**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Some recent piccies of Lyla bum :love:

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All dressed up for St. Patricks Day

Baby Blue Eyes :love: (got Mummy's eyes)

Playing with Daddy (her most favourite person ever)

Watching cbeebies with R2-D2

Chubby girl smiling for Mummy this morning on way to creche

Aww chloe you had your future to think about as well as lyla so you had to do whats best for you too, 10wks is a ling time too :) its hard work like sally expresses constantly, but knowing what i know now im very proud of myself, bf isnt easy and ive learnt im not alone. :)

Also today ive learnt little ones can have tap water from 6 months and cows milk with cereal or in cooking too :)

Beautiful piccys :) shes stunning xx

I forgot to say arthursgone up to a size 4 nappy, his size 3's was constantly leaking turd:( xx
I can't believe how much support you get from your HV regarding weaning.

I don't even have to see a HV unless I request it??

I know how guilty you must feel about the breast feeding, I only expressed for 6-7 weeks BUT when I decided to move to formula I felt terrible. Like I was failing him...

It was the best thing for us though, I didn't realise how miserable expressing was making me and how much of James I was missing.

Next baby I'll be attending every breast feeding class I can find as I'd def like to be successful if we have another.

James is happy and healthy though and I rarely feel guilty for my choices and decisions.

I stopped expressing exclusively and put him in his crib on 2nd of Jan and touch wood since then he has slept the night through every single night (I know once teething kicks in or he gets ill that will all go to pot) but I am proud of what a good little boy he is.

In-fact he is so good when he does have an off hour [or more rarely an off day or two] I realise how bloody lucky we are

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I know u had it hard with expressing and bf with james nat, i find it hard ive got to 4 months and finding him still not sleeping hard, but also found the strength within myself to carry on.

I get quiet alot of support from my hv, she rings me every 2-3wks to see how everyone is, shes been very supportive with me and arthur, went to the trouble of finding me a breast feeding group in our next town to us,

I will always pass info on here what she tells and advices but :)

But i highly recommend looking at baby led weaning xx
I'm reading the BLW book at the moment!!!

I also bought another book about TW (the Annabel Karmel one) but I much prefer the concept of BLW.

I am obviously a little worried about choking but in a nutshell [provided they are upright and choose to eat the food themselves] they simply cannot choke !!!

I have a few purees from Ella's Kitchen but they are more to see if he likes certain tastes. I plan to let him suck them off my fingers as opposed to spoon feed him.

We are putting James in his bumbo with a playtray whilst we eat as we don't have a high chair yet.

He is not having anything other than milk (and a little water) until he is 6 months though, I have decided that.

Or put it in a on his tray let him lick it off his own hands.
She said its highly unlikely they will choke because their gag reflexes are at the middle of the tounge and thats why we think they are choking now but its just their reflex developing and they wont chew it till about 7 months, its just a taster 6 months, our dvd shows us alot really good :)

Anyone wants a copy let me know xx
Hi Amanda,
Your HV sounds really on the ball! I haven't seen mine since the 6 week check. I take M to be weighed regularly so there are HVs there if u need one.

I've been looking into weaning and thinking about what I want to do etc but I'm really stumped! I'm thinking of starting M on some baby rice/porridge in a few weeks if her sleeping pattern hasn't sorted its self out, literally a few teaspoons a day. I know there isn't lots if nutritional value but I'm going to try mix it with bm.
I fancy trying her on puréed foods for a bit then go onto blw after a few weeks, can you do this?!

Ms jumperoo arrived today and as you can see its serious business!! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1363806960.256696.jpg

Look at that concentration LOL!!

She looks like she loves it though mrsw.

I think I am going to try the puree route but I am not going to spoon feed. So I'll either let James suck it from my fingers or like Wilson suggested I'll just pop it on his tray and let him figure it out?

Same with the porridge, I am not going to bother with baby rice.

I know BLW advocates NO purees at all, but I think you just need to do what you feel comfy with and I personally want to use purees to at least see what James likes before I start buying loads of different things for him???

Also the idea with purees is to introduce things very slowly, and one flavour at a time. I am not sure how BLW works - I think you offer them a variety and let them pick (I haven't got that far in my book ha ha!)

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I know she was fascinated by it she is really studying things a lot lately, I'm wondering if we are out of her leap now?

That's a good idea about the feeding. I didn't think about not giving her a spoon, I might get some of those bids that cover all over and keep mess to a minimum.
I wanted to try purées first to let her taste things individually. I'm worried that if I don't and just do blw that she will become a fussy eater. I really want her to enjoy fruit and veg.
To be honest I don't fully understand how BLW works for babies at 6 months (I am sure the book is coming to that part)

Currently I have some small pouches of Ella's Kitchen (apple, pear, mango and banana) but if I was following BLW would I just give him lumps of those fruits? I wouldn't feel very comfortable with that.

I guess I am going to struggle with BLW if I am too scared to give him "lumps" :lol:

Wilson, I think you're brilliant. You haven't had the easiest ride with BF and Arthur's sleep, but you've really worked at it. I'm the same as Nat, I'll be getting all the info and advice I can for the next baby (if we're lucky enough) because I am gutted that I didn't manage to BF for long.

I've just started to think about weaning. I'm not going to do it until 5.5 to 6 months, but I'm starting to plan. The NCT do a weaning course and our early days course leader has offered to run an extra day for us to cover this. I'm really keen so I hope the other girls want it.

Lovely pics of all the babies!

J is starting to bounce now in his jumperoo, he's gets so excited and shrieks and giggles. He's almost sitting up unaided too, just an occasional steadying hand. Absolutely no sign of any rolling though.

