Hi girls,
Hope you and your ickle ones are ok.
Im feeling a bit better now, arthurs also going 4hrly now in the night which is much better. We've had the hv out today and he now weighs 15lb 1oz and is 63cm long. We've also spoke about weaning and baby led weaning, and we've opted for the baby led weaning which we wont start till 6 months and we wont puree just give it as a whole.
As carnat suggested couple of wks ago about having the baby at the table in the high chair she said to do this now at meal times and put carrots and mash on his tray to let him feel this, and over the next 8wks he will start to rub it in his mouth and begin to chew, rather than start with puree and develop problems later on with lumps from 4 months.
Was really intresting watching the dvd she played for us, its so hard people saying to us give him baby rice, rusks, now, because they did it, i feel quite pressured but after today we've made our mind up and said 6 months we will start
Last week i decided to start giving arthur formular for his 8pm feed as i thought it would make him go longer but it didnt and it broke my heart to give it him, as his daddy was feeding him i sat and sobbed i had failured him, so ive tuck him off it now as its untrue how much he craps on it, 7-8 nappies a day :O just goes to show how little breast milk goes to waste

so now hes going 4hrly sleeps im happy to battle on through.

thanku to sally and mrsw for yr words of support with it and l_a for your pm asking how im doing as it was really getting to me. Xx
Its truely is amazing watching arthur grow, the things he does, he isnt grabbing his feet yet but does look at them and think how do i grab u lol
A few piccy of him yesterday with his pal max n christening piccy xx
Looking forward to hearing about your ickle ones xx