**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Did you have to attend church regularly before the christening? We want LO baptised back home in the church we got married so might cause a problem if we have to go so many weeks before x
MrsWoody - All we had to do was attend a course at the church for one night. Don't know if it's any different where you are xx
I'm not broody at all, which is not good because if we are to have 2, we'll need to get on with it soonish. I'm enjoying having J, but babies are such hard work and I love being able to devote all my energy to him. I have to admit the main reason I don't want another at the moment is that I don't want another pregnancy. I hated not being able to train and my body is a wreck. I want to get back into my running and feel fit again.

I've started to think about the benefits of J being an only child - mainly financial, we'd be able to provide so much more for him especially when he's older, like university education (if he wants it) and house deposit etc.

It's still very early days, although I'm not going to take contraception so soon as we start having sex (still haven't gone there yet!) we'll be NTNP. If fate decides we should have another, I would be happy. I'm more thinking whether we want to go down the IVF road again.

I'd love a little girl, not particularly for the baby stage, but I'd love the kind of relationship with a daughter that I've had with my mum. I'm not prepared to try for a baby for this reason though, we can't have three, so I need to want another whether its a boy or a girl. To get too set on one or the other is the way to heartbreak.

We went out into London for a night out last night! First time we've both left him for more than a couple of hours. Mum came over and looked after him at ours and apparently he was "very good" and "it was a pleasure". This bodes well for our social life! It was so good to catch up with our friends, some of whom I hadn't seen since a month October.

I do feel a bit guilty that I don't mind being away from J. I missed him and bored everyone with pictures of him, but I had such a good time. And I think I've enjoyed my morning with him today all the more for the break. But I see posts on the forum from mums who can't bear to leave their LOs even for an hour and I wonder if I shouldn't feel that way?
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Hi all. My little man has started waking up in the middle of the night again :-( What do you reckon? Growth spurt?

I wouldn't mind so much if he settled back to sleep quickly... but he doesn't. It is usually a 2 hour turn around :-(
Also what is everyones routine? I am struggling to get a routine together for my LO as he is so temperamental. We do the Eat, Activity, Sleep routine - but no specific time for this as it entirely depends on when mister gets hungry. At the moment he goes to bed at about 9pm - last feed at 8pm... and recently he has been waking in the middle of the night... and this has been since the food has increased during the day.

I want my baby to go back to sleeping through the night!
Chloenat shes stunning xx

Mrs woody we had to attend a service today, then we have to attend another one with god parents xx
We have booked sun 5th may bank holiday :)

Arthur is having 3 sets of godparents, my auntie/uncle, my fellas sister/hubby and our bestfriends who are gay, they adore him lol i do expect him to come home one day with a tutu on lol xx

Srob why dont you try, activity, bath and feed, we do that with arthur and hes down between 8-9 now with one wake up at 3am, also we've started using johnsons labender bubble bath, works a treat :) xx
Lovely pic's! Doesn't he look like his Mummy???

Did he like his bumbo? I am going to try James in his tomorrow as he support his head really well now.

I'll only take a few piccies, I won't leave him in it long.

Just caught up again - everyone's babas have grown so much!

Aela had her jags on Wednesday - she cried out with the first one but then stopped and looked at me all cute and lovely so the second one was even worse for me! She started screaming with that one - I just about managed to hold back my tears though and plonked her on the boob to calm her down. She also got weighed and was 11lb 12oz so following her centile perfectly.

In other news OH and I finally dtd and I have lost a stone in 3 weeks! The two are not related - we don't have enough time for weight loss sex but I am lighter than I was at my booking appointment now :D Still got about another stone to lose mind as I put on a lot of weight before I got pregnant but I have just about squeezed back into my size 10 jeans :)

Hope everyone is well - I seem to have got the beginnings of this bug going around, hopefully it doesn't wipe me out too much and Aela doesn't catch it!xx
Srob..try playtime first as Wilson says. Might be what he needs, also after bath you could read/massage feed then sleep.

