**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

We do the same as L_a and have just started a side swim. You have lo on their front but you are holding them to the side if you. It's meant to get their arms used to moving as well as their legs. We also use a little toy for them to "swim" too so they don't get scared. X
Morning ladies,

It is still snowing?? It hasn't settled though but I am not leaving the house today...

James and I went to my nephews party which was chaos - it was only family (my nephew turned 2) and there were still 10 kids ranging from 8 - 15 weeks :shock: :shock: :shock::shock:

James was very well behaved, he is such an observer - he just stares at everything!

I was home by 7pm, OH was going to pop out and meet a few friends for a drink but he decided we needed some 'quality time' so he cancelled his plans, got us a bottle of wine and we chilled on the sofa... Watched MIB3 which was quite good and had a cuddle... It's been forever since we did this so we went to bed all loved and up snuggly!!

2 glasses of wine gives me such a hangover now so it's Domino's for dinner and diet starts tomorrow!!

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Carnat sounds like a good party and glad James was being so good. I know how you feel with wine. I've got glasses that take half a bottle, one of those and I'm done. It's really lovely to hear you had a lovely evening with your OH. It's so nice when you can both just chill out and enjoy being together.

T has been really grumpy today bless him as I think he's rejigging his feeds. He's now having a bottle every three hours but is waking at 1am-3am for a feed but last night he woke at 10pm from a nightmare I'm guessing as he was screaming but still asleep, poor little guy. He then had a feed and was out till 7am so am thinking of doing a 10pm dream feed.

We're getting a new mattress delivered today as sleeping on our old one is making me feel like I've been beaten up in my sleep . My oh and me walking around like oldies complaining about our backs. So hopefully tonight will be a nice comfy sleep. X
I hope the new mattress does the trick sazz...

We got a new one when I was first preggers, I hated it to be honest - I was so used to our old crappy one it took ages to get used to it :lol:

Just checked my current account and I've had a £270 rebate from my electricity co???

We pay a monthly DD and I was worried that we'll be underpaying now I am home with James full time... I give regular readings though!

Yay, now I can pay credit card with that as opposed to savings...

Also the Sky bill should be much lower this month as they charged me for an engineer that I cancelled...

Happy days!

Nat always I bonus when a little surprise
appears in your account :) how is little James today?
Sounds like you all had a fab day yesterday, always great having some time with oh, what a sweetie cancelling his plans :)
We were trying to have some time together last night but M had other ideas!

Sazz...hope you get a lovely sleep tonight. We have a memory foam mattress and I love it, it's so comfy!

Madison has really been testing today, she woke up all happy and bouncy and since waking from her late morning snooze just after 12 she's been really whingy! She has taken 3 very small feeds as she keeps refusing she refused to go for her nap and just isn't happy with whatever we try.
I think it's teething so I've nipped to Mothercare and bought gel and powder plus a teething thingy and some dummies (to try in the night to settle her better). Her gums are rock hard and she is constantly biting down hard on things so hoping this will help.
I came home and oh manger to get her to sleep thankfully.
On a lighter note we have changed our livingroom round and it looks so much better with more space for M to play too :)

James is lovely today and just about to be shipped off to Granny's (Daddy is taking him out for a few hours!)

I am all stocked up with my gel and powder but touch wood I don't think we're teething yet?

Mrsw, hopefully M will be a bit more settled now? Bless them it's one thing after another at this age isn't it? (injections, leaps, teething!)

Mrs W I hope m settles well for you tonight. its hard when they are grumpy and nothing pleases them.

thanks carnat. The new mattress is lush but was hell to get up the stairs. We live in a tiny 2 up 2 down. I pretty much got flattened by the mattress as oh and me manhandeled it into the bedroom.

We also had an issue with the gas today. So had to call out the gas man and turn the heating off for 2 hours. It was bloody freezing. Now it's sorted though. So all toasty again and looking forward to homemade spag Bol for dinner. Yum. Xx
Hi everyone

Hope you've had a good weekend.

We're definitely teething here. He slept through 2 nights but woke last night and wouldn't settle without a bottle. He's been generally grumpy, on and off (it's not all the time). Rosy cheeks, slightly hot and wouldn't settle for naps. He's had a quiet day, but I'm still surprised how little sleep he's managed with today. Fx for sleeping through tonight!

