**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Lyla is just so pretty !!!

I love, love all her little outfits and hairbands.

As much as there is cute stuff out there for boys, I do feel a tad jealous about the gorgeous girls bits :shock:

I'd have bankrupted us if we'd had a girl :lol: :lol:

Afternoon girlies hope u and the ickle sugar plumbs are well :)

We got to kent ok on thurs, had a shopping trip to canterbury yesterday but far to chilly willy to enjoy, tuck george out on the beach today which im sure he thinks hes david hasslehoff lol
Just bought Arthur his easter pressies, we have bought him some clothes from next, and old classic disney dvd's as i want to build him a collection so daddy picked lion king and i choose dumbo :)
Just bought some bits n bobs to make him a card too as i love keepsakes and bought him a bunny egg holder,

Currently in a pub and ive orderd a 20oz steak yum yum lol, the benefits of breast feeding lol. Arthurs helping me pick lol ImageUploadedByTapatalk1364662415.559678.jpg

Well arthur went from 8-2.30am last night then was up at 4.30 but had a cuddle with daddy and went back to sleep for an hour and fed at 5.30am but then was in and out of sleep alot because of belly ache :( but my mum n fella let me lay in till 11.30am which was lovely :) also in his own room at my mums and is sleeping so much better :)

What are you all doing for easter?
Lyla looks beautiful, my fella has just said her eyes are stunning Xx
Happy easter sunday girlies n babies xx

Wooohooo arthur went to bed at 8pm woke up at 4.30 am for a quick feed then back down till now for a feed, xx
Happy Easter Sunday ladies xx

Well done Arthur!

James had a better night, or maybe I just didn't hear him (I went to bed much later than normal)

James slept 8.30pm - 7.00am [which was really 6am but I am not splitting hairs :lol:]

Hopefully the clocks going forward mean the little monster will sleep until 7am now?

No plans today. I have everything to do a roast dinner... Lamb neck fillets, minted new potatoes, green veg, homemade Yorkshire pudding, stuffing and gravy! We rarely have roasts so I am excited. We have cupcakes for dessert!

I also think OH may take James over to his parents for a few hours later so I may treat myself to an afternoon nap.

Happy Easter indeed :)

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Happy Easter :)

Nat that sounds like a good sleep for little James :) and your dinner sounds fab!!! Love lamb!

Wilson..sounds like Arthur has got the hang of his sleeping?

M went down at 8ish and woke at 5am(4 is clocks hadn't gone forward) then again at 8 where she threw up all her feed! Nice!
We have a big family roast later buy have a wee visit to see my youngest sister in a bit :)
Have a greats day x
Looks like the nov bubs are going into good sleeps nov xx

We started arthur this morning on feelings of food, we let him feel toast and it tuck a while for him to want to hold it but when he did he waved it round and put it to his mouth to taste then launched it at my mum lol, i also let him have a little taste of natural yoguart which he nearlly but my hand off for it haha,
How exciting Wilson! Arthur looks like he is enjoying big boy food.

James is a bit sicky at the moment (I think it's teething related) but I am thinking that within the next few weeks I might give some yoghurt a go. Did you just use plain natural yoghurt?

I also have the Ella's Kitchen Puree's so may try one a week with him, just to see what he likes....

I let him hold a grape yesterday and it went straight to his mouth [and promptly got taken off him - what a stupid thing for me to give him - I was eating them and he was hypnotised by them!!!] but it shows he is getting ready to try to eat?

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Also Wilson what a bloody lovely view you have out of your window :lol:

Nat yer it was natural, prob more to the 5 months mark ill bring it in with a mashed up strewberry, then phase porridge in but as for purees our hv said she highly recommends skipping them, and when ive been to playgroup a few mums have blw and babies are 8 months eating lumps and everything we are, im up for anything to make life easier lol, i know we worry of choking, however he just licked the toast and was happy to just feel.
As for the grapes try squeezing it on his lips id love to see his face lol :( what about a banana to hold??

Its my mums house, this is the proper view, she lives at herne bay but they are fighting to stop planning building houses behind, xxx
Gosh I hope they manage to stop any development, that view is just amazing!

The purees are purely going to be a taste test, before I go out and start spending a fortune on things I want an idea of what he likes. I'll be using your method of smearing on his tray as well, not spoon feeding.

The banana is a fab idea. Banana's and natural yoghurt will be on tomorrow's shopping list :lol:

I find our hv really good, shes got twins and said she pureed and wish she had blw, im excited about it :)

Id go for bananas, strawberrys, cucumber, natural yoguart, to start as finger holding foods, to lick, then after a couple of weeks move to mash, sweet potato mash, mashed carrot, also butter is healthier than health spreads.

Do u plan on giving jar/elles kitchen foods or just same as what u and yr fella eat?

I'll copy the baby weaning link up here, got some great natural ideas,

It is a lovely view, be a shame if they built, ill not put my ciew on from my house you would be shocked lol xx
I've got the BLW book, I've not got far with it though :shock:

I def would prefer to use this method, it is just so much easier and I like the theory behind it.

