**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Hi kat.

Hi Wilson, lo is doing really well. He's getting so big, just had him weighed and he's 16lb 4oz so hes still on the 75th centile.

Swimming was good, he had a meltdown in the pool last week so decided to walk to the pool today, it's about 40 mins away but he did have a nice sleep so was happy to do his underwater swims. To top the day off he's just had his jabs, a bit of a scream but is now tucked up in bed for a nap. He's been really good today. Right best get on with bottles, washing and dinner. X
Hi kat, nice to see you!

J was 8lb 3oz at birth and at 16w was 16lb 6oz. He is FF though and a bit of a chunk. He's just about 75th centile.

Wilson - yay for Arthur! He really is a treasure, glad you've got some decent sleep time :yay:
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Lyla was 7lbs 13.5oz at birth and 14lbs 2oz at 14 weeks. She's been on 75th percentile since birth and is on 75th for height (63cm at 14 weeks) and head circumference too.

Yay to Arthur sleeping better Amanda!

Lyla has been having bad reflux the last few days so our HV recommended we try her on a few bottles of the Hipp Organic Hungry Baby forumla at night as its a bit thicker. Usually she would go down at half 6 and wake at 9 for a feed then every 4 hours. She went down at half 6 today with a bottle of the hungry baby formula and shes still asleep now at 11!! :cheer:

I'm going to go dream feed her in a second and see if she will go through the night!! Here's hoping!

Hello Sally, nice to see you popping in :) hope you and the little lady are good!

La..good luck with your race at the weekend! Hope it all goes well for you. I'm hoping to do a 10k in May but yet to get back into training, I need a kick up the bum!

Kat..Madison was 7lb 15oz at birth then at 15 weeks was 15lb 8oz she really is piling on the beef. She has followed the 75th centile nicely but lady weigh in was creeping upto the 91st. Getting her weighed next week :)

Chloe, here's to lyla sleeping all the way through! M is still waking up in the night, I've started to try and put her to bed earlier in the hope that she will wake for a feed then sleep through but it's yet to work!

Sazz..does T like his under water swims? M loves them, we're doing 3 a lesson now but by the last one I think she's had enough! We are doing an underwater shoot soon so looking forward to seeing the photos :)

Apparently Lorraine Kelly does a good baby weaning book? I'm going to look into this.
T likes the first submersion but then gets a bit upset. He calms down pretty quickly though. We've got a photo shoot next week so am really excited.

I really need to get back to my running. The last time I ran was when I was 30weeks pregnant and I'm starting too feel it. Might start running with the buggy but I've got hills all around me. A nice couple of flat runs just to shake out the cobwebs and then onto hill work.

What's everyone up to today? I was gonna take T swimming but his jabs have made his leg swell up a little bit, he seems fine other than that. So I'll be getting tyres for the car, food shop and pick up stuff from the vets. Exciting stuff lol. Xx
Gosh you are a healthy bunch aren't you???

I can't remember the last time I did any proper exercise :shock: (I did walk an hour a day up until I went on maternity leave though!! We also walk alot now)

We still haven't taken James swimming, our nearest pool doesn't seem to run any baby groups?? I may need to go in and ask actually but it needs to be on the weekend as I want OH to go in the pool with James and I'll be on the sidelines.

We're popping out for supplies soon, it's looking crappy here so we won't stay out too long.

Tomorrow it's my nephews 2nd Birthday so we're off to an afternoon tea party :lol:

I actually wanted to ask how you are all coping with your post pregnancy bodies?

I stupidly assumed I'd be able to BF and my weight would just fall off, that didn't happen. Even when I was expressing I didn't actually lose any weight???

I am 2st over what I was before I fell pregnant and really struggling to find any motivation. I lose a few lbs, gain it back, lose it again :wall2: :wall2:

Once the weather breaks and I have a bit more variety to my day I am sure I'll be fine!

At the moment I seem to have a few "good" days then I get fed up or pissed off and end up scoffing cupcakes and undo all the hard work!

So annoyed at my lack of motivation and willpower!

Morning ladies

Well its snow blizzards here today booo housey day i think for us.

Play group was really good yesterday, arthur loved it. He got his 1st libuary card too, we played, sang songs, read books, and had a nice brew lol,

Exchanged numbers with mummies, so we have planned to go for a coffee next week :) which im really looking forward too, hopefully if the white stuff has gone tomorrow we are going to take arthur swimming.

Any plans this weekend??

Carnat i currently weigh 10st 2lb only a few lb over what i was before, but my boobies are quite bigger than before so makes me look broader on my top half.
Im not looking into any excersize till the warm weather gets here, however even if i toned up my boobs still dont allow me to get into a size 10 on top and then its to baggy on my waist!! Damm the boobs, but i tend to go for the choccy bar, rather than the banana because i need the glucose for energy lol, ive never eaten so much sugary foods since having arthur :/

Aww happy four months Arthur. It's nice to get out and catch up with other mummies.

