Morning mummies
Arthur has finally come out of the 2hrly feeds and has stretched to going to bed at 8, he stirs at 11 but the dummy goes in, then he feeds at 1am, then 3am then 6am however last night i was up most of the night wickling, its been reported a few dogs have tried to be taken from the next village to us

yes the *******s!!
Im now worrying if they come into our village and try to take george

hes my world and the thought of him been stolen rips my heart out!
Last night my cousin had the 2 men at their door asking about a fake milk round to check to see what dog you have, the same men also visited my friends house at teatime when she didnt answer they looked into her living room :O
What is this world coming to if you can not take your dog for a walk?? A woman was punched in her face for her springer the other night too, luckily the dog got away. Its gone crazy this, so it was on my mind alot last night, dreaming of ways to defend my dog.
Anyway the weather is miserable here too, bloody sick of it , bring on the sunshine, and stroll on the clocks going forward in a couple of weeks.
Sazz the photoshoot sounds amazing, id love to do this, is their companies that do it??
Nat are u looking forward to going into work or will it seem strange?
Sally hope that ickle bean of yrs feels better soon, arthur has snuffles too
Mrsw, does m have a dummy? Xx
Im sooo excited for mothers day on sunday, ive waited for this for a very long time

is snyone doing anything special?? My oh said i need to leave the day to him as him n artie bear are doing a suprise
Hope u all have a good day, im off to pick some pictures up as im making arthurs christening invites