morning! :) x

Aw thanks lovely -- just seen your message too, thanks so much for thinking of me!! How are you doing?

By the way, tip for hospital if you have an induction - take meals or send your OH out for meals as so far none of the meals served here have been GD friendly so I've barely eaten today!! Xxx

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