***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Day before my c section! Got to stop eating at 9pm and take some tablets.
Nervous and excited.
Still can't believe I've gone from home birth to c section.
Be glad when I've got little one in my arms and to finally know the sex!! My vote is girl!

Hope all the cliches work ladies. SCN and Ruby - it has got to be soon now! And Naomi just one weekend left!!

Good luck everyone xx
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Thanks Caroline ! Millie had quite a small head but she wasn't born naturally in the end so got no idea what to expect!

Going to try all the clichés over the weekend to see if I can get things moving - curry, pineapple, yoga ball and sex haha! Hoping that at least if I haven't had baby naturally by Monday that my body will be primed and ready so the pessary works xx

Don't do pineapple ... I did it and all I got was an incredibly sore tongue x

SCL- the medicine they are on smells awful :(
We are getting there feeling like a zombie today as Robert decided an all nighter would be fun.

Aragon- good luck tomorrow :) it will be a great day for you

I have a feeling this weekend will bring us some babies x

Lovely name babygiz :-)

Eek good luck for the section Catherine!!! Not long now and you'll know if it's a pink or blue bundle! How exciting!!

Haha Caroline perhaps I will leave the pineapple then!!

SCL I'm planning an evening of bouncing too! Can't do it in front of millie during the day as she wants to sit on it with me haha.
Babygiz, that's a lovely name :)

Naomi - smarty pants here thought 2 fresh pineapples would start labour so had 2 in one evening, I thoroughly enjoyed them until about half an hour after I had finished them, I destroyed my tastebuds for about 3 days x
Eesh not fun!!! I can't eat it in large quantities anyway because of the sugar content.
very excited - went to the new Lindor shop in the designer outlet by us today and bought some pick and mix lindt chocolates for after I give birth when the GD has gone :-) I keep staring at them and salivating!! Xxx
I would do the same in your shoes lol, some chocolates I don't need in my life and others I cannot live without and lindor I cannot live without x
Simon joked earlier that I'm more excited about the Lindor chocolates than meeting the baby... not true of course, although the chocolates come a very close second at the moment hahaha! Xxx
Haha he clearly doesn't understand the struggle you have been through x

Haha yeh he definitely doesn't! A woman needs her chocolate fix!

Hope you have a better nights sleep tonight xxx
I definitely hope it's not a 3 day attempt for her

A woman always needs a chocolate fix :)

I will need more than a chocolate fix if I don't get sleep tonight lol, I don't get it Thomas sleeps great :) and sleeps through Roberts little rave lol I think Robert is a bit temperamental because he's tiny but I don't know x

MrsB are you doing all the feeds on your own? Do you try and wake them up at the same time for night feeds? How long are they going between feeds? You must be shattered! It's hard enough with one.
No my husband does one while I do the other, it's currently every 3 hours - midwife orders - which is tiring just for the fact we are awake every 3 hours lol. And we do both at the same time as it seems daft for them to have different feeding times. I can feed them both at the same time, I have been practicing for when he goes back to work x

Be prepared for lots of trapped wind and constipation after section. I'm downing fruit juice.

We came home last night. He's feeding well but I've barely got colostrum so we're giving him a late night small feed of formula just to settle him overnight but hoping my milk comes in tomorrow as my god does he have a bloody strong latch!!!

Still shocked at managing to inject myself with my anti clotting meds.will be twice a day for ten days.

Co-dydramol is making me too drowsy though so I'm going to half the dose and see how that goes lol

Still can't believe he was 9lb 10oz :shock:
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Be prepared for lots of trapped wind and constipation after section. I'm downing fruit juice.

We came home last night. He's feeding well but I've barely got colostrum so we're giving him a late night small feed of formula just to settle him overnight but hoping my milk comes in tomorrow as my god does he have a bloody strong latch!!!

Still shocked at managing to inject myself with my anti clotting meds.will be twice a day for ten days.

Co-dydramol is making me too drowsy though so I'm going to half the dose and see how that goes lol

Still can't believe he was 9lb 10oz :shock:

I ate a hell of a lot of peppermints for my wind,

How come twice a day and for 10 days? I only did once a day for 7days ... To be fair I have a clotting disorder so they may have reduced my dose? I just assumed my dose was the norm

You grow good sized babies :) I hope your milk comes in soon, mine took about 4 days but I wasn't trying to breastfeed x
Be prepared for lots of trapped wind and constipation after section. I'm downing fruit juice.

We came home last night. He's feeding well but I've barely got colostrum so we're giving him a late night small feed of formula just to settle him overnight but hoping my milk comes in tomorrow as my god does he have a bloody strong latch!!!

Still shocked at managing to inject myself with my anti clotting meds.will be twice a day for ten days.

Co-dydramol is making me too drowsy though so I'm going to half the dose and see how that goes lol

Still can't believe he was 9lb 10oz :shock:

I ate a hell of a lot of peppermints for my wind,

How come twice a day and for 10 days? I only did once a day for 7days ... To be fair I have a clotting disorder so they may have reduced my dose? I just assumed my dose was the norm

You grow good sized babies :) I hope your milk comes in soon, mine took about 4 days but I wasn't trying to breastfeed x

Just seeing some white fluid when I try and hand express now so looking positive. He has a touch of jaundice but feeding and sunshine should clear it.

No idea about the dosage. Just what I got :shrug:
Hey ladies!
I had a baby girl by c section at 10.41.
She doesn't have a name yet but was 5lb 10.
I'm so in love!!!

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