**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Im back october too. 3 days a week

Oh works nights and earns more than enough for me to stay at home but the thing is he could go back onto days tomorrow if they needed him too so i cant risk it

Afternoon all. I haven't been on here for an age, mainly because LO, OH and I have all uprooted and relocated. At last weigh-in, about 2 weeks ago LO was 15lb 5oz!!! He is now on the 50th centile!!

I have started to attempt weaning him - just on baby rice at the moment, and to be honest, it isn't going well (not a surprise with my man!).

He also, still refuses any sort of routine. It is literally mission impossible. He's always either too tired, too hungry, or too darn stubborn to get into one.

On the positive LO finally enjoys his baths - I have to co-bath with him, but no blood-curdling screams, not even a wimper. Poor little guy was just scared in the end, but is much happier now he has his mummy with him.

Overall though, my LO is much happier and smiles and laughs and only really cries when it is bedtime :-s

On a random note, during the last nappy change a noticed tiny little black specks in his nappy. I am hoping this is down to trying to wean him, but then read that the black specks is usually down to either banana or blood from breastfreeding. Since neither is possible, I am starting to panic. I will wait and see what the next dirty nappy holds.
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Hi srob

Hope your ok? Have you tried putting lo in the cot half hour before hes tired, i made that mistake and put arthur in his cot to tired, he scresmed and cried snd wanted to be rocked to sleep, no i bath boobie feed and put him in his cot seni tired and put his wall light musical on, he whimpers a bit but takes himself off xx
Hi Wilson.

Nah he doesn't like going to bed when he isn't tired either. He can fight every soothing technique possible if he doesn't want to sleep!

Though, I will try it tonight.
Hey SRob

Lyla gets put in bed fully awake some nights even if she isn't all that tired but it's time for bed. We make sure she's down at the same time every night and she realises now that when she is put in her cot it's time to sleep and she will close her eyes straight away and go to sleep. Maybe try putting him down same time each night for a while and see if that helps?

Now if only I could get her to sleep through! :wall:

Also srob, put him in his cot for all 3 naps am lunch and pm, start playtime at 6pm then run the bath at 6.30, bath at 6.45, feed at 7.30 bed at 8pm, while feeding sing gentle rythems or books but make it a quiet place just u two, no tv or noise he can here, also if u have a sleeping bag pop him in that, gradually it will come together but it takes time n paitence but really stick to it, theres no point in having a baby that does everything by the book or we wouldnt learn anything, well done on cracking the bath fingers crossed bed gets cracked soon xxxx
Thanks for the advice ladies, and I will give it a try for a week or so. Luckily his feeding routine TODAY is 0730/1130/1530/1930/2330 (yup he wakes for the 2330, but then sleeps through till 0600/0700), so I can actually give that routine a go as feed time will land on 1930. BUT what if tomorrow, he wakes up a different time... and so by the time 1800pm comes along - he is tired? Because his feeding routine varies every day, every day is different. If he doesn't want to sleep - he will scream and shout. But, I found recently that having half an hour 'quiet time' before putting him in his cot helps a little!

As his grandparents say, my little man is 'consistently inconsistent'. Hopefully now that we can actually have baths, we can have a proper routine.
well if u feed him on them times everyday his routine will start to fall in place for the night, arthur dream feeds at 11.30pm but still wakes at 2.30 and 5am most nights, but hes teething, it tuck me feeds of 7.30am, 9.30am, 11.30am, 3.30pm,5.30pm 8pm feeds start and bring his bedtime routine together it tuck me about 2-3weeks to pull it together, putting him in his cot for all naps upstairs away from noise you will be glad when you do it xx
Srob - I think as Wilson says, feed him at those times everyday ie. even if he's still sleeping at 7.30, wake him up. I think the bedtime routine starts at the beginning of the day making sure they are up at the same time everyday - otherwise their days are different lengths and some days they are overtired and others not tired at all when it comes to bedtime.

Up until recently Aela didn't sleep in her crib because she just wouldn't sleep without being rocked! But I started doing a bath at 6pm and then a story, feed and aiming for bed around 7pm although it all depends on how long she wants to feed for. She seems to be pushing bedtime till 8pm which is a bloody pain in the ass as that's when my stepdaughter goes to bed! It will all fall into place eventually, it's just bloody hard work!xxx
Hi Srob,

I try to keep James as close to the same times each day. I never wake him for a feed, or make him wait if he is screaming for one though.

James has 5 bottles a day and has been on roughly the same time frame since end of January (before that he was still having a night feed)

I tend to give him his biggest bottles first thing and last thing so maybe you can try experimenting with how much he has depending on how long you want him to go between feeds (not sure if you BF though hun?). James goes 4 hours between bottles in the daytime but has his last two feeds within 2 hours of each other.

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Are all our November babies now in cot's / cot-beds?

The reason I ask is that James is still in his crib but has been so restless the past few nights, could it be time to move him?

Crib still has enough room etc...

