**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

I am tired just reading what you are getting up to in the next few days mrsw :shock:

Aw hun! Thanks. I just sort of ended up doing it and I'm still not quite sure why as I was never militantly pro-bf, in fact when I got my BFP I was adamant I was going to ff. How times change!

Hope everyone has a good bank holiday weekend, we are just keeping it quiet I think :) xx

Lol Nat! We decided to drive trough the night so it's better for M as she will sleep as normal and wake for feeds as of she was at home?thats the idea anyway!! We are so used to zipping around seeing everyone now we just get used to it, the joys of living away from home!

La..we are off to Cyprus to visit sil and her oh for a week. Can't wait for some sunshine and warm weather :)

Easyjet got back to me about the damage to my pram. They want the whole thing to repair it? They only need to replace the brackets and wheels, all which you can buy separately anyway! Ill need to tell them that, I'm not giving them the whole pram!

We've been up since 5am after another night of James tossing and turning since 1am :shock:

I must have got some sleep along the way but I am so tired.

I am getting really fed up of this now....

Hugs Nat!! Can oh have James for a bit today so you can have a good sleep?
I'm not sure what to suggest to help little James sleep better, is he in the big cot yet or the crib? He might want more room to move?
Sorry I'm no help :(

We got home at 3.30!! :shock: M seemed unphased by that made the journey easier and we've missed the BH traffic and gain a full day at home :) woo
Up feeding at the moment but hoping shell go back to sleep so I can sleep!
OH is at work today (and tomorrow and Monday!)

James will have a long 2 hour nap but only when I am walking the streets with him.

It's so frustrating as he doesn't actually awaken? He is just restless and a bit moany but he doesn't open his eyes?? So I am really aware that he *could* wake so I jump up as obviously I want to keep him asleep.

He still has plenty of space in the crib, although once the weather is a bit warmer I think we'll make the swap. Cotbed is at my parents!!

3.30am, that wasn't too bad??? I can't keep up with you though - are you in Scotland now for the weekend? Then back down South, then off to Cyprus?

I've not even got on a bus with James yet lmao.

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Aw Nat that sounds like a terrible night. J does that too, the tossing with the eyes closed, as you say he goes into a lighter sleep in the early hours of the morning and this is when he does it. I just ignore him, sometimes I even put in earplugs if he's keeping me awake (I can still hear him if he cries properly). But then J is a good sleeper, so I don't worry about getting him back off if he wakes.

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As I never let James wake up fully I don't know how he'd be if I just let him toss and turn and get on with it? I worry that he'll think it's morning and we'll have to get up at 4am :shock:

The only thing that's been different recently is the weather so I am hoping he's just a bit chilly? He has a few cellular blankets on him at the moment as well as his sleeping bag.

It's hard to explain as on paper he sleeps 9-10 hours a night. I get not even half that ??? :wall2:

Oh well, it could be worse. At least I get some sleep and James always seems refreshed when he gets up. Also he is super cute first thing in the morning....

I feel your pain Nat...

I was up sooo much last night with Aela as she's got a cold poor thing. I put her down at 7 and went out with my stepdaughter. We got back just after 9 and she'd been up 3 times already. She was then up another 5 times before we went to bed so I put her in the bed with us. I can't actually remember how she slept then but she was up at half 6 and didn't nap properly until I went out with her in the car!

We're just back from dinner at mum and dad's and she did give us a couple of smiles but she was far from her usual self. She fell asleep in her car seat on the way back (a 2 minute drive!) and so I've put her upstairs still in her seat and snowsuit with the window open. Figured she'll get a better sleep sitting up anyway! I have so many things to do around the house but I don't think I'll bother as I think it's gonna be an all nighter and I need to save energy! Think I'll scoff one of my Easter eggs I won at the bingo last night to give me a sugar rush!

On the plus side, our highchair arrived today and Aela loves it! Will put a pic up when I have my camera on me :) xx
Hope the November babies settle down soon with their sleeping.

