**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Srob - sorry you're down but yay for being able to move home. I don't know how I would have managed without my mum nearby.

Kerrie - no red cheeks. Are you sure she's not teething?

Wilson - J doesn't sleep through. I'm still feeding at 11pm and 3am and he wakes between 6 and 6:30. He's also FF, so it's not the whole answer. I'm lucky though because my husband takes him at 6 so I can sleep in and catch up.

L_a i dont think she's teething but she is very dribbly and has had these red cheeks since sunday. I have read that as part of their development they can be more dribbly and its not always a sign of teething. I gave her her dummy the other day and she chewed it rather than sucked it but i cant see any white gums??? She's not grumpy either so i dont know?
I've had a lovely day today. My husband didn't need to start work until 10am, so he looked after J while I went for a run.

Then I went to lunch with a friend from work. She hasn't seen J for a good few weeks, so she couldn't believe the difference. He had a long nap before we went out, so he was bright and happy. He took his bottle while we ordered, then sat in his car seat watching us while we ate, then he sat happily on my lap for half an hour while we chatted. When we got back to my house, he went down in his cot for another nap with no fuss while we had a coffee. We've had lots of lovely smiles too. He couldn't have been a more model baby!
Kerrie - run your finger along her gums and you should feel any teeth coming or about to come through xx
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She may be teething, my M is! So far it's being soothed by his hand, toys and towels..in fact anything he can put in his mouth. He has white gums, slimy slimy dribble, sucking his bottom lip in but no painful crying I don't think.he does wake during the night to have a chew and a little moan but falls back to sleep. When he had his check up the dr confirmed teething but said he probably won't show any teeth for a very very long time. I bought him a razberry tether dummy (he doesn't take dummies) but he refuses to chew on it, so maybe if she is chewing on her dummy buy her one of these, it's ideal for chewing in and soothing at the same time. Look up raZberry spelling it with a 'z'.
Yeah she chews her hands all the time but has been for a while. If i put my finger in her mouth she chews on it and will chew a teether if i put it to her mouth. I brought some teething gel just incase she needs it in the night time. At least they arent grumpy with it? Im so glad they wont come through yet - i cant imagine her with a littlw tooth! Xx
Nat - J will only be entertained by the same thing for a few minutes max, then he will start to get restless.

The whingeing getting worse as the day goes on sounds familiar - J was like this until we got him napping properly - he's still brighter in the morning than the evening, but before he would get grumpier and more upset as the day went on. I think he was chronically tired. I think you solved the long nap problem, but does J have other naps?


James has a long nap between 11 - 1/2pm but the rest of the day is just catnaps. He has a quick nap after every feed.

He also seems to need feeding more often in evening as well but I am sure that is normal and is part of the reason he sleeps so long.

I don't mind so much, OH takes over in the evening LOL!

I've finally got him settled, he went down much later this evening so I am off to bed.

Sweet dreams

Hope everyones day is going well.

Had a bit of a pants day. Firstly had my first experience of a clicky mother who was just out right rude to me at sensory this morning. I try to talk to other mums, like the other ladies do, and this one woman was just bloody rude! one word answers, giving me horrible looks etc she was sitting right next to me so I thought it polite to talk to her. I wasn't forcing conversation it was just the occasional comment about what we were doing. I commented on her little boy holding up his head and how strong he looked and she just grunted at me! Bah! Cow bag!
Went to tesco, no mother and baby spaces so parked in a regular one. Came back out the store and 2 twits had parked so close to the car I couldn't get M in!! I eventually had to put her in the front seat took bloody ages to battle with the car sea to get it in.

Sorry just a silly rant but the smallest things at the minute really rattle me! x
MrsWoody this is what Im dreading about baby groups. We started bab sesnsory last week and there was only me and a little boy. The mum was nice but obviously good friends with the woman who teaches massage and i felt so out of it. I left O in the room when i went to wash my hands (which i didnt really want to do) and when i came back she was crying whilst the two women were chatting. Hopefully next week there will be more people there.
Im lucky my friend has just had a baby and even though we're not the same surestart area we can go to community baby group together and we are going to start baby and mother swimming on a tuesday. Im also taking Livvi to swimming lessons on a wednesday in 2 weeks so thats plenty enough for me.

Hi all, thanks everyone :-)

I got my LO weighed today and he dipped a little under his centile line. Not so much that he's on a different centime though. They weren't concerned and said just to get him weighed again in 4 weeks. Though naturally, I am concerned. It reckon it is because a) he sleeps through the night so missing that extra feed, and b) he was weighed just before I fed him, my MIL said if he had been weighed afterwards he'd probably would've been on track.

Still, I am in a panic now... I have recently increased his feed from 5oz-6oz which has settled him a lot more and he generally needs feeding anywhere between 3-4 hours. I am hoping the new 6oz per feed will boost him back up again. He's only little and now I am panicking! At least he has gained weight... just not enough :-(
SRob i know its hard but if hv wasnt worried then i wouldnt be too concerned. I have upped I's bottles to 6oz as she's now sleeping 12 hours and i was worried she wouldnt get enough milk but sometimes she will only dribk 5oz.