Great photos Wilson. Where did you get the footprint plaque, I really want to do one with M.

M has been a bit odd today, not really sleeping isn't happy playing either wants held or fed! Hmm..she is fast asleep and has been since about 7.30! I usually bath her between 7 and 8 so tonight bath time was going to be after Dancing in Ice at 7.45 and she was sparko! Ill feel tight waking her up but she is still in today's clothes! If she doesn't wake soon ill need to try and sort her out without disturbing her too much :(
Nice chilled day though :) x
Hello miss yeovil! Nice to see you again :)
Poor Aela we have our jabs on Tuesday and I'm going alone :(
Woop to the weight loss! It's amazing how quick it falls off!

We've still get to DTD, I'm scared its going to hurt! Poor oh has been so patient :) x
Lyla was at the creche today for an hour to get her settled in. I stayed with her and she had a ball smiling away, playing on the mat and staring at the other babies :lol: Now we're having a cuddle on the sofa while she naps and she's in the full day tomorrow without me! Dreading it!
At least you got a chance to settle her in and see her in action. It will honestly be worse for you sweetie!

I assume it's on campus though? Will you be able to see Lyla between lectures / seminars and stuff? Or will that make it harder.

It's all for a good cause isn't it?

Also I am guessing she is feeling better now which is another good thing hey!

Yep its on campus and I can go in whenever I want for a cuddle. She's feeling loads better, few more days left on the antibiotics. Should be right as rain for her christening Saturday! xx
Girls, I am losing it. I am getting fed up. My baby doesn't give me a break anywhere! He hates baths, he fights sleep, he feeds irregularly, he sleeps irregularly. A routine is impossible and now he wakes in the night and the farce of getting him to sleep begins again.

I have just spent over an hour swaying, rocking, shhing, putting on Ewan, soothing, white noise and he still is not asleep. I am so fed up :-( And all this after a bath... which he hated. And gulping down a good feed.
Girls, I am losing it. I am getting fed up. My baby doesn't give me a break anywhere! He hates baths, he fights sleep, he feeds irregularly, he sleeps irregularly. A routine is impossible and now he wakes in the night and the farce of getting him to sleep begins again.

I have just spent over an hour swaying, rocking, shhing, putting on Ewan, soothing, white noise and he still is not asleep. I am so fed up :-( And all this after a bath... which he hated. And gulping down a good feed.

Your little man is a difficult one isn't he hun?

Have you seen a Dr / HV just to rule out anything medical (reflux / colic etc..), He may even be teething early?

If it is not medical then I am afraid it is just about perseverance, patience and keeping your cool.

Does OH help out with him the evening? I know its hard when they have been at work all day but I find bathing James so much easier when we both do it? (James does love his baths though)

One of my nephews was a very difficult baby, in-fact he is still a naughty little sod now (But he does sleep very well @ 20 months :lol:). My bro and SIL came close to losing their minds many times BUT they just took it each day at a time and seized on anything that made the kid happy.

We found that sometimes James actually liked to be in a very bright room (oddly this helped him nod off sometimes when he was fighting sleep) also James sometimes likes noise as well.

Have you tried things like the hoover and washing machine? Just to distract him. Does he fall asleep in the pram?

Being overtired and overstimulated can sometimes make them grumpy? Does he nap well in the day? The more James naps the better he tends to sleep at night.

Hopefully this is just a growth spurt? James is nearly 12 weeks and he has gone back to being a little grumpy bum (although he eats and sleeps fantastically!)

Just keep doing what you are doing hun, it gets easier!

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Chloe.. Lyla will have a great time at the crèche, bonus that it is on campus as well. You'll enjoy your hugs even more when you pick her up :)

Nat..James look so cute in his seat! I'm not sure to get one or not?

Srob..I hope it's just a growth spurt for your LO. It is tough but perserverence is all we can do, it will get easier, although it may not feel like that.x

M has her jabs at 2pm, going on my own as oh is in work. I'm just going to man up and be a brave mummy for M lol I have the calpol in just incase!!

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