**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

I replied on your other thread Chloe!

I think it is stupid advice for a HV to suggest you just 'cut out' a feed.

Lyla obviously needs this feed, otherwise she wouldn't take it?

Maybe you can try a bigger 'last' feed and less when you feed her at 2am and see if this makes any difference but I wouldn't mess with things too much.

I think cutting out a feed is ludicrous advice to be honest.

Injections were fine - we had proper tears but he was asleep before we left the surgery.

Granny popped in this afternoon and James has been an angel. I've take his temp a few times and he is fine, he is also now fast asleep so I will soon be joining him!

I feel so lucky. He is a very good baby, he is happy and easy going. His "bad" times are so few and far between. He's also so healthy... I know this is the kiss of death but I was thinking even I've not had a cold in over a year???

Everything just feels really good at the moment. I feel so content and calm, life is so peaceful and everyday I feel so rewarded!

Sorry to gush so much, I rarely do but I am loving my boys so much.

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Nat glad jabs went well for ickle James. Gush away you're allowed too!! It really does feel so rewarding when our LOs are just a joy so nothing wrong with a gush :)
I wonder if first babies are sent to be little angels so to make us want more then when no 2 comes along they are little terrors!! Lol
Thanks girls def going to feed her when she needs it. It doesn't annoy me getting up to feed her so I don't know why the HV was so adamant about getting her to sleep through! xx
Morning mummies.

Hope your all well. I've been off line while I switch broadband user so just trying to have a quick catch up.

Carnat glad James's jabs went well. It's lovely to hear things are going well.

Chloe nat it's not fair of the HV to tell you to drop a feed, you know your baby so trust your instincts.

Wilson yay to your LO sleeping through.

T has been a little ray of sunshine in the day, smiles and little excited squeals. Only the last 3 nights he's been up or stirring every hour. I'm beat and oh is away. I must of hit the sleep regression phase. He's also asking for a feed at night again which caught me out as he's now bottle fed. Oh well as long as I get my smile through the day it'll be alright.

When do you switch teat size for bottles or is it when they seem frustrated feeding?

I'm trying to figure out if I can go on to SMP as I just don't feel ready to put T in full time nursery and there's no part time option at my work. I've got a week to work it out.

Well looks like the sun is back here today as its been horrid here. Off to baby group this afternoon. Any one want to add me of FB just inbox me.

Well the angelic phase continues (I am sure he should be leaping now? but hey ho!!)

James slept 9-7am and has been sweetness and light since we have been up.

He is so close to turning over now, he prefers to do it naked though - I reckon I have a little flasher on my hands :lol:

Sazz, we went up teats - again - quite recently. James can use any size teats 1,2 or 3. I still sometimes use the newborn ones [1] when I want him to feed more slowly or have water... He uses size 3 mainly now though.

We're off for a long walk, it is quite sunny here and I need to stretch my legs..

Sazz the military can offer "flexible working hours" I can inbox you the details if you want?
I've been looking into not going back but have found this so I'm hoping that I can come to an arrangement with work about it.
M is going through the sleep regression and has now slowed down on the waking up, she only wakes once now as appose to 2-3 times which is making life a lot easier.

Nat Madison loves to roll around in the buff!! Little floosie!
Her favourite thing is grabbing her feet and doing the splits! Lol
Here she is demonstrating it hehe
Ahhh I love chunky baby thighs!! Lyla has skinny little chicken legs :lol:

So I posted this on my other thread but here it is for you girls!

Well Lyla was stirring around about half 9 so I went and fed her and she took 4oz (she usually takes 6oz) then when I went up to bed I was going to do her dream feed at 1am like I usually do. Most of the time she will dive for the bottle when she feels it and down the lot.. she had a few sucks and went back to sleep. So when she stirred at 2am I made up another bottle and tried her again only a few sucks and back to sleep. She woke at 5am crying I went to make ANOTHER bottle because she hadn't fed yet and yet again only a few sucks and back to sleep!

So technically she didn't feed from half 9 last night until 8am this morning when she took her usual 6oz.

And I wasted A LOT of milk

Maybe it was because it was her first night in her cotbed last night? It's strange but she might be trying to cut out her night feeds herself just as I was told to do it for her

We will see tonight! I'll still offer her milk each time though

Mrs woody if you could inbox me the details that would be ace. I also have a lot of leave but will have to negotiate as they thought I'd be back next month and won't be very happy at all with me taking more time off and them not being able to do anything about it.

