**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Hey mrsw, good luck this afternoon!! It will be worse for you :shock:

The Bumbo is my sisters, I didn't buy it. We're def going to invest in a Jumperoo at some point though.

James has gone back to being a bit of a grumpy bum, mainly just when tired or hungry but for almost a week he was just pure happiness... I guess I am lucky that he is a good boy in general.

Last night I slept from 10pm - 5am (I did wake at 2am and 4am but just had to throw James' blanket back over his hands) I feel like a new woman :lol:

Hi everyone. So so much to catch up on, not been on here for a while.

Chloenat - hope the first day went well. I work in nursery and trust me lyla will be so much loved by the staff. Hope its not been too hard for you.

SRob - i hope your feeling a bit better hun. Some babies are just harder work and I really hope things get better for you soon. Do you have family around who can have him for the night or afternoon so you can have a good nights sleep? Im sure you will feel all the better for it. As for the routine I think you should keep trying and soon he may get the idea that bath means bed. Bug hugs hun xxx

MrsW i hope jabs go ok for you.

Its snowing really bad here again. It was pouring down with rain when i went to bed and this morning its white over. I had a hospital appointment at 8.30 so got up at 7 the got livvi up which i hate doing. I started driving and decided to turn around as it was so so slippy. Livvi should of had her second jabs at 10.30 and i was just getting her ready at 10 and we were gonna get the bus then doctors rung me and cancelled it. Im a but cross that they cancelled so late as we would of been out the door ten mins later. So we are back in our pjs and on the sofa. Livvis having a snooze.

She's not been great this past week. Definately something going on under her gums. She's had really loose nappies too since saturday. I wish it would stop now. She's still happy in herself and sleeping 12 hours at night :-) clever girl

This morning she tried to roll over - was on her side but couldnt get any further. Im thinking of getting her activity centre out next week after hv visit. It says from 6 months but im sure she's strong enough for it - has been for ages. I dont want hv to tell me.

We went through the third leap last week. I cant believe how much she's coming on now. She's chuckling away to herself all the time now which is the cutest. She has been smiling for weeks but smiles all the time now. Im glad cos i was worried that she was gonna be one of these chikdren who rarely smile. She's turning into a little flirt.

I left her with my mum yesterday for 2 hours and when i got back she was screaming. Stopped straight away when i held her. My mum was a bit upset as she thought i'd be sad but i know what she's like. She hadnt been crying for too long she was overtired - little monkey

Xxxxx sorry for the long post so much to catch up with x
Look at her Kerrie, she is a little heart-breaker :lol:

Not sure if I will get a 3 month HV check? It's not been mentioned?

I have to take James back to be weighed on Friday (and see the HV at that baby clinic) so I guess I can ask.

Wowser to O nearly being able to roll, James can only do it with quite a bit of help from me. He loves being turned from his back to front and vice versa - it cracks him up! Hopefully he'll like it enough to learn to do it himself.

He also loves to be pulled up from laying into a sitting position and then into a standing position. That makes him smile his little head off.

Are November babies are getting so big - I can't believe we're all heading towards the 3 month mark???

Does anyone else find they spend money every time they go out?

James and I go for a walk everyday BUT we normally end up at one of the two shopping centres near where we live (we do an online shop weekly but I pick up fresh meat and veg through the week)

Today I came home with some chicken and veg for tonight's dinner... And a new salt & pepper set from M&S, and a set of 9-12 month sleepsuits from Next :wall2:

Now we did kind of need the S&P set as I'd broken the other pepper mill BUT I picked up the most expensive set I could find.

As for the sleepsuits what can I say???

I can't wait until the weather breaks and our walks can end in the park as opposed to at the shops!!!

Anyone else find they have no self control at the moment??

Ebay is another addiction - I've just ordered a load of photoframes and photo albums??? Oh and of course there was the cost of all the photo's that I printed to go in said frames and albums.

SMP kicked in for me last payday too!!!

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Thanks ladies. It was a really tough night last night, and thought it better I vent here than in front of my baby! He is such hard work and just when I get into the swing of things, he goes and changes all over again. Luckily my OH is great at nighttime. Last night I had to do bath on my own as OH was at football - as soon as he walked back into the I passed LO to him and LO fell asleep within 10 minutes - my OH had the kindness to say that I had done all the hard work. Then I cried on his shoulder from sheer exhaustion.

I am guessing growth spurt and colic. But he well and truly fights sleep. We can be walking in the pram for a good half an hour before he closes his eyes, it ridiculous. And then, obviously, he gets over tired.

I have the in-laws nearby, but hopefully soon we will be moving to near my parents and friends as we have sold our house. Really can't wait! Though I'll miss my GP, she has been lovely and very kind.

I am really nervous about moving him out of his moses basket - when the time comes (he's still little enough for it!). Rocking the moses basket helps him sleep, we can't rock the cot bed... I envision many long nights when he comes to sleeping there. Might try getting him to have a couple of daytime naps in there to warm him into it.
Right, LO has so far lasted 5 minutes in his big cot... will see how long he lasts!
Lylas first day at creche is over! I held back the tears until I got to hold her when I picked her up! Missed her so much but she did really well and ate and slept well so I'm pleased. Also! I think she missed me because the past few days she was refusing the breast to the point I thought I would have to stop BFing. She got home latched with only a few tears and has now drained both breasts and is still attached to my nipple while napping :lol: xx
Madison's injections went well, as well as jabs to I suppose. She cried gave the nurse a dirty look but had stopped by time we got to the car. She had an hour snooze woke up all smiles had a play fed and now is sleeping on my chest. Hopefully things won't deteriorate later :) so far so good!
We are off to a swimming class tomorrow should be interesting!

