***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Aw Catherine huge congratulations!!! A little pink bundle - you thought girl didn't you? Glad all went well - tiny little thing!! How cute xxx
Aragon aww the wee dotes hope all is well x

I bought some peppermint tea today, covering all bases just incase a section is needed if induction fails and trapped wind x
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Went into DAU again today as was worried about movements again. Going in again tomorrow and then...
I will be induced on Saturday! They've brought it forward because of reduced movements.
A bit scared of being induced now, but sure it will be great. Now, can go naturally in the next few hours?!
Ah well. Soon be a baby in our arms, I hope. :-)
Eek SCL exciting about the induction!!! I'm getting really nervous about mine on Monday now too.
Got weird cramping in my pubic bone this eve. My stomach has been having a clear out too (tmi sorry!!!). Still not feeling too hopeful about it happening naturally before Monday though xxx
Thank you!
Sound promising...
Hey let's both try to go tonight on our own!
They went through pros and cons with me, which they didn't before, but was ok really.
We will meet our babies. Yey!
Will they start off with a pessary?
And yes agreed let's both see if we can go tonight or tomorrow! Eek! Either way it shouldn't be too long before we meet our babies!! I'm itching to know if mine is a girl or boy now, bet you are too! Xxx
Be prepared for lots of trapped wind and constipation after section. I'm downing fruit juice.

We came home last night. He's feeding well but I've barely got colostrum so we're giving him a late night small feed of formula just to settle him overnight but hoping my milk comes in tomorrow as my god does he have a bloody strong latch!!!

Still shocked at managing to inject myself with my anti clotting meds.will be twice a day for ten days.

Co-dydramol is making me too drowsy though so I'm going to half the dose and see how that goes lol

Still can't believe he was 9lb 10oz :shock:

I ate a hell of a lot of peppermints for my wind,

How come twice a day and for 10 days? I only did once a day for 7days ... To be fair I have a clotting disorder so they may have reduced my dose? I just assumed my dose was the norm

You grow good sized babies :) I hope your milk comes in soon, mine took about 4 days but I wasn't trying to breastfeed x

Just seeing some white fluid when I try and hand express now so looking positive. He has a touch of jaundice but feeding and sunshine should clear it.

No idea about the dosage. Just what I got :shrug:

Both of mine had a little jaundice it soon cleared though :) x
I have one day where I go out and do come on and wham!!! Loads of action lol

Aragon congrats on your teeny tiny little girl :) how are you feeling?

SCL - good luck tomorrow and even more so on Saturday :)

Naomi hopefully they are all good signs for you :)

We went out for the day as we were fed up of the same game over and over again with Liam. He's been so good but getting bored clearly, and these 3 hour feeds were just taking over our lives completely so without asking midwife we have shifted it to 4 hours which has worked out really well and we managed to leave the house :) x
Congrats all new mummies! Even though I'm technically an August Mummy, Max Alexander arrived today 8pm. 8lbs 15 oz, 51 cm. he made us wait 42 weeks and 3 days but he is absolutely perfect!

Birth is the most intense experience of my life, will write more about it soon, but I cant quite believe I got through it to be honest haha!
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Congratulations Lulie.
I'm feeling good thanks MrsB. Although very tired. Little miss doesnt make much noise at all but is feeding lots. 10 feeds already. Feels amazing xxx
Congratulations Lulie :)

And Catherine she is clearly incredibly hungry :) keep up the good work x
Aw wow Lulie huge congratulations but oh my god what a long couple of weeks it's been for you! That baby must have been so cosy and snug in there!!!! Sorry it was such an ordeal but really glad your little man is here now.

Caroline glad the altered feeding schedule is working better :-) I'm hoping to be out and about quite quickly after mine as millie hates being stuck in the house. As long as breastfeeding goes ok it should be fine!

No baby arrival during the night for me unfortunately. Simon is taking mills trampolining this morning and I'm going to sit and watch from the cafe. Half tempted to join in to see if my waters go haha but don't think they'd let me!!! Xxx
Glad you're feeling well Catherine. Are you bf'ing or formula feeding? If the former she is probably cluster feeding to bring your milk in as quickly as possible! Xxx
I would of suggested joining them, but you are right, they probably wouldn't let you :)

Chris went back to work today which sucks, I wasn't ready for him to go back lol, Liam is going to be getting back into his normal routine now though so he will have a bit of normality back in his life.

Just think Naomi this time next week your baby WILL be in your arms :) x
Nothing here either, Naomi!
Our pact is broken!
Oh well. Being monitored again this morning because I was told to come in.
Left boob killing me this morning and some cramps...
Good luck! We still have time!
Aw darn it was hoping it might have happened for you SCL! Good luck with the monitoring this morning and at least by the end of the weekend you should have your baby - how exciting is that!!!

The boob ache might be to do with your colostrum coming in.

I feel relatively normal today. Boo :-(

Haha Caroline their insurance probably wouldn't cover me unfortunately. That would definitely be a good way of bouncing the baby out though haha!!

Eek he's back to work - I'm sure you'll cope amazingly but definitely don't blame you feeling a bit overwhelmed. I was bad enough first time around with just millie to look after. Can't imagine what id be like with 3!!! You will be fine though hun xxx

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