Chloe nat that sounds like a busy night. Poor you. It does sound like she trying to settle into her cot bed. When we put T in his, I put his sheets from his Moses basket under the cot sheet so it smelt similar and if that fails you could try placing a T shirt you've worn that day under the sheet so the smell comforts her. It worked for us.

T likes to roll around holding his feet and is nearly rolling over. It's so cute to watch.
You should have your leave added onto the end of your maternity leave. Ill go look out the information for you and on you x
Aww Nat, thats not gushing, it's lovely to hear. I feel the same way at the moment. Now things have settled down and I'm getting more sleep, it's all fallen into place and J has become so much easier. I can't believe only 2 weeks ago I was worried about PND. I think it was all sleep related!

Chloe, sounds like Lyla might be making changes herself. J seems to be going that way too. Last 2 nights he has woken later for his night feed and taken less than 3oz. I think if I just carry on he will drop it himself sometime soon. I don't really see how you can force the issue without a lot of heartache. My gut says that J is still not taking enough during the day to quite sustain him through the night.

Wilson - awesome!! So impressed with Arthur. And yet another adorable pic. Any tips that might be useful for FF babies too?

I'm feeling good today, done a good run this morning while my mum took J for a walk (she loves to do this in the morning) and its cold, but bright and sunny here. I'm off into London on my own this afternoon for dinner and cocktails with the girls :)

Hope you all have a lovely day xxx
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Hello sazz nice to see u back :)
I think with teat flow it goes up in ages on the packets 0-3 3-6 etc, just when lo seems ready i guess :) sleep regressions is a swine isnt it, makes u feel like someone has ripped your head off and crapped down your neck lol, we've had it for a month now, but seems to be coming out of it, all i can suggest is just battle on through hunni, u will come out the other side:) xx

Hi LA hows u? Have a cocktail for me :) think we are going to london soon, i fancy a shop lol. Not sure if ff would work same as bf?? Not sure hun.

Lovely piccy of maddison mrsw, how long has she been grabbin her feet for now?xx

Chloenat, u may fine putting a rolled up fleece blanket or snuggles at the side of little ones cheeks helps her settle, its a comfort thing, i did it with arthur and he loves to bury the side of his face in it, big step isnt it going into the big cot, i hated the thought of him in it, but they love the space, also have u tried a sleeping bag? Xx

We bought arthur a door swing today

He proper loves it lol, there is a video on the pf mummies page on facebook bouncing away to music, was going to get him a jamberoo but he looked puzzled in it so got the swing :)

Also if anyone is intrested mama's n papa's have a sale on, 50% off, got arthur a lovely cost from there today :)

Wilson little Arthur looks great in there.
M has been grabbing feet for about 2 weeks but just does it all the time now!

I'm having a stress now as my friend has just worked out her maternity pay and has been told that after our 6months full pay we go straight to smp so £135 for 13 weeks!! I thought and was told it was 6 weeks at 90% then 7weeks at £135. I'm so stressed about it as I obviously have planned for what I was told. Need to phone tomorrow to try and clarify it all! Why can't mat pay be simple?!
What I meant to get across by my last post was that I think being in the cotbed has helped her settle better and start to cut out her feeds herself. When I go up to check on her she's spread out like a star fish :lol: She has her fav fluffy blanket under her head like in her moses basket I wrap her up like a burrito in a knitted blanket I made her and she has a baby quilt over her and she loves it.

Only took me two times putting dummy back in tonight for her to fall asleep and she just stirred so I gave her some milk she took 3 and half ounces which is half an ounce less than at this time last night so heres hoping she wont even wake for her next one!

Only problem is getting out of bed to see to her rather than just rolling over to her basket :lol:

As far as I am aware Mrsw SMP is 6 weeks at 90% then £135 a week.

That is all I get so I'm on about week 7 of £135 a week... I used to clear almost 5 times this per week :shock: :shock:

I would def check though as you have an actual maternity package in place? But to me SMP is x 6 weeks at 90% then you drop to £135.

I am also taking OML so for the last 3 months I'll be getting nothing.....

Thank God we saved like mad for a while before we had James.

Well our little sweetheart is 4 months old today, I feel a bit emotional actually. He is growing up so quickly and is learning new stuff everyday. James is a very independent boy though and I am so scared of the time when he won't need his Mummy anymore [although I'll have long been back at work by then LOL]. He loves to lay out on a blanket and shout his little head off. He's not yet discovered his feet much bless him. He is very good with his own company. I find him awake in his crib in the mornings just looking about and smiling to himself ...

