**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

I can't sleep :(

J slept from 11 to 3. I didn't fall asleep until 1. Then I slept for an hour after the feed and lay awake again. My husband normally gets up with J when he wakes, but there was no point this morning. I'm now downstairs with a sleeping baby.

I'm so tired, why can't I sleep?
Hi Celene - kaelan is doing well, he'll be crawling next! Strong boy.
How much tummy time did the nurse say BTW?
Hi Celene - kaelan is doing well, he'll be crawling next! Strong boy.
How much tummy time did the nurse say BTW?

Hello :)

I feel your pain, I can't sleep either after I feed and express I lay awake for at least an hour :wall2:

she said to do a short amount after each feed during the day even if they only last for 30 seconds its better than nothing.xxx
Hi girls

Had a rough few nights, thought i was going to pass out yesterday through no sleep past 3 days, had arthur to the doctors as hes given him lactouse, to try and help his bowels as he said babies shouldnt go no longer than 2days without pooping.

He now weighs 12'11lb at 8wks, still on 75th centile line and is having his first injections today :(

Hoping to have better days as not coping to well :( sorry not been around much xx
Aww wilson i hope that the lactouse helps arthur and maybe he may sleep a bit better for you. Wow thats a good weight. I think O was 12lb 2 at 8 weeks. I hope the jabs go well for you and arthur isnt too bad. He may have a good sleep. We have our second jabs on tuesday :-(

Celene - what a clever little boy you have. I bet you was so shocked to see him
Do that!

L_a i hope that your not too tired and have a good day with friends.

Mrswoody good luck with the new group - sounds fun.

We havent had a good night. Well for olivia anyway. She didnt settle til half ten after some calpol and was waking up so much in the night jut restless and for her dummy. I feel like ive had such a disrupted night. I think id rather her wake for a feed than every ten mins. The teething gel seems to soothe her gums and ive just given her some now she's fell fast asleep but i cant put her down. Her cheeks are on fire and ive checked temp but it was only 65.5 - will keep an eye on her. She also threw half of her bottle back up this morning. She's normally sick but not much. Was going to take her to doctors but i dont think they will say much more than i already know. What would everyone else do?
Its so awful seeing her ill im not liking thia at all. Also i think she may be going through the third leap which is not helping at all xxx
Blooming heck...m has to be weighed every 2 weeks as he isn't gaining enough weight. He has stopped sleeping during the night. But heyho...I'm used to no sleep now and developed a taste for coffee, either that or need it.

Wilson, when there is a down there is also an up! It will be coming soon. You are doing all the right things for him a d he will soon be pooing EVERYWHERE. This motherhood malarkey really should come with a warning. Stressful.

I have a wedding this weekend and hubby is home, driving up Friday on my own with him, 9 hour drive :o eeeek!! Oh well, I have planned many stops so we should be laughing...or crying. Haha. My Aunty will be looking after him for 2 nights and I'm dreading it! For obvious reasons, as well as the booby problem.

I hate this windy weather, but as mean as this Lunda, when it blows on M's face, he pulls iChat a funny face. Cracks me up, but I try not to. Hehe.
Hi ladies,

I am back (another enforced break due to poxy laptop!! Hopefully it's been completely fixed now)

James sleeps through now but we're up at 5/6am most mornings. I have tried putting him down later in the evening but it doesn't work.

Last week he'd go back to sleep after that first morning feed but not anymore :shock:

We've had a very good day today, I had all the chores done by 10am and then we went out for a nice 2 hour walk...

I am thinking I may take him into my office tomorrow? Will see how he is overnight.

I'll catch up with all your news now ladies

Lyla had her vaccinations today. Worst experience ever! Her poor face went bright purple. Think I cried more than her though :lol: Poor thing all I wanna do is cuddle her. She was already sick so shes passed out now, hopefully she sleeps ok tonight
Hello Celene..great to hear you and the little man are doing well :)

Wilson..hope Arthur's jabs went ok? Hopefully he'll be more settled for you soon x

Kerrie..how is O? I'd be tempted to just ride it out just watch for signs of baby feeling worse increase in temperature etc its heart breaking because we can't know exactly what's up with them.

Kelly..love a good wedding! Have a fab time and it will great to see your oh no doubt :)

Hi Nat! 2 hour walks!! Well done! Great to get out now that the freezing weather has gone. Not so much of an artic exploration! Lol have you taken James into work yet? I'm going in tomorrow to see a good friend who's up visiting for the day hoping M behaves for me :)

M was weighed today she is now 12lb 15oz!! Yikes..what a chubster! Still following the 75th centile so I'm happy with that. Went to a sing and sign group today, there was 34 babies there and was very noisy ill maybe go back a few times see how we go :)
Hugs for lyla and you Chloe! We have ours next week, oh is coming for support! :)
I took my OH for James' first lot of injections but I'll take him alone for the next lot...

