**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Clever boy


He didn't actually drink out of it LOL but how clever is he?? He knew exactly how to hold it!

Awww Nat tht pic is brilliant! James is such a clever boy!

Since switching Lyla from Aptamil to Hipp Organic I can clearly see a difference! She used to go 4/5 days with no poo and a few days ago she went 5 times in one day!! She goes at least once a day now and isn't straining at all and is taking a lot more milk than with aptamil which she would sometimes only take 2oz at a time! Wonder milk it is. So glad we made the switch!

I am glad changing milk helped Chloe.

James still doesn't go everyday but he seems fine - although even when he didn't go for a week he was fine (still eating, sleeping etc..)

I think James has his first cold ladies - any tips? So far he is eating as normal and sleeping but it was only this evening I noticed it in him?

Lyla has had a few since being in creche. If his nose gets stuffy you can use saline nasal spray and then one of the bulb sucker things to clear it out for him. Lyla wouldn't eat when her nose was too stuffy. Also keep an eye on it because just after Christmas a cold turned into bronchitis and a lung infection very fast and Lyla had to get antibiotics, poor baby.
Hi ladies,
We have arrived in Scotland and M is fast asleep after a busy afternoon seeing aunties uncles grandads and granny!
She was a super star on the plane, had a wee moan as we were taking off but once she was fed that was it :)

Nat..what a clever little man James is!! Do you think you might try him with some milk in it? Can you put milk in a sippy cup?im clueless.
With regards to the cold I got a nasal spray, calpol and childrens olbas oil. She is recovering from her cold, her nose is still a bit sniffly but generally better, she didn't loose her appetite or sleep any worse.

Thanks Ladies,

Chloe I remember when Lyla was poorly, poor little lamb.

Mrsw, well done M for being a good girl on the plane and for all the relatives.

I have some calpol, saline thing but aspirator is on order. I'll look out for kiddies Albas oil today.

James is OK, although he didn't sleep great. He kept waking himself up... He has had a normal feed earlier and seems quite happy?

I am due to get him weighed today - Is it OK to take him? It's about a 10 minute walk away.

I don't actually know if he can have milk in his sippy cup? I am thinking I won't though. Milk will be in bottles until he is much older.

Play try for Bumbo just arrived so I am dying to try James in it

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Aela had a cold when she was only a couple of weeks old so we couldn't use anything except the saline drops! She kept waking herself snorting so we propped her crib up a bit and she slept a lot better. Lots of mummy cuddles too!xx
hello everyone

havnt had chance to read the last few posts but just dropping in.
Ella had her first taste of puree yesterday and she loved it, i know shes not 4 months yet but shes very near and shes defo ready for it. Shes watching me eat everything looking frustrated and shes always hungry so just starting of with a tiny spoonfull once a day for a bit of something different.

She slept last night from 7pm until 6am then after a feed went back down until 10 :) amazing, shes a super star x

Hope everyone else is ok,il pop back on tonight and read through to check i havnt missed anything xxxxx
Thanks Miss Y, we got some baby stuff you can rub on their chest... I'll try that tonight...

Well done Ella (for the sleeping and tasting the purees!!)

I have dunked my baby finger in a petite filous and let James have a taste but he just screws his face up. I love petite filous yoghurts though.

I have a grumpy baby on my hands today (by James' standards anyway)

My sister and I popped out for a bit and when I nipped to the loo James screamed so much she had to get him out of pram. On the rare occasions he goes then my God he can scream.

Also had him weighed today - 13lb 12oz - so he is following the 25th nicely! If he is still following 25th in 2 weeks time we'll go to monthly weigh-ins.

Got to nip out this evening to the local pub as it's my brother's Birthday. I will wait until OH gets home so I can leave James with him.

I got the play tray for the Bumbo today...


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Aww cute pic Nat! J has that panda toy too, it's one of his favourites.

Well done Ruthie and Ella - sounds like you have the sleeping cracked!

Went to weigh clinic for the first time since before Christmas, because I've been thinking J's been packing it on too much. He's 16lb 6 now at 16 weeks, which is just fine apparently. Following the 75th centile. HV gave me some feeding advice to try and get him sleeping through the night, which TBH was just what use been trying to do - feed more during the day and he'll drop the night feed. She did make me think though - we've been worried about over feeding, but now I now he's not putting on too much weight, I can see he's getting bored or tired before he's had all of the bottle. He's still on stage 1 teats because we changed from a thicker milk for his reflux back to stage 1 milk and he was drowning, but it might be time to try stage 2 again. With persevering I just got 7oz down him, rather than the 4 he would have taken before getting bored and messing around.

Waterbabies was a bit of a trauma this morning! He was tired because he hadn't napped properly because of going to clinic and after his second underwater swim he wouldn't stop crying. It's a shame because he usually loves the water. He seems to have recovered now though.

I'm going to the spa tomorrow with the girls (it's all happening this week!) and DH has J all day, including going to the cranio appointment. My mum will be around to help some of the time though. I've just suggested to DH that I write him a little plan. He knows exactly what to do with all the tasks, it's more the scheduling of stuff I usually take care of.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend xxx
Aww James is suuuuuch a cutie pie :)

Have a great time at the spa L_A! I am so jealous!

