**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Aww bless her, is she feeling better? Its awful when they are like it as you feels helpless :( hope she picks her feeding up soon xx

Arthurs fine thankyou for asking, getting a big boy now, still fully breast feeding, we have up and down nights, but im used to it by now, no signs of grabbing feet or rolling, but he always wants to be up on his feet, hes to active lol, defo teething, wont sleep in the day, his wee smells quiet strong, hands in the bouth, bibs constantly wet through :( started to notice too he doesnt need me to wind him no more he does it himself and also very farty lol xx
Sorry to hear Lyla is poorly Chloe. At least it's not an infection though?

Arthur is doing so well, he is such a handsome little thing.

James slept until 8am today - I was in shock and ended up getting up at 7.30 as I was wide awake LOL. His routine has gradually pushed back since the clocks changed so *touch wood* he seems to be up later. I still take him in with us from about 6am though as he is very close to wakening.

We have this bath chair http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/3768569.htm but he is getting too big for it now!

I've stopped bathing James every night now due to his skin. We have a GP appointment on Thursday.

I ordered a load of bits in size 9-12 months for James and went to pick them up from our local M&S today.... I also ordered some lovely jeans size 12-18 months :shock: :shock: I can't believe he'll be big enough to wear this stuff soon.

James is doing so well, he is such a happy and easy baby. He sleeps well, he eats well, he rarely moans or cries, he loves to observe so he is happy to be in his chair and watching me.

James makes being a Mummy so easy, the next baby is destined to be a monster as he has been so good :lol:

Im glad to hear james is doing well and being good for you :) sounds likes hes an all gooder around.

We have this chair ImageUploadedByTapatalk1365432224.130558.jpg best thing since slice bread lol there are £4 or £5 in asda or morrisons, :)

Arthurs managed to drop his tea time nap now so he drops off about 7.30 now xx
Aww Arthur is such a wee cutie!

Sorry to hear Lyla's not well! Aela's still a bit snotty from her cold but she seems to be feeling better!

I took her to a bookbug thing this morning where we sang songs and had a story read. She seemed to quite like it at first but one of the rhymes involved lots of moving forwards and backwards and up and down and it gave her the hiccups so she got all grumpy!

Lucky it wasn't a couple of hours later though as it was held at the fire station and the drama has kicked off in the last few hours with a big hill fire behind my house! Don't think she would've like all the sirens and alarms going off! I hope they manage to put it out soon, but the grass is so dry and there's big gusts of wind fueling it too - all the firefighters, forestry and fishfarmers on the island are away to try and put it out!xx
Hi mummies,

Wilson..Arthur is growing lovely!! Such a little cutie.

Chloe..I hope Lyla gets better soon :)

Missyeovil..sounds like a good little group you went to. We do "action songs" to hickory Dickory dock and the grand old juke of York so up in the air eye and M loves them!! Doesn't half kill my back though.

We are flying home Wednesday and have had a lovely time ;) the weather has been great for Madison as it hasn't been roasting but just nice :)
M eats her feet all the time but will only roll on her side.
I think she is ready for weaning as she is super interested in food. I had her on my knee earlier whilst wasting and she grabbed my fork and headed it for her mouth!! I have her some slice tomato to suck on and she really liked it. So once we are home I think I'm going to start with porridge in the morning then introduce some pear, apple, carrot etc i need to read up some more but in very excited about it :)

His cake sooo far...

Aww thanku girls, he is my candy lol xx

How Aela doing now? Poor ickle bean bloody colds arnt nice in babies :( bring on the summer :) that sounds awful about the fire, hope they put it out xx

Glad yr having a good time mrsw, the weather looks beautiful, arthur is the same as m, wants everything in his mouth that i eat, then looks at me to say, what about me lol im trying to push to 5 months before i bring food in fully xx
That looks amazing Wilson!

You are so creative...

James has so far tasted petite filous (he isn't hugely keen), natural yoghurt (he liked it one day didn't the next) and banana (which made him gag and sent me into a panic)

We've also let him hold / play with green beans, fusilli pasta and a few strands of spaghetti (all of which he tried to eat)

I think next week I may try some toast with him. Can I just use normal bread and butter? (OH has 50/50 bread and I have really low cal Danish bread). Shall I just get some nice wholemeal bread? What about butter? Can he have Lurpack or is that too salty?

We use marge but I want him to have proper butter!

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Awww thankyou

if i was u, id try him with toast first, and its actually better to use butter, not spreads like utterly butterly as it just fats, so pure butter is believe it or not, avoid brown bread the fibre isnt good for small ones, white bread is advised with the calcium too :)

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Awww thankyou

if i was u, id try him with toast first, and its actually better to use butter, not spreads like utterly butterly as it just fats, so pure butter is believe it or not, avoid brown bread the fibre isnt good for small ones, white bread is advised with the calcium too :)


I did actually know that about butter (it has prob been mentioned here already!)

Next time I need fresh bread I'll get some white bread and some proper butter too.

Very excited to try toast with James :lol:

i think i mentioned it before on here, baby brain that for ya lol...

