Well ladies I spent Thursday night in the delivery ward at my local maternity (no baby, don't panic lol!!).
Went to antenatal classes & mentioned to MW about sudden swelling on my feet, took blood pressure 148/100, took urine sample which showed urine trace, asked about headaches & small spots in vision. MW phoned triage & they wanted me over ASAP (offered an ambulance!!!).
Got to Wishaw & was admitted to the ward, with suspect pre-eclampsia, hooked up to trace for baby & given tablet to bring down BP. Talks of if it doesn't early induction etc!! By this afternoon my BP had come down enough to be released, bloods showing not pre-eclampsia & they're not sure about pregnancy related hypertension due to BP going back to a normalish range. Discharged but I'm back at day assessment on Monday to have BP checked & urine checked again. While they had the trace on I was contracting pretty regular, think they thought I was in early labour ����! Looks like it was very strong Braxton hicks!
Absolutely shattered as I never slept at all, plus they were taking my BP during night. Hoping it was just a 1 off.
Any ladies showing any signs at all get it checked out, it was taken very seriously last night.
Thought I was meeting baby 6weeks + early, that was scary
Sorry for the long post xxx
I've copied that from FB for the ladies not on the page, needless to say yesterday was spent shopping for things for my hospital bag, got everything in now - just need to wash babies clothes & add them to the bag!!
Can believe I'm down in the 40 odd days now, I can remember saying 99 days to go like it was last week!!
Hubby built up my nursing chair & crib last night - they're lovely!! Left the plastic cover on the crib mattress & no bedding so it was unfinished!! lol xx