**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Lyla belly laughed for the first time today while I was tickling her. Easily best moment so far! :love:
aw carnat he has got a very cheeky smile! sweetie

Sorry to hear that sad news chloenat! <3

Play wise ella has a play mat, teddies and teether toys but she isnt that botherd with any of them lol.
Yesterday she learnt she could pull her dummy out and throw it lol, only thing is she hasnt figured out how to put it back in so we spent alot of time yesterday finding it for her lol!

Does any one find that there LO's Love daddy?! lol she just seems to adore him, she follows him every were (with her eyes) lol, she laughs at everything he says or does etc, its so cute to see. Im a tad jelous
Ruthie, I joke with OH all the time that I do all the hard work and he gets all the adoration.

I am glad James does it though, it means OH doesn't feel too left out.

James belly laughs when I clean under his neck, we discovered it a little while back. He's not yet laughed out loud of his own accord though?

Bought a few weaning bits today (baby porridge and a few Ella's Kitchen purees) I am not planning on weaning until 6 months but we'll see how James is doing come next weigh-in. He loves to watch us eat so I may try him a wee bit earlier?

Lyla is smitten with my OH. She lights up everytime she sees him!

Exciting Carnat! I'm looking forward to weaning Lyla still a good while to go yet though! Can't wait to see messy James pics!

Hi ladies,

Madison LOVES her Daddy and she makes sure he knows it :roll: He gets lots of smiles and laughs even the occasional attack but the 2 of them are totally smitten with each other it's such a joy to watch.

M has belly laughed once and it was when I was showering her down after an explosion :shock: She clearly thought it was hilarious loll Still waiting for her to do it again.

Not bought any weaning type bits yet, still battling with getting her to take from the bottle, changed teats and still no luck. So I'm going to buy a different bottle brand.
Nat I seen the other day you said you got the COw and Gate weaning book, I got this too and thought it was really helpful, I'll be sure to try out some of the ideas in there. I'm hoping another baby even starts soon and I'll stock up on some essentials then. :)

Arthur looks alot for me when hes with his daddy, but when i have him and his daddy shouts him and makes noises he looks round for him too, he was really smitten with him at first but i think it was his dark hair as one of his god fathers has really dark hair and he coo's at him the same lol.

mrsw i was having a chat with my friend tonight who is a scbu nurse and works with alot of babies and she said tommiee tippee bottle arnt recommend at all they are just a con to buy them, she said the best bottles all professionals recommend especially bf babies are from boots, they are 3 for a few quid she said, they are tall slim bottles but have a long teat like a nipple when a baby has it in their mouth. it maybe worth trying them for a couple of quid :) xx
I think she said its boots own brand, ill ring her this morning for u xx
Gosh it's foggy here this morning!!

James and I are finally off to my work. My manager isn't there (she text me last night) but I've been putting it off for ages now so we are just going to pop in and see who is there. I feel really nervous? Being a Mummy has made my world so "small" that little things like seeing people I haven't seen for a while makes me feel quite anxious?

I've been doing some reading about babies sleeping patterns and it is very normal for James to be sleeping very lightly in the early hours. Babies that sleep through (definition of sleeping through is more than 5 hours without a feed) have their best sleep when they first go to bed but between 4-6am they sleep very lightly.

Luckily we've not had the regression at night but James' nap times are up the wall.

He has gone from having a 2 hour nap in the afternoon (sometimes even longer) to just an hour AND this makes him so grumpy in the evening.

I'd of course prefer him to be grumpy in the daytime than to be waking through the night.... Also read that the sleep regression is part of the next leap so I am guessing James hasn't started it yet?

He is still wonderful in the morning, a little smiley happy thing that melts my heart. Although he's napping now ha ha!

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Thanks you Wilson xx

Nat it's rubbish weather here today as well grey and wet!
I'm thinking M is in her leap and has been for 3 weeks!! These night feeds are killing me, how did I cope when she was just new? Although when she cracks me a big smile it makes everything worth it!
You'll enjoy popping into work and showing off the wee man. I loved going into work to say hello and have some new chat :)
Morning ladies! Had a much better night last night with her sleeping 9-7 when we woke her. She's still full of snuffles but seems to be on the mend so hopefully we will have as nice a day as we did yesterday :) hope everyone is well xx

Morning mummies

How are we all? I've been busy with my little man, hes still very grumpy.
Its not good that these babies are still sleeping so little. I'm very lucky at the mo as he sleeps at night but is getting me up earlier and earlier each day.

Nat T is the same with his naps, he only just about manages 40 mins per nap and this is every 2 hours in the day. If he misses one hes soo tired by the time bedtime comes around.

We now have 2 teeth and I've started to brush them for him, my HV said once they are up out of the gum its time to introduce brushing them. T is surprisingly cool about it but probably because he can chomp on the brush. The only down side of his teeth is he now pretty much refuses to BF, if i push him to it he will bite very hard.:shock:

So he's now bottle fed and has a mix of boobie milk and formula throughout the day.

Wilson, T does the same with his dad and me its very funny. He always give the other a lovely smile as if to say look where i am.

I took T into work when I had my docs last week and its soo funny watching my boss a very stern hard army man through and through turn into a big cooing softie when he met T. All of the lads we saw when I was in there were turning into big softies as well. bless them.

Its foggy in the west too today, not really sure what to do, theres a cafe at the end of my road with chocolate cake calling but must resist....:oooo:.

I've got T booked for a photo shoot in our swimming classes at the end of the month, so really excited but they'll be the underwater ones so makes me a little nervous but is swimming is coming along nicely.

Trying to upload a new pic of T but its not working, will have to try later as someone is waking up for his next feed.

Morning mummies

Arthur has finally come out of the 2hrly feeds and has stretched to going to bed at 8, he stirs at 11 but the dummy goes in, then he feeds at 1am, then 3am then 6am however last night i was up most of the night wickling, its been reported a few dogs have tried to be taken from the next village to us :( yes the *******s!!

Im now worrying if they come into our village and try to take george :( hes my world and the thought of him been stolen rips my heart out!
Last night my cousin had the 2 men at their door asking about a fake milk round to check to see what dog you have, the same men also visited my friends house at teatime when she didnt answer they looked into her living room :O

What is this world coming to if you can not take your dog for a walk?? A woman was punched in her face for her springer the other night too, luckily the dog got away. Its gone crazy this, so it was on my mind alot last night, dreaming of ways to defend my dog.

Anyway the weather is miserable here too, bloody sick of it , bring on the sunshine, and stroll on the clocks going forward in a couple of weeks.

Sazz the photoshoot sounds amazing, id love to do this, is their companies that do it??

Nat are u looking forward to going into work or will it seem strange?

Sally hope that ickle bean of yrs feels better soon, arthur has snuffles too :(

Mrsw, does m have a dummy? Xx

Im sooo excited for mothers day on sunday, ive waited for this for a very long time :) is snyone doing anything special?? My oh said i need to leave the day to him as him n artie bear are doing a suprise :D

Hope u all have a good day, im off to pick some pictures up as im making arthurs christening invites

There's been some dogs taken round here as well. My fried had a fake RSPCA officer luckily he asked for ID and then rang the police. I'd be heartbroken if my sav was taken. Shes very trusting of people which is lovely but worries if she was taken.

I love taking her and T out for walks but i may wait to go with my OH just in case someone did approach me. hopefully it'll stop and soon.

Wilson thats great you finally got a good night last night, long may it continue.

We go swimming with turtle tots and every now and then a photoshoot pops up. There are also a company called water babies that does it. just not sure what companies might be near you. The classes are really good fun to do.


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