**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

M is still following the 75th centile, in size 3 nappies and is in 0-3months still. One of her newbaby size babygrows still actually fits! I have one or two 6-9 months clothes but refuse to believe M will actually go into them..I want her to stay small!

I was going to suggest the same as LA..I've seen a few babies with sock ons, and they com in loads of different colours

Yay to poop for Arthur! :)
I am glad Arthur poo'ed too!!!

I have sock-on's actually, now I just need to find them LOL!
So Lyla has bronchitis and an ionfection in her left lung. She's on antibiotics and an inhaler 3 times a day. Got her home gave her the antibiotic and she was just sick and it all came back up so that was a waste.

Poor baby! I feel so guilty :( Shouldn't have stayed at in laws with that cold going about.

OH thought I was silly phoning HV earlier but I'm glad I did now.

I feel like crying :(
Big hugs Chloe, but no tears!!! Lyla needs Mummy to look after her and be strong.

I can only imagine how you feel hun BUT at least you know what is wrong and she is being treated...

Lots of love to you all

Aww chloenat - you can't wrap them up in cotton wool forever. She could have caught a cold from someone in the street or a shop. The important thing is that you recognised there was a problem and got the appropriate help. Hope lyla feels better soon :hug:
Hugs to Lyla and you Chloe. I hope your little lady is feeling better soon, you did the right thing to take her to the docs and at least she is now on good meds x
hi everyone

ellas been a grumpy bum so i havnt had time to read posts but was just checking in

My nanna passed on wednesday morning so been busy trying to help the family as much as i can.

I feel bad as ella was asleep and i woke her up bringing her to bed and now she wont go back to sleep, my own fault i know, im going to have to start putting her in bed at 9ish

hope everyones ok il pop back on when shes not moody lol
Big hugs chloe, i hope yr lo feels better soon xx

Sorry to hear about yr nan, big hugs xx
Ha funny you should say that Chloe! I was badgering oh asking if we can have another one this year! Lol I like the idea of having my babies close together :)

Wilson Arthur looks so cute in the chair :) x
Anyone else feeling really broody? :lol:

I'm incredibly broody, it doesn't help that my SIL is due number 3 end of July and my sister is due number 3 end of September... At least I'll get to cuddle some newborns this year! Also James will have 2 new little cousins.

We're going to NTNP from summer 2014 and actively try after James' second Birthday.

As soon as I get my period I am going back on the pill, GP gave me 8 months supply :shock: :shock:

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I got a 8 month supply too :/

Well arthur only woke once last night :) went down at 9.30, woke at 3.20am for a feed then just woke up now :D but because im used to getting up at 1.30 snd 5 ive been on clock watch all night lol xx

Off to church now to book his christening xx
Well done Arthur!!

How exciting booking his christening. I've got a friends LO's christening in a few weeks.

My gp obviously didn't think ahead and I only got 3 months!! Doh! I've not started taking it yet though.
Great sleep for Arthur :) he must be loving the big bed :)

M slept well last night 11-8 then went back down after her feed and is still sleeping. We were at friends for dinner last night and I think it's wiped her out as she wouldn't settle for a sleep even though I tried to get her asleep. Made an amazing cake yesterday, if you follow me on Instagram you'll have seen it! But left it at my friends so might make and oh one today :) x
Well done Arthur! Since Lyla is going to bed earlier its increased to waking twice a night but I can deal with that :) Ooooh christenings! Lyla is getting christened on Saturday! I'm so excited :lol:

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