**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

He'll go down just fine in the crib, we've never had any problems since he's been in there.

But he is such a restless sleeper so he'll be flaying and thrashing about and on the verge of waking himself up. A cuddle in bed with me always sends him back off BUT I don't sleep well as I am so conscious of him being there.

It's plan B now as I am not going into work (last day of the month is super busy) I am off to get some photoframes as some piccies arrived today. I have my camera on a low resolution though (so I can email piccies and post on here) so the actual photographs are not very good quality? Still I got about 150 for less than a tenner!

Have fun shopping hun! I need to lose a ton of weight before I will buy anything for myself!

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Bargin :) happy days. Ill put a link on later where u can get 60 free prints, save yrself some pennies :)

Because id not bought myself any pretty clothes while pregnant and after my fella gave me a pressie of £200 and said go treat yrself, my mouth hit the floor, i never expected that, i just feel guilty in buying myself anything now arthurs here, do u find that? Xx
Carnat, RE: The photos and resolution, I find that if I keep my camera on high resolution and then just resize the photos on microsoft paint or something similar then they can be posted on the forum and I still keep my high res copy.

Lyla's cold is still in full force and shes currently napping in her car seat next to me. Poor thing keeps waking herself up coughing and all the doctor told me to do was give her baby calpol twice a day :wall:

The appointment yesterday was good, apart from the jabs :(, the doctor asked if she was smiling yet, has been since 2 weeks old!, and if she was cooing at all, we can hardly shut her up :lol:, he also said she was very strong and had great head control for her age. To which she gave him a massive smile :lol: She also gave him trouble checking her hips because when her legs are out of her sleepsuits she stretches them right out and its hard to get them to bend at all :lol: and she was smiling at him while he was trying more than likely thinking "I'd like to see you try!". I'm so glad with her progress. Such a clever girl.

Creche starts on Tuesday, absolutely dreading it! I'm gonna miss my smiley baby all day! Gladly its only till May, then I get her all summer :D

Hope everyones well!

I am glad Lyla had a good appointment hun. James' was fine with the Dr, horrendous when he got weighed by HV and beyond words when he had jabs (poor little sod had 3 appointments one after another!!) at least next time it's just his jabs.

I know you must be so upset at the thought of leaving little miss but think of it like ripping a plaster off and it's all for the greater good!

Good tip about Microsoft Paint, OH is always telling me off for having camera on such a crappy resolution...

Wilson I bought myself some shoes in the Office sale but that's it, everything else is for James. I simply don't even "see" stuff for myself now. All I ever notice is baby stuff (I still look at all the pretty girl stuff too LOL)

Hopefully if I ever do get back down to my pre-pregnancy size I'll treat myself!

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I'm the same with the baby stuff! If were in any shop Lyla always seems to be one outfit up by the time we leave. OH took me out shopping for my birthday present yesterday and I didn't get anything... Lyla and my OH did however :lol:
wilson..bf is going really well still, hopefully it continues that way. Don't beat yourself up about switching to combi feeding little Arthur will still thrive and if it is better for you then that's all that matters. He looks so tiny in his cot bless him.

Chloe..i hope Lylas cold shifts soon. Get the first day of nursery out the way and you'll feel better, first day is the worst x

Nat..I often have Madison beside me in the mornings for a cuddle. It's hard not to want to have them close :) Did you get your photo frames? It's something I need to get onto, I've always got my camera in M's face snapping away. I think she's wise to it now and stops smiling when she sees it!! :shakehead:

Popped into work for a bit today then went for a wander round town. I've bought myself some new clothes recently, I can't live in leggings forever lol Trying not to buy toomuch as I hope to shift my baby weight. Heading back to the gym next week though, really looking forward to it :) x
I plan to live in legging for ever mrsw, preferably maternity leggings - they are so comfy!

ok so i went shopping to buy some lovely clothes, yep i knew i wouldnt come back with much for myself, got my oh shoes.top, and myself some feeding bras, feel like a new woman lol but measured at 36dd :O no wonder my back hurts xx
I still wear me leggings very comfy!!