I am taking him into work for the first time tomorrow! I've been putting it off (not sure why, I've been at my workplace for 11 years and worked with some people for the whole time) I think I am just worried about James having a hissy fit. If I walk he'll be fast asleep by the time we get there LOL!

As for centiles James has dropped from 25th to 9th so we are back for another weigh-in a week Friday.

I am giving him 32-33oz a day so I just do not get how he has dropped centiles? He is a fantastic eater (always has been) I can only put it down to the fact he is a very wriggly baby so must be burning calories??

oh my, well arthur screamed with pain at his jabs, i sobbed as his daddy held him, then when we got him home he was ok just tired so i had an hour, well from 12pm hes cried and cried and cried until he went to sleep at 5pm :( hes up now happy and smiley, but the jabs must have hurt him and his tummy was hurting him, poor little man, i just wanted to hold him.

We have decided while his tummy is hurting we arnt carrying on with the routine as hes up all through the night with his tummy, at least when he goes down at 10pm he goes through till 7am with no pains and then he starts grunting so but its morning and we can wake him up, if i put him down early he starts with the pains around 3/4am so its not nice to wake him then as all 3 of us are zombies :(

Mrs woody glad m is nice and health for u, Arthur is catching her up lol, how is the bf going? im having to maybe go onto combi feeding as my milk is producing to much formilk hence the reason why arthur is bunged up. I feel gutterd but its making me feel poorly too draining me, :( xx

Cuddles for lyla to hun, i feel your pain too, was awful feeling, dont know if i can go in next time, maybe just have to be daddy x

kerrie i also think arthur is on the teeth line, constantly dribbling, sucking hand, rosey cheeks and, a sore booty, ive tried to feel inside but i get my hand chomped off lol, xx

hope you enjoyed your walk nat, weather is to poo up here at the min to go walkies, but defo going to start again soon, used to walk 6miles a week with george while i was preggers before my heart got to giddy. xx

kelly where are u driving too? 9hrs eekk better you than me :( hope u have a lovely time, xx
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Aww Wilson and chloenat - :hugs: it's horrible isn't it? I inject babies at work, but I still felt sad when J got his, it's so hard to watch your LO in pain. Poor J held his breath for ages after his first one and then screamed :(

Nat - j wakes between 6 and 6:30 no matter what we do. Can't work out why, just think that's his getting up time. He doesn't want a bottle.

My mum is back! So glad to have her home (she's been up north for a week). I miss her when she's away, not just because she helps out with J so much, but she's my main person to talk stuff over with.
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We were up at 5:45 this morning BUT James had a very restless night. He was thrashing and flaying about so as usual I bought him in with us. Even that didn't really settle him so I am dead on my feet today.

Planning to go to my work today and then this evening I am meant to be meeting a friend for a glass of wine and a quick bite to eat. We're only going to my local (I can see it from my bedroom window LOL) but I still feel anxious about leaving James.

My LO decided it was feed time at 3:30 this morning! Arghhh! He had been so good sleeping through as well!

I am tired!
Arthur had his first night in his big cot and loved it, no grunting, no stirring, he went 4 1/2hrs then 3hrs then up at 7.30 with daddy :) i have my happy boy back and we got a decent sleep xx
Did you put the cot up in your room in the end Wilson?

I think I've made some bad habits with James, as I take him in with us every night :shock: It started as it was so cold but now I do it when he stirs. He normally settles if he is with me but he was so restless last night.

We had such an amazing day yesterday, he was the best he's ever been and was an absolute pleasure but he slept like crap!!

We already put the cot up hun then saw it was to big for our room but cant take it down till i find a crib, but he sleeps lovely in it in his sleeping bag :) ImageUploadedByTapatalk1359626989.060596.jpg

Thats this morning, as u can see u have to suck in to get past lol.

I bring arthur in with us at 5.30am for his feed then we have an hour before my oh takes him downstairs so i can get an extra hour. I do worry sometimes about him turning his head into me and not breathing. Have you tried james in his cot?
Awwww, look how teeny he looks!!!

Cotbed is at my parents and we'll swap over when he outgrows the crib. We can't fit both in and I don't want to take down crib etc until I know he'll go in it?

Catch-22 really.

Was just about to leave and head into my office and it's tipping it down. BBC News said no rain today LOL!

How is he in the crib? We are going to mothercare today to look at one.

Thats pants about the rain are u still going out?? :( we r off to do some clothes shoppin at meadowhall mummy needs new stuff xx

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