Hi everyone, I've been lurking and reading, but haven't posted for a few days. Hope the poorly babies are feeling better. Love everyone's piccies.

Everything fine here. Took J to his cranio yesterday's, his flat head is much improved and several other issues are resolved. Very pleased with the treatment.

Today I have my NCT weaning course. I'm looking forward to it. Because I knew I was going I haven't done any reading at so about weaning, is it will all be new to me. And happy to see my NCT girls again too.

Hope you all have a good day.

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Hello Sally, Kelly and srob :wave: nice to see you :)

Srob hope your little man finds something that works for him and you. The other girls have gave some great advice.

Nat..we still have M in her mini cot (slightly bigger than a crib) but we are thinking of putting her in her own room in the next few weeks. :shock:

I'm with Chloe and Wilson on getting M to sleep through. Some nights it's every 3 hours some every 1.5hrs!! :wall2: I just don't know what else to try. She goes down around 8pm. Even if I do stretch this to later or earlier it makes no difference!! :roll:
She has been blowing big raspberries and screeching a lot recently! Super cute but not at bed times?
We fly home tonight and ill be glad to get one and back to routine! Oh and me are starting slimming world and I have vowed to get my bum in gear and train! :shock::shock:
Why won't James nap :wall2:

He has had a long nap around this time for months but today he won't have it.

I had to cover his carrycot with a muslin whilst we were out but he was wide awake. I've just tried to cuddle him to sleep for an hour and I've given up now.

He is in his chair shouting away???

He'll get overtired soon, poor little thing!

Lyla is in her cotbed, Nat. Has been since about 12 weeks old now and she sleeps like a starfish :lol: She loves the space.

Sorry to hear you are having the same problems Amanda and Danielle.. Not fun having a baby that wakes during the night! :wall:

Lyla had a horrible night last night poor thing, not sleep related either!

This cold is awful! I fed her as usual at 11pm and she went back to sleep as usual, I woke to hearing Lyla hacking her brains out with that cough and then being sick about 1:30am so I went to check on her and the poor thing was covered in sick. Head to toe! Her cot bedding was covered too! It just kept coming! So I had to take her out and comfort her until it was over. She must have threw up every single feed from that day! There was loads! I got her washed and changed, changed cot bedding gave her a cuddle and put her back down and off to sleep she went. She then didn't wake until 7:30am which is great but she was probably exhausted from the night!

I brought her downstairs to get her ready and she was choking by the time we got down the stairs, really gagging so I held her over my knee and loads of really thick yellow mucus poured out of her. She looked so shocked and had a good cry. Wouldn't take her bottle then as she gagged every time I tried her and spat out more mucus. By about 9am she was ok again so I gave her a 4oz feed to get a little into her.

Decided to take her to the baby clinic this morning because I was sure it wasn't just a cold! Got there and different doctor did all the checks... it's a cold.. what the hell?! Anyway I got her weighed because she hasn't been eating properly for so long and she is 15lbs 10oz and still following the 75th centile thankfully! She also got her last set of jabs because we missed the appointment when we were at the in laws...

Poor baby is just cuddled up sleeping. She's suffering poor thing.

Wish I could do something to help her! :(
In other news, the highchair is a huge success! She loves it!


Here's little miss on way to doctors this morning, just wanted to cuddle her bunny all day.

Baaaaah Aela has wind and will not bring it up! She's had gripe water and it's still not coming, and therefore she is not sleeping! OH was luckily off work today so he has taken her out for a bumpy walk to try and get it up - she's knackered but in pain poor wee soul! Not a good end to a day which have spent mainly feeling like rubbish :\ xx
Get well soon Lyla.

Touch wood James has yet to catch anything? I have all my medicines stockpiled.

We're off to see GP tomorrow as I think James has Eczema but also his cradle cap is really bad. I also need a once over as I am not myself. I've hurt my achilles exercising which is unlike me - right up to having James I was active, walking lots and I thought pretty fit? Now it seems like even gentle exercise is causing me problems (it could just be that I have overdone it recently, exercising 8 days out of 10 and ignoring little niggles of pain. I've not done anything super physical for over a year so my body has gone into shock?)

Anyhoo... That is my moan!

Bub napped late today. Instead of having his nap between 12-3pm he ended up sleeping 2.30 - 4.30pm so he's been up later this evening.

We did banana again this afternoon. Yesterday I mushed some up and let him hold a chunk today I just let him hold a chunk (it is so slippery though I kind of have to hold it for him and he pushes my hand towards his mouth). OH was home by then and witnessed the greedy little thing chump off a massive bit so I had to dig that out of his mouth. :lol:

Think we'll try strawberries tomorrow. I'll give James the option of having them mushed and in chunks and see how it goes?? I am still not totally OK with BLW (need to read the bloody book) but it is a simpler option and I like the theory. For the time being I am just going to try him on a few basics that can be easily mushed up and offer him the choice between puree and chunks. With banana the chunks were a hit, the puree he barely touched!

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