James has however reverted to his 6am wake up calls, he'd slept until after 7am for 3 days so I was kind of hoping he'd changed his routine a little but nope....

He is a bit sniffly at the moment too, not sure if it's from the injections or not?

I think today is meant to be lovely here in London so we'll go for a walk along the canal.

I cannot believe I have a 4 month old baby, it's like I just blinked and he went from this teeny little thing to a proper little person...

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PS: Wilson - what do you think of that particular swing!

I have gone off having a jumperoo but may try the swing??

L_a, hope cocktails with the girls was fun.

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Morning ladies

In the nhs we get full pay for the first 6 weeks then it goes to smp of £135 for the rest.

Nat the swing is great, its £20 from mothercare, he bounced in it for ages last night, depending how the door frame sits, it may twist slightly to the wall but a hell of a lot cheaper than a jumperoo, you just clip them on to the door frame. Congratulation on 4 months james, he looks as though hes coming along nicely :)

Well girls i feel frickin awful, had 1 good night off him the other night and by gum has he made up for it, the past 2 nights hes been up every 2 hrs again, last night he was up screaming with his tummy and trapped wind, he had green poo yesterday so i know its my breastmilk, he hasnt pooed in 3 days now, his farts stink, and its resulted in me having no sleep with a sore throat, headache, just drained, however when he opens his eyes he stops crying, stops grunting, and just a very happy boy, god knows why hes like it in his sleep??

Mrsw hows m coming on with the bottles? What milk ate u using

Happy 4 months to James! Seems not that long ago that netty put your exploding vagina thread up!! Lol

Wilson..M started doing everything possible with the teats apart from actually suck! Lol we've given it a break for now and will try again from Monday, we use Hipp Organic milk or ebm.

I do have a maternity package in place
6months full pay then 13 additional aml which I thought was 90% then onto £135 a week which I thought was right. Will be calling this morning to sort it out.

M and me are off on an adventure today! We are flying home to Scotland till Monday! I'm a little nervous about getting her and all our stuff on and off but we should hopefully be ok :)
Oh wow have a lovely trip mrsw, I've not even braved public transport yet :shock:


Wilson thats a good description of sleep deprivation. However I got a reprieve last night as he slept through so I feel a lot more alive today. Looks like Arthur is loving his door bouncer. We've got one for Toby and he loves it. He's starting to try and bounce in it.

Hopefully Arthur will give you another good night.

Happy Four months James, it has flown by, When i look at pics of Toby when he was first born I can't believe he was so tiny.

My MAT package is 6months at 90% then 13 weeks at SMP at £135 as well. Luckily we saved but it was money for courses before we leave the army but I've sacrificed one of my courses to pay for it. I dont mind, more time with my boy is what matters.

Mrs W hope you and M have a great time in Scotland.

We've got swimming today and then its off to the shops as its my OH and my anniversary, married for 6 years. I've got him a race day for a astin martin and ferrari at Silverston and I'm gonna cook him his favorite meal.

Hi everyone. Good night out with the girls! Didn't do too badly with the drinking, so I'm just feeling a bit tired today. Good job because J and I have a full on day with our Early Days group and then lunch after.

J took his whole bottle in the night again, so I'm less hopeful he's going to drop it soon. He didn't take as much in the afternoon/evening though, he never seems to take as much when my husband feeds him, I haven't a clue why? We actually measured his intake over the last 24hrs because I think he's rising through the centiles so I'm going to go to weigh clinic tomorrow and d/w the HV. If I'd have guessed I would have said he takes 7 bottles of 5oz on average (we offer 6oz and he takes variable amounts, sometimes 3oz and sometimes the whole bottle). The count came out as 34oz so I wasn't far off. We can get him to drop a bottle in the day quite easily, but then he sometimes wakes for a second bottle in the night. Depending on weight and what the HV says we may go to hungry baby formula - we already give this for the dream feed.

Mrswoody - as Nat says SMP is 90% for 6 weeks then drops to the base rate, but I think this is the first 6 weeks of your mat leave full stop, so your employer will have been claiming that during the time he's been giving you full pay to offset against the money you've been paid already. If you're going onto statutory after 6 months, I would be surprised if it's more than the base rate. Bloody annoying that they told you otherwise though if that is the case!

Wilson- different NHS trusts/SHAs must be different, because my mat pay is based on an NHS policy which gives 8 weeks full pay, then 18 weeks half pay plus SMP, then 13 weeks at SMP, then 13 weeks unpaid. Love the video of Arthur in his bouncer!

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