The Ella's Kitchen packs were on special so I just bought x2 banana, mango, pear and apple. I thought I'd get some idea of what he likes to begin with. As I say I won't be spoon feeding though.

I am so excited about it all but I'm also not in any hurry. We'll take it nice and slowly

Happy Easter girlies :)

I need to invest in the BLW book - my mum got be some TW books from the charity shop but when I mentioned about BLW she looked into it and thought it was a great idea!

Aela's still being a pain at nights and waking loads. She went to sleep just after 8.30 tonight and has already woken up. Just plonked her dummy back in and the lullabys on and she's gone back to sleep but goodness knows how long it'll be for...she doesn't seem to have any pattern to her waking? Some nights she'll go a 3 hours stint and others it'll be every hour she wakes. When she was a few weeks old she would quite often go 4 hours then 3 then 2 and then up, but that stopped a long time ago so I don't think it can be the 4 month sleep regression. Although maybe that isn't helping? Or maybe it hasn't kicked in yet and she'll go back to sleeping 4 hours. I can but hope!

OH has decided he's going out tonight....I was really looking forward to cuddling up on the sofa with him tonight but just had a text "asking" if he can stay at the pub for a bit (he's the chef there). As if I can say no! But I can't go to bed either because he can't be trusted not to come banging in and wake Aela up. Grrr. Men!xx
Happy easter ladies,
Chloe lyla is just gorgeous such beautiful photos.

What is the name of the blw book, I think I need to invest in it.
Our weekend has been really hectic and busy and I'm in need of that holiday .
This is the book I have


It is really interesting so far, although I'm still only on second chapter :shock::shock:

I hope your OH wasn't too late Miss Y and that little lady slept OK.

James went down quite late (9pm) and was awake at 6am. On the upside he wasn't too restless in the night.

Off out for a walk later, then popping in to see SIL before she goes back to Ireland.

Morning ladies hope you are all having a good weekend.

Arthur slept 8pm woke at 2.30am for s feed and has just woke up now, so i feel like a new woman lol

Heading back home today and we cant bloody wait, ive never been close with my mum and i can see why now :(

Do u recommend the blw book?

I have to show u this, we bought it him for easter
haha buzz lightyear to the rescue lol

Aww lovely pic of Arthur! He is always so smiley! And well done on the sleeping Arthur too :).

I'm still waiting for the sleep regression, J is now officially sleeping through every night, he hasn't had a night feed for about a week. We still have to get up occasionally to put the dummy in. He's in with my mum and dad this weekend, because their spare room isn't big enough for the travel cot and they didn't want to swap. He was waking early, but this morning slept until 7:45! I don't have any suggestions though, because it's certainly nothing we've done/are doing. I have no clue.

I haven't really out much thought into weaning yet. I'm going on a one day NCT weaning course in 10th April, so will think about it after that. J is showing little interest in food and he's taking his milk fine and very settled in 5 bottles now, so no hurry, I will wait until almost 6 months. We go to Australia at 5.5 months so we might start tastes just before otherwise my DH will miss the first few spoonfuls. He did lick a little fruit sorbet off my spoon the other day, but wasn't particularly excited by it. He is starting. To get very interested in my drinks though. He was after my cup of tea yesterday and REALLY wanted my beer in the pub. Perhaps it's because he associates them with milk? I have a sippy cup for him so I might try that when we get back. Definitely going to get some doidy cups though, those are inspired.

Long weekend is almost over, but DH has the day off tomorrow so we can travel back. We didn't fancy being on the move on the BH again. Gives us another full day today too, which is nice. Apparently we're having lunch at the pub, so I'd better get out on a run.

Hope you all have a lovely day xxx
I've never heard of Doidy cups L_a, what are they all about?

Wislon, I am only on chapter 2 but so far the book seems really interesting.

It also explained why BLW is more suited to BF babies which I found fascinating. The book makes it clear that FF babies can also BLW successfully they just need a bit more practice.

La glad you had a nice weekend, must have that cuppa soon, i bet u cant wait for oz :)

Nat how come bf are better with blw? Intresting.

Arthur tried a bit of grapefruit juice from my breakie this morning and loved it :) also had another 2 teaspoons of yoguart and hes going mad for it, maybe this was the reasons hes not been sleeping xx
BF babies use slightly different muscles so are more adept to BLW, but FF babies can easily learn. In-fact I am impressed with how positive the book is about FF and BLW (of course the authors wouldn't want to alienate a big potential market from buying their books :lol:). The book explains it all in a lot more detail.

Today we gave James some yoghurt - just the natural, organic stuff [which made me dry heave I have to be honest, it was so sour??]

James couldn't quite work out how to dip his own hand in it but he was licking it off my fingers. I didn't give him much but he can have a little more later and the rest tomorrow.

Had a lovely morning. OH and I went to see the in-laws for a quick cuppa then we went to the local shopping centre for supplies. Had a coffee on the way home and took the scenic route.

I also did a work out for the first time today in 13 months! It's only one of the Davina work-outs but I felt amazing afterwards. I ordered myself some new trainers and a few more exercise tops. So excited to finally get in shape again.


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