I have my stepdaughter staying with us for the weekend! Normally she goes to her mum's on the weekend but for some reason she doesn't want to go this weekend, so we are going to have a girls night (so she tells me!) and watch a nice film at eat some popcorn. Hopefully Aela will play ball and be a nice happy baby when she wakes up from her nap!

It's a shame as she is so lovely during the day but starts to get grumpy early evening and require much more mummy time which gives me much less quality time with SD! Hopefully having her here on the weekend will mean I get to spend lots of time with both of them :)



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La..enjoy your spa day!! I love a good pampering :) what week are you on at waterbabies? We are going into week 4 next week, we have an underwater photoshoot booked for the beginning of may as well :) can't wait!

Nat..what a super photo of James! We have Sophie as well and M loves her!

Missyeovil..enjoy your girly weekend :)

M and I are enjoying our time at home, makes me miss is more and want to move back, hopefully in the next few years.
Mil said something really lovely to me about how well I've done with M and how well she is doing, sometimes when someone tells you it it makes you feel appreciated? :) x
It's always a compliment to be told you are doing a good job mrsw!

James slept better last night but OH has a cold and kept me awake for most of the night.

I am so tired and pi55ed off. OH did offer to sleep on sofa but he has worked all week and is poorly so I felt bad. I'll make sure he does tonight though :lol:

It's raining heavily here so we won't venture far today, we will pop out for a walk at some point though.

Hey ladies,

It's been very quiet this weekend??? Hope you are all OK, I know a lot of you keep in touch on FB :lol:

James has been amazing this weekend...

I've really noticed he has learnt some new tricks... He opens his mouth for his dummy now, if you hold your arms out to him he flaps his arms about (he doesn't actually properly reach out but he def moves his arms) and he rolls front to back!!

He did the roll 5 times in a row so it wasn't a fluke! I have to flip him on his front but he rolls straight back to his back.

He has also been more vocal than ever, we were playing some music on You Tube and James was actually singing along.

I am a very proud Mummy

Aww Nat that's so cute! Im here loads i just dont always post.

'm really finding that this last week or so Js skills have come on too. He's sitting almost unaided now, I can just support him by holding one of his hands. He's also much better at handling toys - and bringing them to his mouth obviously! He's nowhere near rolling, which I think is because he's not a fan of tummy time, so we don't push it too much.

The spa was lovely yesterday, but I think I'm coming down with something. I had a headache all day yesterday and this morning I have a scratchy throat and feel run down. I don't think it's bad though. DH did very well looking after J on his own and even took him to the cranio appointment.

Today is a quiet day for J and I, but DH went and ran the Reading Half marathon. He did a great time in terrible conditions, but he's disappointed because it was slightly slower than last year. Apparently the start was carnage, with people in the wrong pens and people walking at the start in the way of the faster runners :(

Roast dinner later.

Hope you're all having a nice weekend xxx
Aw carnat, sounds like hes really coming on!
Ella loves a good old sing song too. We went sofa shopping today and she was laughing, it was so funny she must of found it a bit odd that there was just couches everywere.. we know were to take her when shes playing up lol. Ended up getting a brand new couch which i doubt was a good idea as im sure she will have her sticky fingers on it soon.

Stopped giving her puree as she was sick which she never usually is so i think il wait a few more weeks and have another go

OH has a week of so hopefully we will get some nice family time :)
Hi ladies,
I'm still here just been busy this weekend. M and I are at the airport waiting for our flight back down south.
The weather has been horrendous this weekend I hope it's warmer down there!
Will do a good reply when I'm home :)
Hello mummies,
Been very quiet here over the weekend, hope you're all ok?
Sounds like our LOs are learning loads of late!! Clever little babies!
Madison will take things off me if I hold them out to her and won't stop grabbing her feet, gymnast in the making I think.
Flight home was fine, but the baggage handlers decided not to be careful with the pram and snapped the adaptor for the carseat so I had to clip her on on one side and carefully push her to the car park!
She's officially fully moved into 3-6 months now, about time!
Hi mrswoody - that's so annoying about the pram, I hope you complain and get some compensation! J doesn't seem to realise his feet belong to him yet.

It's all quiet here, J normally only naps for 45 minutes in the morning, but we're approaching 1.5 hrs now. I've got a bit of a cold, but he doesn't seem to have it so far. I have saline drops and Calpol at the ready! DH is going away for work for a couple of nights tonight, my mum is coming to stay to help though, so all is well.

Hope you all have a lovely day xxx
Did you take your normal pram mrsw?

If we ever go away we'll buy a cheap stroller, there is no way I am putting our pram in hold.

I have a cough and cold, my first in a year. I thought James had a cold last week but he must have had it very mildly.

He is not a happy boy today. Over the past few days he has been constantly sucking on is hands and sticking his fingers in his mouth sometimes making himself sick in the process??

I wonder if he could be teething? (or bulimic :shock: :shock:)

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