I'm about 60kg which is a lot for me, my joints and back are starting to feel it. If I can get down to about 56kg my body won't feel the strain. I'm all boobs at the moment so I have to wear size twelve and some look a bit baggy but size 10 looks like I've been shrink wrapped.

The only issue I have is my tummy has really bad stretch marks and I think they've scarred, so looks like they're gonna stay. I'm gonna get a new tattoo on my back as I've wanted one for ages and I think it'll help me get over the stretch marks. X
Aww sorry to hear of your stretch marks sazz, unfortunatly alot dont go away, but you can defo do some sit ups and tone your skin back up, also bio oil is really good, i only ever got stretch marks under my boobs, they arnt pretty however i see it as a trade mark for arthur lol :)

Defo know how u feel on the size 10 tops lol, its like they have had a fight with my waste lol.

I dont know why girls would want fake boobs???

What tattoo are you getting? I want arthurs date of birth in numerals going down my spine and his initals AB put behind my ear

Thanks hun, I've been using cocoa butter and its helped a little. I'm thinking of getting a big piece up my spin, of a starry sky but with T's oh's and my star sign constellations, I'm still designing it when I get the time. I'm gonna get T's date of birth and time on there as well.

Just waiting for T to wake up but he's having a really long nap, got the dog snoring away as well. Lol. X
Haha that sounds just like our house, but ive grabbed a soak in the tub while hes napping lol

That tattoo sounds beautiful :) do u have anymore? Xx
He normally has a short nap so I just do the easy chores. My dog sounds like she's been up all night lol.

Thanks hun, I'm excited to get it. I've got one on the bottom of my back. I got that when I went to Canada with work and I designed it in the shop. It's got swirls stars and a lotus flower in it with some stars too. It was great when I got it as the tattoo parlour ordered us pizza. Made getting it a lot less painfull. X
Happy 4 months Arthur!!

I'm lucky in that I'm 1kg away from pre preggo weight but my body shape is a lot different. For starters my boobies are huge and my hips are a bit bigger.
I think getting back into fitness soon will hopefully shift the last bit of weight and shrink my belly a bit plus it makes doing my fitness test once I get back to work a whole lot easier!

It's raining here :,( my friend might be popping in later for a cuppa and that's all I have planned.

Fookin snow grrrr, :(

Mrsw have u found bf helps with your weight loss? Mine more or less dropped off within 2wks, prob when he starts crawling will drop alot off too :)

Nat I think once James starts crawling the weight will drop off you!

I seemed to be stuck a couple of stone over my booking weight for a good few weeks after Aela was born. But then a cobination of breast feeding and eating special k made it all just fall off and I am lighter than I've been in years! Now I'm battling not to lose too much more so I've been quite lucky!

However, I'm by no means happy with my figure...have a lot of sit ups to do and creams to rub in to consider myself "satisfied" with my body.

We took Aela swimming on Wednesday - she seemed to quite like it! Problem is, there are no baby swimming groups here so I don't really know what to do with her! I just kinda swished her around a bit, and she just chewed her hands.xx
As far as I know expressing would have had the same effect as actual BF'ing?? I did it for 6 weeks and lost nowt....

I guess at the time I was eating crap though as I barely had time to cook.

I need to be 8 and a half stone to be a size 8-10, as I am short and any extra weight really hits me (although I am size 12-14 at the moment so not massive but huge for me!!)

James has been a nightmare today. It's the first day in ages he has been like this. He didn't nap when we were out like he normally does - he was really smiley and happy though? We got home and that was it, he has screamed for the past few hours.

I could pacify him if I was standing and holding him but the moment I sat down he was screeching. He also gave himself a massive scratch on his head and that upset him. I only filed his nails this morning.

I've fed him an hour earlier and he is currently watching baby TV so I can have a sarnie and a quick cuppa. I am then going to snuggle him up on the sofa and hopefully we'll both nap?

We escaped this leap relatively unscathed so maybe it's that?? Or his teeth? Or maybe he is just having a hungry day?

It's like when he was a newborn all over again.. How did I cope with that all the time? 2.5 hours of it today has been bad enough LOL!

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Aww nat that's not nice when they have days like that, I hope he's back to his happy self soon.

T is having a nap so I thought I'd do a bit of sketching for my tattoo. That's the Leo part for my oh still need to add the constellation though.

T slept through a feed today so I'm hoping it won't affect his sleep tonight but we'll see. X


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Sazz that looks pretty good! I am hopeless at drawing, even though I did Art in School!!

Missyeovil..at our baby swimming classes we put babies on their bellies so LOs chest will lay in the palm of your hands and your thumbs hold LO over the shoulders. When in this position it just encourages them to kick their legs and if you move them in a zig zag motion it gives them some waves to kick against, tickle her foot to encourage the kicking.
hope that gives you a wee idea?

Nat hope little James settled for you. It really is a shocker when they slip back into their old habits.

I've been slowly putting M to bed a little earlier each night in the hope it might settle her crazy sleeping times. Oh took her down stairs this morning and I slept another 2 hours nearly!! The night time waking is starting to take its toll! :(

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