**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Ill have a look into that sazz thanku :) xx

Yes ive stopped taking george out on my own, ive got a pepper spray i may keep on my now with this happening, hes a working sprocker so he will appeal to people who are stealing them, i would seriously hurt someone if they tried to take him. Here he is :)

I only have a cat but I'd kill anyone that tried to take her (she'd probably scratch them to bits anyway :lol:)

I have told OH all I want is a card for Mother's day. We're not massive on occasions [we don't always do Birthday pressies for example] so I don't want him to feel under pressure! Plus we're skint!

We're actually going to my Mum's for a roast. So it will be us 3. My sis and her 3 kids and bro, SIL and their 2 kiddies... My Mum offered to cook? Is she mad! I am excited though.

Yep feeling oddly nervous about going to work. I've been there 11 years BUT there was a lot of change in the past year and a lot of new staff came in.

I know it sounds bad but I just want to pop in and get it out of the way. I'll have to go back soon as my actual manager isn't in and she was amazing to me (she actually baked me 30 cupcakes for my "leaving do" LOL)

He's lovely Wilson. I would have a go at anyone who tried to take sav.

I can't upload any pics of sav. I'll have to have a look at it later on.

Nat thats really nice of your manager. Working with blokes my send off was a brew and cake and enjoy your six month hols. Needless to say my response was colourful.

Sally glad you had a better night, have you tried baby olobas for the snuffles, did it for T and it really helped. x
Oh how lovely Nat! i wish my boss was as nice as yours. I got nothing when I left! Not even a card lol. And they got me nothing when I gave birth either not a card. So when they tried to get us to do a whip round for someone who had only been there a short while I told them where to go lol I put in for everything while I worked there! I'm not bothered I just think it's cheeky literally everyone else got something and I didn't? I mean a card is only £1?

I take Cathy into work quite a lot as OH still works there, my boss loves her but Cathy threw up all over her uniform the other week, I nearly died of the shame. She isn't a sicky baby at all either!

Sazz I'll have to look into getting some. Her eyes aren't so red and leaky today but her nose is still really badly stuffed, I have some nasal spray but it isn't doing a lot? She is so snotty and cries every time she gets a bogey lol xx

Oh bless her Sally, thats how T was. We put a bit on tissue at night under his sheet near his head and it helped him, my Sis also recommended a DE-humidifier for when little ones have colds. But I haven't tried that yet.

Just been to the cafe and avoided the chocolate cake but had a bacon bap instead. Bad bad me.:lol:

I'll have to see if I can get out to town today and get some :) mmm bacon bap! I had chocolate cake for breakfast no wonder I still have baby weight to lose! Xx

Have u tried baby olbus oil?

Also is any babies dribbling like mad, its hard to keep arthur dry xx
No hun that's what sazz suggested. Yep lots and lots of drool I just keep lots of tissues and muslins about lol xx

Ive just invested in some plastic back bibs, hes drenching his others.
We used olbus oil last time in a burner worked a treat xx
I stopped bothering with bibs, she soaked the fabric and the plastic backed ones weren't absorbent enough (she was leaking a lot of milk when we moved her up a teat size) so we changed to using muslins and haven't looked back :) bibs just didn't come close enough under her chin! I think I'll just get some of the plastic ones when weaning (with the scoopy bit at the bottom). Xx

T is dribbling a bit too, was hoping we'd have a break before more teeth make an appearance. But not so, we have got an amber anklet for him and it does seem to tone down the drool. I lost it one day and he was soaked and very upset.

Just sat here whilst he has a nap and I think hes dreaming as I can see hes asleep on the monitor but he's squeaking and chatting in his sleep, hes so cute.
Jeez ladies you can't half chat :roll: lol

Wilson..M won't take a dummy, I tried her with one and she spat it out and sounded like she was gagging! :shock: off to get me some new bottles later once M has woken up from her snooze.

Sazz..I love your photo of T, he's such a wee cutie! We have lots of dribbling but no tooth yet, I think I can see some but not sure :shock:

Sally..I got bugger all when I left work :shakehead: it's not about getting something it's more the thought? I always organised collections and always paid in but I won't be doing it again. A friend at work is expecting his first baby in April so I just ought them something myself.

Nat..I thought you had books as you said you was "reading" somewhere, so I just assumed you'd bought a book. :)

M has the onset of a cold, I thought she was getting one and this morning she sounds congested and her eyes have been teary, she sneezed a load of snot came out! Poor thing so ill be stocking up on all things to help her.
We had a lovely morning at the hairdressers while I got my hair cut off :shock: gone and got a bob, she was as good as good.
Yep mrsw it's the thought - not like I worked my arse off for them doing every shift and putting in for everyone else's collections. Someone else left the same day as me and got all sorts lol.

Oh dear I think there must be a cold going around the country lol everyone has it! Hope M gets better soon xx

Hi Ladies!

I've been feeling under the weather so even though Lyla doesn't go into creche on Friday OH took her in this morning so I could get a lie in. She was waking every 10 mins from about 4am this morning :(

AF started this morning :wall: can honestly say not missed her at all!

But because Lyla is usually with me on Fridays I miss her sooooooo much, more than usual when shes in creche so I might get ready now and go get her early!

Poor thing probably doesn't know why shes not at home today!

I'm on AF number 3 Chloe, although touch wood they've been fine (this one I am back on the pill though!) I was even very lucky with bleeding after having James.

MrsW, I am currently trying to read a book on baby led weaning but other than that I have no time for reading LOL! Any spare time and I am on here :lol:

We popped into work and James was a superstar, he was smiley and didn't mind being passed round.

We got bloody soaked though and by the time we got home both my boots had soaked through and my socks (2 pairs) we drenched.

Going to make a big batch of spag bol when Jame settles, he is currently having some nappy off time so I am eagerly awaiting him peeing everywhere!

This one has so far been not at all painful Nat! So here's hoping the whole being pregnant malarky has sorted them out! I suffered with horrible AF pain before Lyla!

I bled for the whole 6 weeks! Finished breast feeding about 4 weeks ago so right on time lol

It did make me realise I could now efficiently try for another lol!

Right ive finshed my sample invite, what do u think ?? Xx

They are fab Wilson!

My friend made her own christening invites (she is very artistic and had painted a piccie of her boy!) I still have mine a year later as a keepsake.

James has been lovely today (again!!) he was almost rolling over earlier as well. He was on his back and now can get onto his side just fine but he was missing that last little bit of leverage!

Also I made him laugh out loud a few times this morning.

Such a good day with him, he has been a pleasure of late. He is a good baby in general but he has been especially good recently!

OH is taking James out tomorrow, I suspect for my pressie on Sunday - I have told him not to spend silly money on anything for Sunday, a card and some daff's is just fine for me!

Great invites Wilson, so personal :) you're very arty!!!

I seem to spend most of my spare time on here! Really need to be more productive!
Gave Madison some calpol before bed and tried the nasal spray! How hard is it to scoosh it up their nose! Lol she had a dream feed just before 1 so here's hoping for a better night

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