Afternoon all. I haven't been on here for an age, mainly because LO, OH and I have all uprooted and relocated. At last weigh-in, about 2 weeks ago LO was 15lb 5oz!!! He is now on the 50th centile!!
I have started to attempt weaning him - just on baby rice at the moment, and to be honest, it isn't going well (not a surprise with my man!).
He also, still refuses any sort of routine. It is literally mission impossible. He's always either too tired, too hungry, or too darn stubborn to get into one.
On the positive LO finally enjoys his baths - I have to co-bath with him, but no blood-curdling screams, not even a wimper. Poor little guy was just scared in the end, but is much happier now he has his mummy with him.
Overall though, my LO is much happier and smiles and laughs and only really cries when it is bedtime :-s
On a random note, during the last nappy change a noticed tiny little black specks in his nappy. I am hoping this is down to trying to wean him, but then read that the black specks is usually down to either banana or blood from breastfreeding. Since neither is possible, I am starting to panic. I will wait and see what the next dirty nappy holds.