**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Have fun out Nat!! My fun consists of making OH and I dinner and playing chess all night on the sofa :lol:
Nat, The one I've got is actually a bit thicker than the daily one I think, but I guess it's similar. Js face is looking lovely now.

Wilson, what did you get for Arthur's christening outfit?

We went to take his passport application to the post office today. They told me the photos we did at home might not meet the standard, so we popped over to Timpsons and the chap there took some more photos. The photos are so cute. Will have to get them signed again though and send it off Monday.
Hi ladies

Nat have a lovely time out later :) enjoy!

La.. We tried to sit M in one of the photo booth things until someone kindly told us that timpsons does the photos.

Wilson..what kind of outfit did you go for?

First full day in Cyprus and its been great. M was a little all over the place yesterday with our long day of travelling but today she has been a joy. I think she is wondering what the big yellow thing in the sky is and why when she goes in the pram is she not in a pram suit hat and blanket!? Lol
It was really windy today so no beach but we will be doing that tomorrow hopefully :) also been invited out for a bit, I am a bit nervous about leaving M longer than say 2 hours incase she wakes but il see how I go tomorrow :) oh can always come and get me if I want to come back I suppose.

Glad all is going well in Cyprus - you lucky moo :lol: Take lots of piccies hun. I am sure M will be fine but do what you feel is best.

Piccies of the Christening outfit please Wilson?

The Boots near me are crap L_a and this was all they had. As I say we're going to see GP soon anyway so we'll see.

James' face is fine at the moment, a little dry so I am just using coconut oil?

Had a lovely night, 3 glasses of Prosecco though so feeling a bit ropey LOL!

Off to get little man weighed, then going to do some shopping then home for a work-out!

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James weighs a whopping 15lbs 1oz (we missed the 14's out altogether as he was 13lb 12oz last weigh-in) and for the first time since he was born we can go to monthly weigh-ins!

Yay for James! Sounds like he's filling out nicely! Lyla must be massive compared to him, bless! She was 14lbs 2 at 15 weeks. So at 18 weeks I'm guessing she'd be around the 15lbs 8oz mark. These babies need to slow down! I can only hold Lyla for 10 or so minutes before my arms nearly fall off! And she's wanting to be carried everywhere lately!
Lovely piccie, bless Lylashe is such a clever girl!

James only discovered his feet recently, he loves them although like a typical male he is completely fascinated with his willy. The moment the nappy comes off he is down there with both hands grabbing his willy and balls :shock: :shock: I hope he grows out of it :lol:

James slept until 7.30am today! Whoop!

Although he was in with us from 6am.

Great photo of Lyla!! M just loves her feet she shoves them in get mouth all the time!

Here is M on her first trip to the beach..very interested in the sea!! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1365259280.053679.jpg
Lyla looks like she is having great fun Chloe! Aela hasn't properly found her feet yet...still enjoying her hands too much!

I LOVE that photo of Madison mrswoody! Hope you're enjoying your holidays!

Here's Aela just out the bath...



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Gorgeous piccies! Love seeing how all the gorgeous November babies are getting on xx
Hi ladies, hope you're all having a good weekend.

So the last few nights, J has started waking every hour in the night. He doesn't seem to want feeding, just cries for the dummy and sometimes spits it and cries for it again. He goes off again after a few minutes. Not sure what's going on, but perhaps it's the leap or sleep regression. It's still better than night feeding though, I can never get back to sleep after I've been awake that long.

We went over to friends yesterday to help them move into a new flat. J was really good, at 7pm I put him in a babygrow, gave him his bottle and put him to sleep in his pushchair (seat lays flat) with the camera on him in a spare room. He slept as normal and at 11pm we drove home, did the dreamfeed and put him in the cot. Didn't seem to bother him at all. I'm really pleased, this is the first time we've really messed with his routine, when we stay away we normally still do bath, bottle and put him in the travel cot. It will give us a lot more freedom if we know he will be OK with bending the rules occasionally.

It's a gorgeous day here and we're all going out to marshall for our running clubs local race.

Lyla has been doing this too L_A. Fusses for her dummy every hour or so after her second night feed. :(

Here's little miss in her bath last night!


Tried to convince OH to have a bath with her still no luck :lol: I have a bath with Lyla once a week. It's funny, if I lay her on my chest in the bath she still associates that with feeding because she would feed like that when little. We haven't breast fed since 10 weeks but she will still root for the nipple then gets confused if she finds it and pulls a face because it's not her bottle teat! :lol:

We've stopped bathing James everyday now because of his skin BUT he normally has a bath with OH. I find him too wriggly and slippery but OH is great with him.

James slept until 7.30am this morning again which was good as naughty Mummy went out for a 'late lunch' yesterday and ended up drinking lots and staying out until after Midnight.

I feel rotten today btw - serves me right! Luckily James has been an angel as always.

Morning ladies,

How was your weekend? We are down south for my fellas sister suprise 30th so i got glammed up got the heels on and felt good lol :) didnt have time to get the fake tan on so felt a bit of a whitey compared to the birthday girl lol who had a spray tan, because i kept out of the sun last year being pregnant, ive normally got a glow. Oh well lol.
Was a good night, we had an indian and disco and tuck arthur with us, we got home at 11.40pm he went to sleep about 9.30pm in his pram and woke when we got home.

Me and my mil are starting a christening cake for arthur today, my mum is doing the fruit cake and we are doing the sponge block letters cubes snd cupcakes :) eeekkk lol

Im going to keep arthurs outfit a suprise but i will post pictures of the day straight away x me and fella also got ours at the wkend, so just got to get ballons and banners then i think we are sorted. Heres an update piccys of Artie bear xx


Nat have you got james a bath chair??

Mrsw maddison looks very cute hows the holiday? Sun looks soo good lol
Yay for Arthurs christening! Can't wait to see piccies! I was so excited for Lyla's! Sad it's over :lol:

Can't wait to find an excuse to get back into my heels... :lol: I've got an obsession with shoes and there is over 20 pairs of heels crying out for attention at the back of my wardrobe! :lol:
Chloe yr christening looked lovely for lyla, how is she, shes beautiful xx
Was at the doctors with her this morning Amanda. Thought she had another chest infection but just a really bad head cold poor thing! Got some baby cough syrup though so hoping it helps! She's only been taking 2oz at each feed because she's all blocked up.

How's Arthur doing? He's getting so big!


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