**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Bless your oh Nat. Sounds like he's being very thoughtful :)
Oh said hell get my stuff out the car when I've gone to bed?! So I've no idea what he's planned!
M is all snotty and drooly today but she cracking out the smiles :) x
Chloe ive msg ya on fb xx

are u excited for tomorrow? I do love a good suprise :) ive been sent for a bubble bath while arthur n daddy n george do something down stairs lol,

I am like a big kid with events, i love to put my heart n soul into them, cant wait till its fathers day, think im going to treat my fella to a massage and spa day as he really works hard for us :)

We arestarting water babies next sat too :) on yr advice mrsw we booked a photo shoot too :) thanku for helping. Did u find any bottles xx
Wilson you will love waterbabies it's such a great experience, oh is always taking photos and videos when she gets dunked! Lol
I've got avent and MAM at the mo, no joy as yet but I'm going to keep trying before she gets really hungry :) x
What milk are u using too? I found the sma comfort a total different taste to normalformular, also having a dummy helped arthur latch to his bottle better than before he had one, he loves the nuby dummy, so that maybe worth a try, he hated tommy tippee dummys, which everyone thinks are the best, but since moving him to bottle he doesnt have his dummy much now, also i express now hes got the hang of the bottle and he had 4oz of breast milk today out of the bottle :) so i just boobie feed at night now xx
Happy 1st mothers day ladies :)
Hope u all have a lovely day xx

Im snuggled up in bed with my beautiful boy while daddy is making bfast in bed ;) xxxx
Yep Happy first Mothers Day to all you lovely November Mummies!

James let me lie-in until 7.30am and I've had a few belly laughs out of him. Perfect day so far.

OH tried bless him!



He put actual wall paint on James' hand though - WTF????? :shock: :shock:

He said he washed it off immediately but Jeez...

Off to Mum's for a roast this afternoon... Looking forward to a lovely beef dinner, a glass of wine and some yummy dessert..

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Lol Nat! Poor James that will explain all the kitchen roll?! :)

Have a lovely first Mother's Day everyone :) x
Happy mothers day ladles.

Hopye you've all had a lovely day xxxxxx
Morning mummies :)
Hope you all have had a great weekend.
It's really cold here today, it was meant to be snowing but thankfully there isn't any.
M is getting over her cold but has kindly passed it to mummy, nothing like teaching then to share young! Lol

It's chilly here as well, we'll be back in our winter gear today!

James is currently shuffling around on a blanket.

He doesn't roll but he does kind of shimmy around? His head will start at 12 o'clock and legs are at 6 o'clock. 2 minutes later his head it at 6 o'clock and legs at 12 o'clock LOL!

We're going food shopping today, we have nothing in really so I need to get quite a bit.

Yorkshire word for lady lol xx

No Kerrie called us ladles instead of ladies, you must of missed that one? I'm from Yorkshire too lol.

Lots of snow here! We were going to go for a walk on the beach lol but I think we will stay cosied up inside! Hope everyone had a fab day yesterday xx


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