oh my, well arthur screamed with pain at his jabs, i sobbed as his daddy held him, then when we got him home he was ok just tired so i had an hour, well from 12pm hes cried and cried and cried until he went to sleep at 5pm

hes up now happy and smiley, but the jabs must have hurt him and his tummy was hurting him, poor little man, i just wanted to hold him.
We have decided while his tummy is hurting we arnt carrying on with the routine as hes up all through the night with his tummy, at least when he goes down at 10pm he goes through till 7am with no pains and then he starts grunting so but its morning and we can wake him up, if i put him down early he starts with the pains around 3/4am so its not nice to wake him then as all 3 of us are zombies
Mrs woody glad m is nice and health for u, Arthur is catching her up lol, how is the bf going? im having to maybe go onto combi feeding as my milk is producing to much formilk hence the reason why arthur is bunged up. I feel gutterd but its making me feel poorly too draining me,

Cuddles for lyla to hun, i feel your pain too, was awful feeling, dont know if i can go in next time, maybe just have to be daddy x
kerrie i also think arthur is on the teeth line, constantly dribbling, sucking hand, rosey cheeks and, a sore booty, ive tried to feel inside but i get my hand chomped off lol, xx
hope you enjoyed your walk nat, weather is to poo up here at the min to go walkies, but defo going to start again soon, used to walk 6miles a week with george while i was preggers before my heart got to giddy. xx
kelly where are u driving too? 9hrs eekk better you than me

hope u have a lovely time, xx