My race went well this morning. I did a good few minutes faster than I was expecting and only a few minutes off my10k PB. Which considering everything I'm pretty proud of. Everyone's happy in this house as DH, my dad and my best mate got shiny new PBs. I felt shocking this afternoon though, but it's faded now to aches mainly in the legs. Although for some reason my lats and triceps are aching.
Well done on your race hun!

You put me to shame, wish I could become "addicted" to exercise instead of cake :lol:

We're just waiting for our pizza to arrive :wall2:

The horrible thing about teething is its not just a once off thing [they teethe with every new lot of teeth, some are more painful than others] and it can last for ages - one of my nephews was teething from 6 months and didn't have tooth until he was 10 months. Happy days!!

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Thank you ladies! This is the first time Madison has been like this so it's been trial and error. Poor oh was googling why won't my baby stop crying!! Lol I just laughed when he told me. Bless him!
We have her some calpol and went for a walk and she is still asleep! She's been asleep for nearly 3 hours but I'm not disturbing her because she obviously needs it.

La..well done on the run!! I vow to myself I WILL get back into the swig next week.

Sazz..snap!! We had homemade spag Bol :) yummy!!!

Nat..you could be addicted to exercise and cake!! I love cake! Infact I'm thinking of making cream egg brownies!! Yummy!!!
Morning ladies! Hope everyone is well. Congrats on the race la, I couldn't imagine doing a race. I did level one of the 30 day shred the other day and couldn't walk for two days :/ lol!

Amanda have you stopped giving formula now? I was doing really well expressing but C has suddenly started taking a lot more, and my supply has dropped a bit so I'm not meeting her demands any more. I'm off to get some formula this afty as I'm getting so stressed - there are points in the day when I have no milk in the fridge at all! Hopefully it will take the pressure off until my supply comes back up :) xx

Thanks everyone. Nat I think most runners are addicted to cake as well. The weight certainly isn't dropping off me, although I feel trimmer since starting back running, Ive only lost a pound or two. All I can think is that running will be so much easier when I'm not carrying this extra 1.5 stone any more.

AF came early this morning, so my periods haven't settled down yet. I feel disappointed, which is silly because we're not TTC very hard yet and I can't expect miracles. After all, last time it took 3 years and IVF! I can't believe I'm back in that place again already.

J slept through the night again in theory, but not without some effort. I was determined not to feed, because he'd had enough during the day, but I had to resettle him twice with the dummy and then he got up for the day at 6am. He wasn't hungry though, because he didn't take all of his bottle even then, so I feel justified.

Quiet day today, although I'm planning on popping out to a play group thing this afternoon. It's supposed to be friendly with nice toys, so I thought I'd give it a try.
Sally, I am sure the odd formula feed here and there won't be too detrimental? I used to give James the odd formula feed here and there when I was expressing. He is so greedy he didn't seem to care. Only thing is he seemed to need a little less formula as I suppose it's thicker.

Glad to hear I am not the only cake addict L_a!!

Shame about AF. I know what you mean - I am on the pill and I still get disappointment when she arrives.

I think I am going to stop the pill though and use OPK's to avoid fertile time? I am not reaction well to taking hormones (I am loopy and I am sure it is affecting my weight loss - along side all the cake I am eating of course ha ha!)

We don't have much sex??

I'll see how I get on, I may just carry on pill for another month and see if things settle down.

James was up at 5.30am again this morning so he is just stirring from his nap... Wish I could have a bloody nap :lol:

I'm sure it won't be detrimental at all :) hopefully it's just while my supply comes back up.

I am a chocolate addict! I ate a whole Easter egg yesterday lol! Xx

I am waiting to go out an his Highness has decided its time for nap number 2 of the day....

Boo to AF! I am still awaiting the return of the witch! Hoping shell stay away for a while longer yet. I think ill be excited when she does return as Ill hopefully be more fertile then?! Hehe won't be telling oh though! Lol

Got M weighed she is a whopping 16lb 9oz! Chunky monkey! Following her line nicely so I'm very pleased with that.
HV reckons her grunting is just down to the fact she likes making the noise, strange little thing she is!

M is growing wonderfully!

I was meant to take James this week but it's good Friday so we'll go the week after.

James loves it when he sneezes, I mean he loves it - little weirdo!

He also finds it hilarious if I snort at him???

She sure is, I think she might be the "biggest" November baby! She sure loves the milk!
I make noises at her she likes it when you blow raspberries or talk in a really high pitched tone!

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