Glad to hear your GP is keeping an eye on you Srob! I think moving closer to your parents and friends will help as well. I don't know how I'd have coped without being close to my family and in-laws...
Lovely to hear LO is sleeping aswell, it makes all the difference?
Although James is sleeping I am so bloody tired. He goes down so early that no matter how hard I try I don't follow him until 2 hours later. Also I must confess to bringing him with us every night. He stirs / gets very restless between 1am-3am and unless I take him in with us he'll wake up. I have a feeling I am making a rod for my own back here and of course I never have a nice sleep when he is with really I am only getting 2-3 hours unbroken sleep per night.
One final thing ladies do you find that your LO's are not really
that interested in anything at the moment? James "likes" a lot of things when he is in the mood (his chair, his play gym, bath) but nothing really engages him for long or quietens him when he is fussy??? Other than food LOL!!
I must remember that he is in the midst of the 3rd leap so maybe he'll be more into things when he goes through this tranistion? He seems to have gone backwards but that is all part of the 3rd leap...
The past few days have been hard as all I seem to be doing is trying to stop him whinging. He gets worse as the day goes on as well?
In other news we went for a 2 hour walk today and I am ready for bed
Wilson I only expressed for 5 weeks or so and I got period when James was exactly 8 weeks...