**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

LOL at bulimic! :lol:

J has been putting his hands in his mouth for a while too. It's a developmental sign, but can be a sign of teething as well. J has no teeth cutting yet, but they move around in the gums quite a bit before they come down. I have my teething granules and gel ready.

As long as James isn't throwing whole feeds back at you, I would think it's just normal posseting.

James has the whole rosy cheek thing going on as well, but he seems fine (a bit grouchy today but he is still pretty easy going even when grouchy!)

I have my granules and gels ready as well.

We'll see, I can't imagine my little gummy baby with teeth :shock:

It's a little more than normal posseting BUT he is still taking all his feeds and doesn't have a temp so I am not too concerned! We're on 3rd baby-grow of the day though!

Is he getting wind up after feeding? Sometimes some milk can sit on the top of an air bubble and come up with a burp later. Does it help to keep him frm lying flat for half an hour (this is the rec for reflux)?

I assume it's more than a dribble bib would cope with? We use these to prevent outfit changes.

Hi mummies,

Hope your weekend was a good one,

Mrs Woody I'd complain about the pram, I'm sure the airline have some sort of damaged goods compensation thing.

Nat sounds like what T did when he was teething, I got him a teething mitt so he wasn't making himself too sick.

We had a great weekend, on sat oh, T and me went into bristol to the aquarium. T loved it especially the big fish. Then on sunday we just chilled out and went for a nice walk.

I have a grumpy boy too today, he wont let me put him down and hes a very heavy boy now, I think I'll take him and the dog out in a bit to give my back a break.

Sounds like teething Nat! Lyla has been doing this for as long as I can remember and she has a little white dot where her tooth is about to break through!

I've never heard of teething mitts, what one do you use Sazz?

He can really gnaw down, I sometimes let him do it with my fingers and it actually hurts??

So far it's all gum, nothing to indicate teeth yet.

we have one called a gummee glove and lamaze have a captain cailmary one but they sometimes call it a finger puppet as well, the gummee glove has a removable teething ring.:lol:

Getting so annoyed with my neighbors, they have no kids and constantly slam doors so T's naps have been short and hes grumpy. I've tried to talk to them with a hello here and there but they are so ignorant. They don't speak to anyone on the street either. I don't feel right going round there to complain at them as it is mostly in the day they do it but it is affecting T's naps. luckily its mon and tues that are the worst as we're out alot of week. sorry for the rant but its getting to me now :wall2:
I took my normal pram on the plane and won't be doing that again. Thankfully we bought a cheapy one for going on holiday. We flew with Easyjet, who I've never had problems with before, oh is going to help write a letter to them. Last time I complained it was to mothercare and I got £70 in vouchers so heres hoping I get something out of them to replace the adaptors, I shouldn't have to fork out myself for them.

I've been so busy that I hadn't realised Madison is already 4 months old! Bad Mummy..so a happy 4 months to my little lady! Where has the time gone, I just love her to bits she really is growing into quite a character.
Is he getting wind up after feeding? Sometimes some milk can sit on the top of an air bubble and come up with a burp later. Does it help to keep him frm lying flat for half an hour (this is the rec for reflux)?

I assume it's more than a dribble bib would cope with? We use these to prevent outfit changes.


Only just saw this reply hun! Thanks

Yep he winds just fine. I wind him mid feed and afterwards and we always get his wind up. I do try to keep him sitting up for a little while after feeds but oddly enough his last feed is the only feed he isn't sick after and that's the only feed that I lay him down pretty much straight after feeding??

Bibs do help, but I take them off after while as he can look uncomfy and then within minutes he has vommed... He tricks me all the time!

So today we are staying in and bib is staying on...

I'll look into the mitts, thanks a lot!

Mrsw, def complain hun! My bro had a problem with a flight back from Greece (he actually got taken off the flight as there was a fault with plane so they could take 20 passengers less, so he was effectively stranded overnight at the airport) but I got him and his two friends a full refund for their flights... I am a mega good complainer LOL!!