I find im spending more money being off work! If I don't go out shopping it's either spent on diesel to and from groups, I live too far to walk, or on heating as my house gets so cold in the day and I don't want M to freeze! I think ill need to sell my worldly possessions!

Chloe glad the first day at nursery went well for you x
Glad all went OK with the jabs hun! Also glad Lyla settled in OK!

Well there are some upsides to getting up at 5am! So far I have done to following:

2 nappy changes
1 feed
3 cups of tea
changed James' crib bedding
stripped our bed
1 wash in machine
clean washing put away
recycling sorted
washing up done
cat litter tray half done :shock:

No wonder I am done in by lunch time!!

We're going to see my folks a bit later, then off for a non money spending walk and back in time for the online shopping!

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Morning. You have been busy nat. No wonder you are tired lol.

I am the sams with spending money. Everywhere we go I just buy for olivia- she has so much stuff. I went shopping with a bit of birthday money i had at the weekend and ended up spending 60 pound on O too. Im buying 6-9 month studf at the min as she has plenty of 3-6. Theres just so much stuff.

We are starting swimming lessons next week so its an excuse to buy cute little cozzies for O. Not so much excited about getting in one myself. Need to buy something at weekend.

We're off to pic up the professional pics we had done when i was pregnant then of O at 2 weeks old. Only just got round to ordering them and we have had them on a disc so i can print as many as i want off. So if anyone knows any good deals for canvas's anywhere let me know xx
I really regret not getting some decent piccies of me whilst preggers.

I loved my bump as well so it wasn't a shyness thing?? I just didn't think it mattered that much at the time :shock: 'tis my one and only regret!!

We plan to take James swimming in a few weeks, but OH will be taking him in and I'll be on the sidelines.

I am glad James is a boy as I dread to think what I'd have spent on a girl :lol:

I'm trying so hard not to buy Madison more clothes! She has plent 3-6 so it's 6-9months we need maybe 9-12 if I can bring myself to even buy this size. M&S have got some amazing girls outfits, wish they did them in mummy sizes!!! Lol

I'm hoping m enjoys the swimming it's just me going might say to oh to come along for support maybe?

Nat can you come round here and do my housework?? Or give me a kick up the bum to do it!

I went to meet a childminder earlier which went well just want to see a few more and make up my mind :) x
I spend SO much money on little girl clothes :lol: It's ridiculous, everytime I go out I end up getting Lyla something. Most times it's a lot more than just one outfit though :wall: Hard to resist.

She has so many clothes passed down from her cousin so I don't need to buy but can't help it. She's not far off 3-6 months clothes now so I have to make sure she wears all her 0-3 stuff at least once! :lol:

She also has nearly as many shoes as me :lol:
I have hardly bought any clothes. J has had so many things bought for him that we're struggling to out them all on him once. In 0-3 the only thing I bought was vests. I bought some 3-6 vests today and a couple of pairs of trackie bottoms - we have had so many tops/hoodies/cardigans bought.

Today a whole lot of pirate themed clothes arrived for 6-9 months.

I don't want to be ungrateful, because I love that people like to send J presents, but I want to buy things for him too! So far I have had no say in how my own baby is dressed!

See, that does sound ungrateful... :(
No i dont think you sound ungrateful. Its nice to pick things for yourself. Some of the stuff O was brought are lovely but not at all what i would of picked so i dont often put her in them. Then i feel bad cos its a waste :-(

Earlier i rolled O onto her side a tiny bit and she rolled herself onto her tummy. But for some reason she hates being on her tummy now and gets stressed when she gets there. I think its because she is too nosey now and wants to see whats going on.

Second jabs tomorrow. Im dreading them more than the first ones :-(
Hello ladies! I have an iPad now so can get online easier! The twins have my phone most of the time due to using the hair dryer app, and my laptop was ancient plus there's always a baby on my lap so I could never use it!

I've got so much to catch up on so going to spend some time reading up on this thread!

Little update on the twins: they had their 8 week jabs yesterday which were horrible, I cried as their little faces went bright red :( they were quite poorly yesterday too so I had to give them lots of cuddles and calpol, poor things. They've just been going through their 5/6 week leap too so they're pretty demanding. I also think Seb has colic as he screams for ages from 10pm every evening! Fun fun fun. It's been difficult trying to get sleep as normally one baby is awake and they wake each other up. Can definitely see little developmental changes in them now, they grab for things (mainly my hair!) and smile loads, mainly in their sleep (although I'm yet to have a proper smile at me yet!) they are also trying to stay up longer and wayyy more alert :)
I'll have to upload some pics soon :)

Hope you're all good, going to have a read through the previous posts now! Xxxx
Here is a pic, Sebastian's on the left, Dylan right :)


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Lovely to hear from you Sammy, that piccie really made me chuckle, the boys are so sweet and I can only imagine the trouble they are going to get into as they get older :lol:

L_a I have returned so much stuff and swapped it for what I like!!

I am not sure what to be dressing James in as he gets older. Most days he still wears baby-gro's?? I am guessing I need to invest in some separates (tops and bottoms?) I have loads of sleepsuits / vests on 3-6 months but no real clothes??

Best of luck Kerrie, we have second Jabs next Tues!

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