Wilson..I bought some new nursing bras the other day! Not much selection out there mind!
I'm back from 'ta pub! Feeling slightly pished :shock: only had 2 small wines and dinner :mad:

OH said James was naughty, he is asleep and looks like a cherub to me ??

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Mrs woody, i got mine from mothercare and they are lacey WHITWOO lol oh eyes lit up.
Well i have a up and a downer, arthurs just gone his first 5 1/2 hrs inbetween feeds :D but hes been at the side of me :( hes distressed as cant poo :( knees drawing up odd trump, flinches with touching his tummy. Just wants to be on me xx
Poor little Arthur!!!

Hope you managed to get some more sleep?

Touch wood James seems to have got passed his constipation? He still doesn't go everyday but he does go almost everyday now.

Hangovers are no fun at all when you are up at 5.30am :shock: :shock:

I only had two glasses of wine as well...

How the head nat? I feel widdly on a shandy these days lol

Well its 7.40am, arthurs woke once at 3.20am to feed and thats it, hes been with me all night, is tummy is sorr bless him, taking him bk to the drs cant leave him like this :( xx
Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself Nat :) I'm sure OHs tell little white lies when then they are left with the babies, my oh did the same and I only popped out for 20minutes said shed been crying as soon as I left, sound as a pound when I got in though?

Poor Arthur hope he manages to go soon x
Oh do see if the Dr can fit Arthur in today, you don't want to leave it over the weekend?

OH helps me bath James every night so he's part of the bedtime routine but he said James went hysterical in the bath and then wouldn't take his last bottle for ages?I did chuckle to myself (not about James being hysterical) but I could imagine OH flapping about. Welcome to my world hey?

James was fast asleep and looked like a little angel when I got home :lol:

A quick question ladies.

What size clothes and nappies are your bub's in now?

James is still quite small in weight terms (now in 9th centile from 25th) but he is long...

He is in size 3 newborn nappies now and I reckon we'll soon have to move on to his 3-6 month clothes.

Oddly it seems to be his vests his grown out of? He must have a long torso as his vests always drag down at the neck?

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Woohoo arthurs has cleared his bowels :) and tuck hiself off to sleep in his cot :)

Arthur is in size 3 nappies, but ive got him on baby dry and active fit for the day, new baby we was just going through no end xx
Also his busting out of a size 0-3 now and more than likely will be in his 3-6months next week as they start at 14lbs and hes 13 nearly now. Xx
Lyla is in size 2 nappies and still in 0-3 months clothes. She's in 75th percentile and I have just started buying 3-6 months clothes as she has long legs and her sleepsuits are starting to get too tight at the feet. At 7 weeks she was 11 lbs 5.5 oz xx
Thanks ladies!

I've bought a few sleepsuits for James that have no feet from H&M so they'll last for a while (only thing is I can't keep his bloody socks on!! He is in a gro-bag though so it doesn't matter all that much)

I feel so sad that my baby is going to be moving into his "big boy" clothes so soon???

Even worse I've got a few bits that are 6-9 months sob sob!

J is about 75th centile, but abiut a week younger than James. He hasn't been weighed for about 4 weeks but he was nearly 12lbs then.

He is still in some of his 0-3, but only the biggest stuff. He's wearing 3-6 stuff as well, and some of that (a John Lewis Tshirt and a baby gap pram suit) are already very tight on the torso! :shock:

He's still in size2 nappies and in fact they are still a bit big on the leg and occasionally leak. Size 1s are way too small though, so we have to go with it.

Get some sock-ons. They're brilliant!

Want to go shopping but J has been asleep in his cot for over 3 hours! Don't want to wake him as he obviously needs it and he's right grumpy when he's woken.
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