Arthur had toast last weekend sucked it then launched it across the room lol, have u tried anyother finger foods? xx
I let M suck on the tomato then she bit some off so I quickly took it off her, I was scared she would choke!
Wilson your cake looks fab! I'm big into cake making not very good at decorating yet but I'm getting there.

Nat glad you asked about the butter! I've no clue. Did you let James eat the pasta?

Do you think baby porridge is ok to try or should I just go for ready brek? Do I mix it with formula? :/
Lyla has had banana a few times when I have one I give her a bit to eat and she devours it. Get's messy though! :lol:
Mrsw u mix it with breast milk if your still bf :) if not then formular but at 6 months they can have cows milk made into their foods, id prob not go for porridge just yet as it might be to much and heavy at only 5 months.

Ive just gave arthur a strawberry and he ate half of it, sucked n nibbled like mad lol bless him thrn went mad when i tuck it off him.

Well tonight ive just gone swimming, swam 300m for the first time in over a year which i difnt think was bad :)

That was a nice swim Wilson.

So far James has only had banana (a massive chunk) that he sucked on and started gagging so I took it off of him :shock:

He had a suck of the green beans and pasta but they were more just to amuse him while we were having dinner. They def went straight to his mouth though which makes me think he may be ready for a few nibbles?

I have porridge, but the proper baby stuff not Ready Brek and yep you just add breast milk or formula to it.

I think I'd prefer to try the toast before the porridge? I'd rather let him have a go on his own as porridge I'd have to feed to him?

I've not made any head way at all with my BLW book so I still don't have a clue what I am doing LOL.

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Hello ladies, how are we all? It's getting so exciting with all this weaning talk but when you think about it it's quite boring as all you can give before 6m is fruit, veg and special baby rice/porridge! I can't wait until my LO can sit and eat a meal with us :)

I've given up on trying to get her to latch. We have had such a busy few weeks and its just adding more to my workload really. I am going to be cutting down soon anyway in preparation for returning to work. It would have been nice but maybe with the next one (if there is a next one!) bf will work for me.

Hope you are all well. I can never catch up on this thread properly, bloody Tapatalk! Xx

Hey everyone. Hope we're all ok. So much to catch up on and all the babes are getting so big and clever.

Where has the time gone? Livvi is 5 months old on thursday. :-)

Im sorry i cant reply to everyone as theres so much lol

Looks like everyones getting stuck in with weaning now. We started livvi today with a bit of baby rice.

Ive been to the veg shop and brought lots of fresh stuff that im making purees with. Im gonna try her a bit of apple tomorrow.

We had livvi weighed on thursday and she's 17lb 1oz now. She's jumped up to the 75th line now. She's such a scrummy chunky monkey.

Loving the cake wilson. Im sure your day will be fab. We have decided not to get livvi christened but i have brought her a silver bracelet. She had it for easter :-)

Hello ladies, how are we all? It's getting so exciting with all this weaning talk but when you think about it it's quite boring as all you can give before 6m is fruit, veg and special baby rice/porridge! I can't wait until my LO can sit and eat a meal with us :)

I've given up on trying to get her to latch. We have had such a busy few weeks and its just adding more to my workload really. I am going to be cutting down soon anyway in preparation for returning to work. It would have been nice but maybe with the next one (if there is a next one!) bf will work for me.

Hope you are all well. I can never catch up on this thread properly, bloody Tapatalk! Xx

Im doing the same sally with just fruit and veg to start xx til she's 6 months anyway xx
Morning ladies

Hiya sally and kerrie nice to see you back :)

sally has your milk not come back up? is cathy taking ok to formular? its madness to how quick our milk supply can change. What ladies are still bf?

Glad livvi is doing nicely kerrie, her weigh sounds great :) her piccys are stunning on fb and i love her bracelet sat in her bumbo seat :) we still need that cuppa soon to say we live about 5 miles apart lol.

When are u ladies returning to work? im thinking of going back in june to do one night shift so i wont miss arthur in the day :)

Has anyone noticed after giving bubs a bit of food on weaning they get belly ache or very windy? ive had this twice with Arthur, once with the yoguart and last night with the strawberry so im thinking it maybe to soon to bring it in yet as hes only 4 months n 3 weeks, he stopped inside of me last night as his daddy was on the sofa to try and give us a good sleep for travelling home tonight, but normally he would only wake once doing this but he was moaning every half hr with his tummy and wind :( so im assuming it is the food.

I'm due back to work full time end of October but I've asked for a month extra so I'd go back 25th November.

Not looking forward to it but we have no choice. If work is OK for OH (he is self employed) James will go to a childminder, if work isn't looking great then OH will be a stay at home Dad until things pick up. End of the year and Jan is notorious for being quiet [OH is a decorator] so it is most likely James will be with his Daddy for a few months.

I've not given James much at all in the way of food (just a little yoghurt, not a whole pot) but I've not noticed a change in his windy pop's - he is a little fart miester all of the time :lol:

I am thinking when I do introduce something to do it very gradually.

I have more natural yoghurt so I may do that around lunchtime for a few days. Then at the weekend try toast for a few days?


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