**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

I did think that too kelly but didnt want to say :) lol

Awful night last night. Arthur wanted feedin ever 2hrs, it seems if i put him down early he light sleeps and thrashes all night in his basket :( and bad wind! Worst night since he arrived.

Had to share this piccy of last night xx

Sorry to hear you had a rough night hun, but those smiles must make it all worth while??

I know I am lucky with James as he's pretty much always let me get some solid sleep at night...

I keep thinking do i put him on forumula but i guess he could be the same, theres only arthur out of the november babies not sleeping :(
I feel dreadful this morning, and im on my own for 2 days now as bruce is workin down south :( xx
I keep thinking do i put him on forumula but i guess he could be the same, theres only arthur out of the november babies not sleeping :(
I feel dreadful this morning, and im on my own for 2 days now as bruce is workin down south :( xx

I don't think formula is the answer hun!

There are several BF babies that sleep a bit longer than Arthur. Sadly he may just be one of those babies that struggle to sleep in the early days?

My nephew didn't sleep through until he was 6 months [and he didn't sleep for longer than 3/4 hours until he was 4/5 months] The good news is now at 20 months he is a fab sleeper!

You watch Wilson, our babies will stop sleeping so well and Arthur will be sleeping 12 hours a night :lol: :lol:

When is OH back?

Hes back tuesday night, well ive found the answer to last nights upset, Arthur has just decided to fill 2 nappies of poo and then fire jetted it all over me, im not kidding, a cup of runny yellow poo must have fired out of him lol,

And i was sat a foot away from him, then to top it off he peed on me 3 times lol, do u think gripe water at tea will help his trapped wind and poo release before bed?? Xx
Better out than in hey?

James has been pooing everyday and Saturday's was a world record.. I've not had projectile poo for a while BUT we did both end up covered in it :roll:

I use Gripe Water for wind, I use it most feeds to get James' burps up. I've been using it for a while now and he still had a little constipation whilst we've been using it so I am not sure how much use it is to keep them poo'ing?

Hahahaha oops well to save myself anymore embarrassment be more clear in future! :)

Ewe! Unlucky Wilson! M did a similar one yesterday but went all over his clothes,my carpet and ME. Out came the 1001 and a soak in the bath for both m and I. I love him, but I don't love projectile poo!

Look at your other half being away as a good bonding session for you and Arthur! It's hard work but you don't have to share.

M is going to nanas and grandads tomorrow which means a whole day of packing up and throwing stuff away and charity shop trips! Moving in April, but have to start now. Ugh...
Oh Wilson little Arthur will start sleeping longer eventually. He will turn into a great little sleeper and those of us who have sleeping babies already will get little gremlins who decide they don't want to sleep through the night any more.

Nat..wow to 10 hours!!! That must be a record for James? I hope you got yourself some good sleep too!

Kelly..look and see if you have anything worth selling on eBay! I've just made myself a small fortune selling on maternity stuff,jackets, bras etc

I need to head to the post office soon but it is hammering down :( not looking forward to it that's for sure as I have loads of stuff to post, will be leaving the little lady at home with daddy where it's cosy and warm.
Howdie! My LO slept from 7:30pm-6:45am last night - I am so impressed with him! I remember the early days when I'd be sitting up with him watching I'm A Celebrity at 3am because he would not settle! I am so glad to have a sleeping baby these days!

Went to the doctors today, it was a return trip after the 8 week check as the doctor was slightly concerned with how I am doing. It is no secret that I have struggled from the start, but things might slowly be getting better. The OH and I accepted an offer on our house today and if all goes well we'll be moving back to where I am from and near my parents and friends. I am hoping that'll finally be rid of baby blues/mild depression... whatever it is. The doctor wants to see me again in 2 weeks, I am grateful that they are keeping a check on me.

Wilson, I FF so can't help you unfortunately, but got my period at 8 weeks after the birth of my LO.
Hi srob

Glad things r moving for you, how are u feeling in yrself? I know depression isnt nice, i suffer with anxiety myself and there is dark days, the lack of sleep doesnt help does it, snytime u want to tslk im here for a chat xx
Wilson I'm still waiting for mine too the mw told me that even though we don't get a period we can still be fertile! Yikes!!!

Hello srob, sounds like your gp is really looking after you which is great to hear. Moving closer to family and friends will really help you too :)
I got a little tinge of blood on my tissue earlier and some mild period psins :/ xx
Glad to hear your GP is keeping an eye on you Srob! I think moving closer to your parents and friends will help as well. I don't know how I'd have coped without being close to my family and in-laws...

Lovely to hear LO is sleeping aswell, it makes all the difference?

Although James is sleeping I am so bloody tired. He goes down so early that no matter how hard I try I don't follow him until 2 hours later. Also I must confess to bringing him with us every night. He stirs / gets very restless between 1am-3am and unless I take him in with us he'll wake up. I have a feeling I am making a rod for my own back here and of course I never have a nice sleep when he is with us.....so really I am only getting 2-3 hours unbroken sleep per night.

One final thing ladies do you find that your LO's are not really that interested in anything at the moment? James "likes" a lot of things when he is in the mood (his chair, his play gym, bath) but nothing really engages him for long or quietens him when he is fussy??? Other than food LOL!!

I must remember that he is in the midst of the 3rd leap so maybe he'll be more into things when he goes through this tranistion? He seems to have gone backwards but that is all part of the 3rd leap...

The past few days have been hard as all I seem to be doing is trying to stop him whinging. He gets worse as the day goes on as well?

In other news we went for a 2 hour walk today and I am ready for bed :lol:

Wilson I only expressed for 5 weeks or so and I got period when James was exactly 8 weeks...

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Wooooo for the long walk!

Srob, moving nearer to the people you love will be a help I am sure.

Wilson I had really bad cramps a few days back, but no period as of yet. Quite like it that way too!

And carnat, as for LO not engaging for long...last week he would be entertained for 30 mins on his play mat, but now I'll be lucky for 5 minutes. I think he is in his leap but not showing any other signs and like ou seems to have gone back slightly. He s talking more...that seems to entertain him.
SRob - good to know doctors are keeping an eye on you and that you have the support there. Its so much better when you get a good night sleep isnt it?

O sleeps 12 hours and i am so so lucky BUT i know that one day she will decide to wake up through the night and it will be a massive shock to the system!

Anyones babes have rosey cheeks? O's are so rosey and have been since sunday and now that a extra rosey!! She's not hot or temp and i dont think she's teething. X
Nat, M isn't really interested in much to be honest. She likes things and it will keep her entertained for a bit but she doesn't have a favourite thing..the boobie maybe? Lol

Kerrie..no rosy cheeks here. Not sure what it could be, don't google it! ;) x
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Nat - J will only be entertained by the same thing for a few minutes max, then he will start to get restless.

The whingeing getting worse as the day goes on sounds familiar - J was like this until we got him napping properly - he's still brighter in the morning than the evening, but before he would get grumpier and more upset as the day went on. I think he was chronically tired. I think you solved the long nap problem, but does J have other naps?


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