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sazz our neighbours are bad too with the noise. Only ours decide to have a party every morning at around 4am!! Obviously when they get home from the pub! It's so annoying! Especially because Lyla's cot is on the wall that joins our houses!!! :(
Chloenat, that's just so rude of your neighbours. They used to make loads of noise at night but when they would make Toby wake up and poor soul woul jump out of his skin and scream I think they got the hint. My neighbours on the other side have a one year old and we barely hear them it's crazy.
Some nights when they wake Lyla I feel like knocking on their door with her in my arms and trying to guilt them into being quiet but then I would wake Lyla up even more and it's just not worth it.

Can't wait to move!! Just got one more year of uni after this and then we are moving to Germany! Hopefully we get nice neighbours there :lol:

Lyla has woke up for the day at half 5 in the morning 2 days in a row now... pleasseee say this isn't going to stick :( xx
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Was cleaning Lyla's face this morning and getting her ready for creche. Everytime I touched her neck she giggled. When I wiped under her neck with a baby wipe she was in wrinkles! Baby girl has tickles! :lol: was so funny!


Was cleaning Lyla's face this morning and getting her ready for creche. Everytime I touched her neck she giggled. When I wiped under her neck with a baby wipe she was in wrinkles! Baby girl has tickles! :lol: was so funny!


That is exactly how James started laughing hun, when I would clean under his neck (particularly in the bath)

Only in the past few days has he started to laugh spontaneously

Lyla started laughing when I would kiss her shoulders :lol: she has only just today laughed when I touched her neck. Usually she hates it because she keeps milk in one of her neck rolls and it gets red and irritated if I don't get it straight away.

Can't wait till she's laughing all the time :)

Hi girls,

Hope you and your ickle ones are ok.
Im feeling a bit better now, arthurs also going 4hrly now in the night which is much better. We've had the hv out today and he now weighs 15lb 1oz and is 63cm long. We've also spoke about weaning and baby led weaning, and we've opted for the baby led weaning which we wont start till 6 months and we wont puree just give it as a whole.

As carnat suggested couple of wks ago about having the baby at the table in the high chair she said to do this now at meal times and put carrots and mash on his tray to let him feel this, and over the next 8wks he will start to rub it in his mouth and begin to chew, rather than start with puree and develop problems later on with lumps from 4 months.

Was really intresting watching the dvd she played for us, its so hard people saying to us give him baby rice, rusks, now, because they did it, i feel quite pressured but after today we've made our mind up and said 6 months we will start :)

Last week i decided to start giving arthur formular for his 8pm feed as i thought it would make him go longer but it didnt and it broke my heart to give it him, as his daddy was feeding him i sat and sobbed i had failured him, so ive tuck him off it now as its untrue how much he craps on it, 7-8 nappies a day :O just goes to show how little breast milk goes to waste :) so now hes going 4hrly sleeps im happy to battle on through. :) thanku to sally and mrsw for yr words of support with it and l_a for your pm asking how im doing as it was really getting to me. Xx

Its truely is amazing watching arthur grow, the things he does, he isnt grabbing his feet yet but does look at them and think how do i grab u lol

A few piccy of him yesterday with his pal max n christening piccy xx


Looking forward to hearing about your ickle ones xx
Glad you are not giving into peer pressure Amanda and weaning at your own pace. And that Arthur is giving you a bit more sleep :) what a cutie he is xx

Great to hear all is going well Amanda. I wish I had persevered with the breast feeding but with Lyla in creche it was close to impossible. Broke my heart stopping. Next baby I have promised myself I will bf exclusively. At least I got to bf for 10 weeks.

15lbs 1oz is a great weight! Lyla was 14lbs 2oz last week so I'd say she would be about half a pound off from Arthur as she's gaining 1lb every 2 weeks. She was 63cm too :)


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