Nat yep that's right here till midweek then off to Cyprus! Can't wait ;) it's about 23degrees at the minute :D wooo
We had a bad night for sleeping too - up 2-4 and back up at 6! She didn't even want a bottle the little pickle. She also now screams the house down whenever you try to give her a dummy now. All fun and games eh?

Mrsw have fun! Soak up that sunshine xx

Lyla still hasn't slept through the night once with me.. the odd time she did was the night OH had her :wall:

She goes to bed half 6, wakes for a bottle around half 10, 2/half 2 then wakes for the day around half 6/7. I would keep her up later but she gets really cranky if she isn't in bed by half 6.. She also stirs alot during the night so it's not even 4 hour sleeps for me as I'm up almost every hour popping dummy back in. :( If she wakes properly it takes a lot to get her back to sleep. I've been up with her for 2 hours before trying to get her back to sleep and then she only goes down because she still naps every 2 hours during the day!

Aela is the same Chloe...if she really wakes up then I'm up for hours trying to get her back. The other night I was up 2-5 with her and then she woke up for the day at 7. Shattered didn't even cover it...!

Only time she ever slept through was after her last set of jabs...she has more next week, I'm really hoping it happens again!!xx
Morning everyone

How's your weekend going?

I hope these babies have been sleeping a bit better.
Mrs woody I hope you have a great time in Cyprus.

Our weekend has started off nicely although when we got down to Essex the other night the heating was still in frost setting and tge heating decided to play silly buggers. When I put T in his cot I wrapped him up but didn't sleep until the temp in his room rose to an acceptable temp.

We then got descended upon by my brother and his 3 boys and little girl and my sis and her hubby turned up, then one of my other brothers appeared all at the same time. It was a little crazy at first but it soon settled down. T was such a good boy, smiling and laughing at everyone.

Here's t having a good giggle with his cousin

I also found out my nephew who is three has been diagnosed with autism and is finally getting help. He's a lovely boy just struggles to communicate and gets very angry and upset. His parents tried to help him on their own but knew something wasn't right. A lot of people used to just say he's a very naughty boy who knows what he's doing ect ect. Now though he's getting help at last and he's doing so well.

We're off to the in laws today and then out for a spot of dinner. Best get my cuddles with T in before we go out as everyone will be after cuddles with him.

Wow Sazz, you're family sounds like mine! I have two brothers and one sister and 4 nephews - when we get together it is chaos!

OH has 4 brothers and a sister so his lot are even worse :lol:

James was wide awake at 1am today, I managed to get him back to sleep after an hour but he was in with me at 5am (and we dozed until a more respectable 6am)

I am thinking he is having his 4 month sleep regression late?

I have just put some Oilatum on his dry skin (I suspect it might even be mild eczema) and he's had some kind of reaction to it? I have posted a thread with piccies but I feel terrible. Poor little sausage.

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Aww nat it does sound like sleep regression. I hope it passes soon. Poor James how does his skin look now? Does he seem bothered by it at all?

My family is huge I'm the youngest of five brother and two sisters, plus a step brother and a sister but I don't see them much. All but 3 of these have at least 2 kids. I love it though, I wouldn't be without them.

Oh's side is much smaller, there's just him and his older bother. He's also got 3 cousins who are like brother and sisters two him and we just call them aunty and uncle to Toby who the first of the next generation for them. I get on really well with his family. They've always made me feel at home. Xx
Poor James Nat!

If he's fine in himself I would be tempted to just leave him and see how it goes. Lyla had bad skin problems when she was little. Her entire face was covered in a red rash. I used just water on her skin for a few days and it went away.

We are still at the in laws! Here's a few pics of Lyla with her big cousin Grace. (She's 20 months and absolutely loves Lyla)





Some recent pics of Lyla

Getting Chunky

Only way she will fall asleep recently

Shouting to get out!

With Grandma out for lunch
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