Hi everyone. So so much to catch up on, not been on here for a while.
Chloenat - hope the first day went well. I work in nursery and trust me lyla will be so much loved by the staff. Hope its not been too hard for you.
SRob - i hope your feeling a bit better hun. Some babies are just harder work and I really hope things get better for you soon. Do you have family around who can have him for the night or afternoon so you can have a good nights sleep? Im sure you will feel all the better for it. As for the routine I think you should keep trying and soon he may get the idea that bath means bed. Bug hugs hun xxx
MrsW i hope jabs go ok for you.
Its snowing really bad here again. It was pouring down with rain when i went to bed and this morning its white over. I had a hospital appointment at 8.30 so got up at 7 the got livvi up which i hate doing. I started driving and decided to turn around as it was so so slippy. Livvi should of had her second jabs at 10.30 and i was just getting her ready at 10 and we were gonna get the bus then doctors rung me and cancelled it. Im a but cross that they cancelled so late as we would of been out the door ten mins later. So we are back in our pjs and on the sofa. Livvis having a snooze.
She's not been great this past week. Definately something going on under her gums. She's had really loose nappies too since saturday. I wish it would stop now. She's still happy in herself and sleeping 12 hours at night

clever girl
This morning she tried to roll over - was on her side but couldnt get any further. Im thinking of getting her activity centre out next week after hv visit. It says from 6 months but im sure she's strong enough for it - has been for ages. I dont want hv to tell me.
We went through the third leap last week. I cant believe how much she's coming on now. She's chuckling away to herself all the time now which is the cutest. She has been smiling for weeks but smiles all the time now. Im glad cos i was worried that she was gonna be one of these chikdren who rarely smile. She's turning into a little flirt.
I left her with my mum yesterday for 2 hours and when i got back she was screaming. Stopped straight away when i held her. My mum was a bit upset as she thought i'd be sad but i know what she's like. She hadnt been crying for too long she was overtired - little monkey
Xxxxx sorry for the long post so much to catch up with x