***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

MrsB I can't tell you what a relief it was. I was like omg I have another colicky baby I can't do this again! And now she seems soooo happy, it's just the best
Fab about your milk coming in Kholl. I'm hoping mine doesn't take too long as don't want to have to use formula if I can help it.

Caroline glad you had a nice time going into work! Bet they were all gooey eyed over your boys!

Babygiz huge congratulations hun! Lovely news, hope you're all doing well.

Lulie hope it all gets moving for you quickly. Fingers crossed tonight or tomorrow will be the day!! Xxx
They were, and then a patient in the waiting room asked to have a look and then remembered me helping her having a scan when I was pregnant x

Thanks everyone, we are doing fine I think adjusting to life with a newborn again. It's amazing how much you forget. Still in hospital due to a couple of hiccups when he was born but nothing major. Hoping to get home today. X
Has he a name yet Babygiz?

Today is my due date! Still not feeling anything that could hint that baby is on the way though!!
Aw that's sweet about the patient Caroline!

Happy due date RRS :-)

Hope you and baby are home soon babygiz :-)

I'm off for my final scan and consultant appointment in a bit. Intrigued to find out baby's estimated weight now that I'm so close to induction date! Thinking of popping the hospital bag in the back of the car just in case there are any issues...! Hopefully not though. Xxx
Got really over excited (like really too much) when went to loo first thing and mucus plug was coming out. Been losing ever since, more every time I go to loo.
Then went to consultant appointment - stretch and sweep attempted it cervix closed. Nearly cried(!) (massive hormonal fed over reaction I know)
Midwife said don't be too disappointed, but I am totally!
Had crampings last night but no back ache, just mild period pains.
Bouncing today... Bouncing, bouncing, bouncing! Plus might go for a walk for more Gaviscon soon!
Come on BB. ��
Aw come on baby SCL!! Exciting about the plug though!!! Hopefully all the bouncing will pay off!! Xxx
Oh yes and booked in for induction on Wednesday if nothing.
Hoping mucus plug going means I have a good chance though, especially as will be too late for my in Laws next week probably. Xx
At least you've got a date in mind but like you say hopefully things will happen before then! Xxx
Aw that's sweet about the patient Caroline!

Happy due date RRS :-)

Hope you and baby are home soon babygiz :-)

I'm off for my final scan and consultant appointment in a bit. Intrigued to find out baby's estimated weight now that I'm so close to induction date! Thinking of popping the hospital bag in the back of the car just in case there are any issues...! Hopefully not though. Xxx

I took my bag to all of the last few appointments just incase x

Oh SCL at least the plug is a start, fingers crossed something happens soon, keep bouncing x

Lander and babygiz congratulations girls :love:

Lulie lets hope your holding your little one too soon x

SCL exciting you got a date x

naomi not to long now xx

mrs...hope you get caught up on some sleep soon and hope the boys are doing well xx

I got my date yesterday they are leaving me until Thursday of next week which is the day before EDD happy enough with that as atm absolutely no sign of this little man making an appearance, he was estimated at 7.9 lbs yesterday and just under 7lbs the previous week so taking what they say regarding weight with a pinch of salt lol but my belly is huge I have a feeling I am carrying a giant lol his daddy is 6ft 7 aha
Just had scan - baby estimated to be 7lb 3oz currently. Hoping he or she won't grow too much before next Monday! Nice size at the moment although head is still measuring big so not looking forward to pushing that out!!!

Sansk glad you've got your date hun. Hopefully it will happen before then naturally, or if not then hopefully the induction will all go smoothly. We will both have our babies by the end of next week!!! Xxx
Sansk if babies dad is 6ft 7 you could be in for a lovely chunky baby :)

Naomi, Liam had a big head, still does lol, I managed to push him out so you will be ok :)

Think we need some more September babies now :) x

Thanks Caroline ! Millie had quite a small head but she wasn't born naturally in the end so got no idea what to expect!

Going to try all the clichés over the weekend to see if I can get things moving - curry, pineapple, yoga ball and sex haha! Hoping that at least if I haven't had baby naturally by Monday that my body will be primed and ready so the pessary works xx
Seems like a good size Naomi! Not long now.
I am bouncing and drinking raspberry leaf tea and walked around a lot today. We're going to go out for a curry and walk up a hill to try to get things going!
Not sure if raspberry leaf tea is really a good inducer but it's really nice so that's good!
Sansk... Not long! Would be amusing if we had some babies born on the same day, although seems unlikely currently!
Good luck everyone. Am thinking of you all.
MrsB - hope the boys thrush gets better. Must be painful for those littlies to have that. Sounds nasty. Are they doing ok? Are you?! Sounds like you're doing an amazing job.
Hope scn is ok. How are you getting on with feeding now scn? Hoping Jacob is seeing sense with the bf!
Ok. Back to bouncing. Bouncing. Bouncing. And drinking hot tea. Not at the same time...
Think I am losing the plot!
I'm having a curry tonight and have bought some fresh pineapple! I might get on OH to blow the gym ball up. I told him MW suggested sex and he laughed so I don't think he's too keen...can't say I blame him at the moment really!!!

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