Im almost positive O is teething now. This is day 4 of red cheeks and sometimes she wont take her dummy and cries, i dont know if its hurting her gums. She's just been crying quite a bit so i tried some teething gel which i'd brought as an emergency as she stopped almost instantly and she was quite happy then just sucking her dummy. My poor little baby xxx
hey everyone

Kerri- Ella started with the red cheeks and dribbling a few days ago aswell lol. I thought she may have had a temp but they are rosey red most of the time lol and shes been dribbling alot too. I wonder if it is teething i havnt looked in her mouth tbh but i might have a quick peak when she wakes up from her nap.

Ella just has no routine but i know its my own fault. i bath her ever over night and its usually between 7-9 depending on when shes due her feed and she finds them quite distressing, she either crys in the bath then settles when she comes out or she loves her bath then screams when i take her out so either way she isnt calm although iv noticed she seems to sleep better afterwards. We ran out of forumla powder last night so i gave her some ready made forumla and it knocked her out for a good 4 hours so im wondering if i might start giving her hungry baby milk or ready forumla before her bed time feed to see if it helps?

Is it ok to mix normla sma and hungry baby sma?

She is growing up so much, every day she seems to be doing new things.

Wilson - aruthur will get the hang of it soon, maybe try moving his bed time back to 9 if it was working well for you? Ella is hit and miss with sleep, last night she went to sleep at 1am woke for a feed at 4.30 and then 10.30 which was good for us :). sometimes she will do bed at 12 up at half 3 up at half 7 up at half 10 so she skipped a feed last night which was good for me as id been out for a few cheeky wines with my work friends lol.

Carnat we wonderd were you had been lol.
He only weighs 10lb 7oz and he is 10 weeks old. He weighed 9lb 6oz at 7 weeks old (on the centile line there) - so doesn't sound like an impressive weight gain. Bleurgh. He has about 24oz a day now.
Mrswoody - what a shame that woman was rude to you. Perhaps she's not a sociable person and is only going to learn baby massage. My next door neighbour was a bit weird like that - she always ignored invites to parties and barely looked at me when I said hi on the street. In the end I decided it was nothing to do with me, she was just very shy and perhaps a bit unsociable.

Kerrie - don't let them put you off! That was really not nice to ignore your LO crying. I've only had good experiences going to groups, although it is better to go with someone you know.

Srob - don't worry until you know there is a problem. If you've upped the milk and LO is taking it, he'll soon put the weight on.

Ruthie - I don't know if you can mix formulas. I've been wondering myself because eventually I will need to wean off the comfort milk. I found the aptimil care line very good when I had a question though, I'm assuming SMA have one too. Maybe ring them?

Been into town today to get some shopping and have a coffee with my friend. J is so interested in everything now, he was nosing around him in the coffee shop and flirting with the lady at the next table! He's grabbing things and "talking" to us in sounds now too. So cute!

I have two local mummy friends coming round for coffee tomorrow, so our house will be like a crèche.
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I want to cry for my olivia she's really not well and im so sure its her teeth or gums are hurting. Ive been trying her to sleep for a hour which is so not like her and she's so restless. Ive tried teething gel and it helps her but i cant give her tht every 20 mins. She's just crying like shes hurting. No temp and im not worried, i just dont want her to be in pain :-(
Ive just bit the bullet and gave her some. I really didnt want to unless she really needed it but i can tell she's not well. Hopefully it will make her feel a bit better :-(
Thanks girls some women though-bloomin rude! I love baby sensory and the ladies are fab such a big group and everyone chats. I've got a new one tomorrow it's singing and signing, they are hot on a signing down here don't know of anyone back home who does this!?

Kerrie..poor O I hope she feels better soon lovely it can't be pleasent for them. No teething for us yet got it all to come!

Srob..don't worry too much about the weigh you might find the extra at feeds now will bump LO back onto the centile

Ruthie..we don't have much of a routine yet either. Just bath between 7-8pm then some massage,dressed then feed. Because M feeds on and off at night and only naps its hard to keep putting her down to bed etc I'd spend all night upstairs otherwise. She finally settles around 10.30 :) x
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I got a book on signing. It actually seems to be makaton, which I already know. I understand that babies as young as 7-8 months can sign. I'm certainly going to give it a go, no harm in it

I took J to "sing and smile" a couple of weeks ago. It was a big group (20 kids of mixed ages to about 4 years) and it was so rowdy! He was quite overwhelmed and cried until I held him facing me, then he went to sleep. I've decided not to take him again until he's a bit older. I know though that other groups are smaller with closer age groups, because there was one at my mums place of work and I think something more baby orientated would have been fine.
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Hello ladies,

It has been so long since I have been on here I just find it so hard to find the time.
Quick update on Kaelan he had his 12 week check up yesterday he is now 7.12kg and 66cm long he is in the 95th percentile :)

The nurse told me I need to be doing more tummy time with him, so as soon as we got home we did tummy time and as soon as I put him down he rolled over, so he is now rolling over, clever boy :)

Sleep is still an iffy area with us I am so tired. On average I get 5 hours but if I am lucky I get 6 and last night I was really lucky got 7hours!:shock::dance:


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