Not sure what's been going on with feeding the last couple of days. He's been refusing the odd bottle and getting very distressed when it's offered. Take the bottle away and 5 minutes later he's happy as anything. It's like the reflux, but when he gets upset with the reflux he cries if you give the bottle and cries if you don't, cos he knows he needs to eat. He seems just not to be hungry. Which is odd because this evening he hadn't been fed since 2:30 and only took 3oz at 7pm (we offered a bottle at 5 and he wouldn't have it). I wonder if he's getting teething pain, there are no teeth cutting but he's chomping down on fingers and toys. I have a cold but I haven't seen any symptoms in J, so I don't think he has it as yet.

I have my first race (after J) on Sunday - a 10k - but I haven't run for a week as I've been feeling crap with this cold.

I bought a maclaren pushchair yesterday, we'd been thinking about it for a while although we might not use it just yet, as it obviously doesn't do parent facing. Mothercare had 15% off and it was a good price so we thought we'd go for it. I love my vista but it's got a wide wheel base at the back and is tricky to push around shops etc. and it takes up most of the car boot!
Aww thanku l_a means alot your comments good luck on the run, will be thinking of u. Xx

Right ill try and explain it as well as i got it explained too, mrsw u wont need to worry about m having to get used to different flavours as shes bf she will taste food through that :)

Baby led weaning allows babys to adapt to weaning at thier own pace, at 5-6 months u start by allowing them to feel foods, mash, carrots, green beans, banana etc, pref just fruit n veg, because now at 4 months, they pull everything to their mouth to feel for texture ready for this, when it comes to weaning they do the same with foods,, she said it actually takes up to 6 months for them to fully start chewing it, the key difference between BLW and traditional weaning, when you think about it, is in the order that children learn to eat. With a puree, they learn to swallow first and then chew, which works fine until they meet a lump. With BLW, the babies learn to chew first and swallowing might come some time later. So basically blw starts by feel, then to mouth to taste by tounge, then little nibble, they learn to chew then they spit it out, then then chew ans swollow and it gradually builds, they showed a humous pot on the dvd and the 6 month old put its fingers in it and licks and tastes it slowly, then u build it up by adding a carrot, where they dip it into the humous and lick it off that, then the start to nibble the carrot etc

All puree does is fill them up, blw learns them to chew, eat, swollow, and not choke :) babies can actually go upto a year on just milk, she said you wont benefit your baby from baby rice, its got no flavour and is like wallpaper paste, so nothing is gained from it.

I think thats everying she got across about weaning xx
Finally cracked it, arthur goes to bed at 7,30pm, dreamt fed him at 9.40pm, he woke at 3.30am for a feed and just now :) and thats all on booby jucie :) xx
Morning ladies! Love all the pics, what gorgeous little ones we all had hiding in our tummies!

Cathy is coming along in leaps and bounds these days. She now picks things up on purpose and waves then around and brings them to her mouth :) however she looves lifting her dummy out of her mouth but then forgets she has it in her hand and cries lol! She has really good head control too.

We are supposed to be in a leap just now but she has been an absolute joy to be with she's such a happy little girl.

Hope everyone is well xx


Wilson that's amazing news I'm so happy for you. Lets hope this continues so you can get some well earned rest.

We've been out and about these past few days and its swimming today, T nearly rolled over but I think he scared himself as he got so far and started crying, bless him. He loves chewing his toes. It's amazing how flexible they are. It's T's third set of jabs today, he seemed ok with the last ones so we'll see.

So glad someone explained the difference between the weaning styles, I've got a annibel Carmel book coming. I'm really looking forward to weaning. I know it'll be messy but I think it'll be really fun. Gonna get a high chair this weekend as he doesn't sit well in his bumbo anymore.

Im finding that to sally :) arthurs such a joy, maybe this leap is a happy one lol

Thanku sazz, hows your ickle one doing?? Xx hope your jabs go well :)

Arthurs not fussed on grabbin his feet yet but looks at them to say im going to get you lol, he will move round in a half circle on tummy time, then he gets mad lol xx

We are off to mummy and baby play group this morning too xx
hiya havent been on much just been nosing through to see everyone is ok :)
just a quick one....
how heavy was your baby at birth and around 15 weeks ??
maisie was 9lb1 born and was on 91st centile but she slowly dropped down between 75th and 50th and stayed at that...
yesterday i got her weighed at 15weeks and she was 13lb2 and has gone between the 25th and 50th centile but the hv wasnt bothered and said its ok,
what does everyone else think ??
hiya havent been on much just been nosing through to see everyone is ok :)
just a quick one....
how heavy was your baby at birth and around 15 weeks ??
maisie was 9lb1 born and was on 91st centile but she slowly dropped down between 75th and 50th and stayed at that...
yesterday i got her weighed at 15weeks and she was 13lb2 and has gone between the 25th and 50th centile but the hv wasnt bothered and said its ok,
what does everyone else think ??

If the HV isn't worried I'd not worry. They are normally pretty hot as mentioning if they have any concerns...

James was 7lb 8oz at birth (25th centile) and he was 13lb 12oz at last weigh-in when he was 17 weeks. He slides between 25th and 9th centile so they've been keeping an eye on his weight and I take him in fortnightly as opposed to monthly.

They don't measure babies though, just weigh them? I have taken some measurements and James is a whopping 67cm!

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Hi kat,

Arthur was 8'7lb and now weighs 15'1lb at 16wks, hes also 63cm, he was always on the 75th centile, but just above the 50th now, the hv said shes not worried as hes very actieve and this isnt why he is no longer on the 75th line xx

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