**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Anyone going to start bub with a sippy cup??

I know most of you BF so don't give water but those of you that do give water will you try a sippy cup?

My hv said to do the sippy cup from 4 months so we are trying it out today.

Will let you know how it goes xx
I just bought a sippy cup but won't be using it for a while, let us know how it goes Kerrie xx

Sorry sally i didnt read it properly lol baby brain for you lol xx

Well ive just been to the cardiologist appt at the hospital, said i need to take my beta blockers every day now :( as my heart wants to kick into svt daily however my heart reverts it back which is s good thing, arthur had an ecg too, he didnt cry just yanked the wires from his chest lol.

Im not going to use a sippy cup yet, more round the 5-6 months when starting to wean but good luck hope u all get on ok xx
My hv said to do the sippy cup from 4 months so we are trying it out today.

Will let you know how it goes xx

LOL, James is exactly 4 months on Thursday so I thought I may try it with him then :lol:

Let us know how it goes!

Wilson i think the idea is that they get used to drinking from something other than the bottle/breast ready for weaning.

I tried her and she can drink from it. And even hold it and she put it to her mouth - not because its a cup just because thats what she does with everything lol.

But she spat all the water back out lol :-)
Not thought about introducing a sippy cup yet. But I will do once M is established on the bottle.
Went to a friends earlier and M had a go on the jumperoo and she loved it, will be investing in one next month :)
I think I've decided against a jumperoo, it takes up too much space and they are so expensive?

We'll see.

I did today buy the table part of the bumbo as I thought that would be ideal prior to introducing a high chair.

James is excellent with the bottle and now tries to hold it so I think trying the sippy cup will be OK. He has gone right off water though, he used to take it no issues but he's wised up to the fact it's not milk :lol:

3rd jabs tomorrow ladies - are all of them in the leg??

I'm thinking of buying one second hand, seen plenty on eBay that sellers will ship.

I think with 3rd jabs its 2 in one leg and 1 in another :( hope they go well for you and at least these are the last ones till he is much older :)

M sort of mastered the bottle earlier, she didn't scream and when I took it off
her she wanted more, so this is an improvement :) xx
Livvi had two in left leg and one in the right. We had ours last week. Good luck :-)

We have an activity centre rather than a jumperoo. Could you get a door bouncer?

MrsW thats good with the bottle.

Chloenat i love love love lylas pics. They are amazing xxx
I'll give it some thought mrsw, I was all set to buy one (it was on special) but they had sold out... Now I've gone off the idea.

We already have so much junk [sorry I mean baby stuff :shock:]

We've discussed moving a bit earlier and we may be able to move before I go back to work. Depends on a few things BUT fingers crossed...

I love our place, just wish there was another bedroom :wall2:

Feeling so tired today we're having pizza for dinner. Back on the health kick tomorrow!

Oh so cute Chloe!

James slept until 7am this morning, I was well impressed.

I am going to have a good clean today (James likes it when I hoover and put the washing away - we do it "together" LOL)

Dr's at 2pm for last injections, so bub will not be a happy bunny later.

Also I need to cut his nails again, but I nipped his skin with the nail clippers and now I am too scared to do them.

So take 2 of Lyla sleeping in her cotbed!!

I gave in last time and missed having her beside me in her basket so squeezed her in :lol: But she definitely isn't going to be able to squeeze in for much longer so cotbed it is! It's still in our room though so not too bad! Just at the bottom of our bed instead of right next to me! :(

Had our 14 week Health visit today and Lyla is 14lbs 2oz and 62cm. She is 75th percentile for weight length and head circumference so an all rounder :lol:

Health Visitor mentioned to try and get her sleeping through the night now and to cut out the 2am feed :shock: I'm really scared to lol. Lyla eats every 4 hours which isn't too bad!! She settles right back to sleep when I feed her but tosses and turns and messes about if I try to leave her but HV reckons she should be sleeping through as she's now completely formula fed so I'm only allowed to feed her at half 10 and at 5am... I'm in for a long night!

How did James' jabs go Nat?

How does the HV suggest you actually achieve that Chloe? Just don't feed her?

Hope James' jabs were ok Nat

How does the HV suggest you actually achieve that Chloe? Just don't feed her?


All she said to me was to cut out her 2am feed. I'm terrified though because I know what Lyla's like when she doesn't get her milk! I'm tempted just to feed though and let her decide when she's ready to give up the night feeds

Chloe I would say go with your instinct, I mean how does the HV expect you to get her to sleep through by starving her?
Lyla will drop her feed when she wants to, it's just the next progression for babies I suppose.
I don't mean that to sound so harsh but it's not fair on you or lyla x
Evening ladies, well result last night arthur slept from 8pm7am on his own :) stirred alot and hes slept quite a bit today but still a happy boy :)
Went to a local bf meet yesterday, they gave me tips the mummies, tried it and presto :)

Chloe ive msg u on fb about yr issue, gave u my tips i learnt yesterday, arthur instantly cut his night feeds out, so hopefully it may work for u xx

Hope you are all well ImageUploadedByTapatalk1363123283.970066.jpg
Heres my beautiful boy xx
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