Jeez ladies you can't half chat

Wilson..M won't take a dummy, I tried her with one and she spat it out and sounded like she was gagging!

off to get me some new bottles later once M has woken up from her snooze.
Sazz..I love your photo of T, he's such a wee cutie! We have lots of dribbling but no tooth yet, I think I can see some but not sure
Sally..I got bugger all when I left work

it's not about getting something it's more the thought? I always organised collections and always paid in but I won't be doing it again. A friend at work is expecting his first baby in April so I just ought them something myself.
Nat..I thought you had books as you said you was "reading" somewhere, so I just assumed you'd bought a book.
M has the onset of a cold, I thought she was getting one and this morning she sounds congested and her eyes have been teary, she sneezed a load of snot came out! Poor thing so ill be stocking up on all things to help her.
We had a lovely morning at the hairdressers while I got my hair cut off

gone and got a bob, she was as good as good.