**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Sazz.. We doing swimming with waterbabies as does la I think? We have an under water photoshoot soon, I got the price list for the photos and they ain't cheap!!! I was shocked at the prices. M loves her swimming especially the dunking!!
Nat I feel your pain now. I've had to resettle C multiple times since 3am. How do you do it, I am pooped! Xx

Ive had arthur up at 11pm. 1am, 3am, 5am and has been on booby 20mins now, whats the buggery is going off, it was easier as a new born :( xx
Nat I feel your pain now. I've had to resettle C multiple times since 3am. How do you do it, I am pooped! Xx

Gah I am used to it now!!!

The crib is right next to the bed so for the most part I don't even get up anymore! I just stick Ewan on, have a root around for the dummy and give him a little rock..

James came in with me at 5.30am and we actually slept until almost 7am. He must know it's Mother's day tomorrow.

Lyla went to bed at half 6 dreamfeed at 10pm woke at 2am 6am then up for the day at 8am. You would think I was rested but I only went to bed at 1am and was popping her dummy back in quite a bit. She also did a poo at her 2am feed and I knew if I got her up to change her she would be wide awake so I left her till we got up... bad mummy!

Cathy was up at 3, 3:30, 4, 4:30, (to resettle) up for a feed and nappy change at 5 but back down at 5:20, resettling at 5:30 and 5:40 and then slept til 8:30. I wouldn't care but she's in her own room and I have to drag myself out of bed :( lol xx

What's going on with our November babies? Are they all plotting together against their mummies?? Lol
M was up for dream feed at 1am, grizzrled around 2am oh brought her into bed with us to sooth her then back down, fed at 3am, 6am brought her in next to me then up at 9am :)
Hoping to oh will take her into town with him so that I can sleep. Ill feed her before he goes do she should be ok for him.
Naughty babies lol, my next mission is to try to sooth arthur to sleep without his dummy, so when he wakes he wont want it to go bk off, wish me luck lol.

Ive finally put arthur in my fave outfit ever :) i used to look at it while pregnant and try to picture what he would look like in it, i wanted it as it looks like our dog george on it :) what do u think xxxx

awwww lovely piccies amanda!

We get Lylas professional pics back today! Can't wait!
Hi everyone

I've been reading, but haven't had much time to post the last few days. My husband has been away all week in business and was back early this morning. Luckily I have the best mum in the world, who came and stayed for 3 of the nights and looked after J in her room. I have had 2 consecutive whole nights sleep! I feel on top of the world. It's amazing what a difference it makes, only just over a week ago I was so anxious and worried about PND, but it was all sleep related.

J hasn't had any problems sleeping like most of the babies, but he's never slept through so maybe he won't regress? When we were on the comfort formula he started getting later and later with his night feed and I wondered if he might drop it, but he never did and when we went over to the Hipp milk he got earlier with it. He obviously needs it. He sleeps well between feeds though, only getting restless when he goes into his light sleep in the eary morning at 5ish (just like you say, Nat).

We went to a cranio sacral therapist yesterday. J had 3 sessions with a cranial osteopath in the first few weeks, but I didn't notice much improvement and he's developed quite a flat head. The cranio sacral therapist was recommended to me by a couple of people I trusted so I thought give it another go. This one is also a midwife and she charges so little compared to the first one - an hour for less than I paid for half and hour with the other! She was amazing too - we talked over all of our history, like the IVF and birth and she explained why it was all relevant (for example, the way J lay in my womb has affected the bone structure in his head). I found it so therapeutic too. She treated J and he was fine with most of it, but he cried so long at the end, which she said was normal and he was just releasing emotion. It sounds so hippy like, but later that evening he was so calm - he took all of his bottle before bed and went to sleep so heavy in my arms smiling. He slept very well last night as well for my mum. We're going back for a session next week.

Looks like he's woken from his nap now, so I'd better go get the shopping. DH is napping after his overnight flight and then he'll spend some time chilling with J while I do my long run. I have my first race in over a year in a couple of weeks.

Hope you all get some rest and enjoy your weekends

Boiler has just packed up, grrrr it was only serviced recently!!!

We've got an emergency call out "within 24 hours" but this means we've had to change our plans. We were all going to head out together and grab some supplies now one of us has to wait in???

Thankfully I had a bath early but OH hasn't and James will need a bath tonight :shock:

Nat if you tell them you have a baby they should come out sooner is have thought?x
24 hours is knowing that we have baby, otherwise it would be Monday :shock: :shock: :shock:

They are just amazing Chloe!

We've not yet had any done, to be honest I think we'll wait until we have number 2 and then have some family ones done. They are just far too expensive.... We'll wait until we know the family is complete LOL!

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Beautiful photos Chloe! I put some up Ms photoshoot a while back.
I love the wee hats she's got on, the owl one is fab!x
Well OH has just taken James and lots of kitchen roll into the bedroom and made sure I am "OK" in the living room for the time being.

Me thinks someone is trying to do handprints / footprints in my card?? :lol:

OH is taking James to his folks soon, why didn't he just do it there? He'd have his Mum to help him as well...

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Chloe they are amazing, where have you had them done??

Nat he prob wants to do it for himself with james and have bonding time too, my fella is always suprising me like that, i love the fact he goes to all the effort and him n arthur look well cute when they are messy together lol xx
had them done at pixifoto at our local mothercare. Got the voucher for the shoot in my bounty pack xx

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