**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Hey Ruth,

James dropped his night feed when he was 7 weeks and has been pretty much sleeping 9-6 since then. In-fact he's not had a single night feed since 2nd Jan (I log all his feeds, you can all call me "Monica" :lol:)

I know I've been very lucky though and James does get restless from about 3am so I have on occasion actually thought about going back to a night feed but that will be my last resort...

I would just go with it at the moment. I know you are probably exhausted but if you and bub are getting good sleep between feeds then I'd just carry on for the time being?

thanks peeps, i dont mind geting up in the night with her to be honest just wonderd when they sleep through roughly lol!

iv got a letter about a local weaning class which is on next week so i will go check that out and a new baby group every friday so im going there too.

omg wilson your a braver woman than me lol.. good luck too you :) i need to go back to work, get a promotion and save up some cash before i think about another!
Id have another tomorrow ruthie lol :)

It is hard getting up a few times in the night but very rewarding chick
Especially with pictures like this lol

Our massage class starts tomorrow, looking forward to it :) might ask about the weaning one too :)

If money was no object we'd be trying again ASAP!

As things stand we'll start NTNP from next summer and actually TTC around James's 2nd Birthday

Nat I keep a diary of feeds too as it helps with expressing and how much I can freeze. Sometimes I feel like she's eaten loads when she's only had 1 extra feed as well lol so helps me get some perspective!

Aw love that pic of Arthur Wilson. I took a pic of Cathy just like that today, she loves her snuggle being over her head lol xx

We would try again tomorrow too if we could but want to get uni out of the way first!

Also found out OHs mother has liver cancer (shes had and fought lung cancer before, 4 years ago) but the doctors have given her a few months to live :( so everythings on the back burner for now!

So sorry to hear about OH's Mum Chloe.

I know you are both quite young too? Too early to be losing your parents that's for sure.

Glad the jumperoo was a hit, not sure we'll bother? (not got much space!)

Thanks Nat
OH is only 23 and is the youngest of 6, the eldest is 40 and his mother is 59. Definitely too young to be losing a parent. He's taking it really bad :(

We have hardly any space either and its huge! Not to mention is doesnt fold away! lol

But yeah she loved it :)

Hugs to you and your family Chloe. Xxx Lyla looks fab in her jumparoo,I want to get Madison one but I'm running out of room for all these toys and playmats!!

Ruthie..M started sleeping through from 5 weeks but the past 3 weeks she has been up in the night for a full feed, oth boobies drained!! Some nights it was every 1.5-2 hours others 2-3, I think she is going through the 4 month sleep regression a bit early.

We had swimming today M loved it, she has been pretty grumpy all day so getting smiles has been a chore, she had jabs yesterday so that's why.

Been seriously considering leaving work and not going back (I'm forces so need to decide ASAP) and hopefully get a little part time job. My heart is set on going to uni in a few years and training as a midwife, I've been inspired massively, and I've been in contact with unis to see what id need to do to get used in a better position. So many decisions to make, I just feel like I don't want to miss out with M and the urge to not go back is so strong. Oh supports me either way I just need to take the plunge..or not!

Big hugs to u n yr oh chloe, not only a parent but a granpaprent :( life is a cruel bitch at times :( xx

I want to buy arthur some play stuff but unsure what to get. But the massive hopper looks ace lol

Mrsw i was going to apply for midwifey next year but i think with being 32 i want another baby before going to uni, as 3yrs at uni then a baby ill be knocking on 37 :( so im going to have more ickle beans then back on with my career, i did my nursing first and waited till i was in my 30's for kids, but now i adore arthur i cant wait for another xxxxx
Morning ladies,

Hope we all got some sleep?

James did the usual - slept soundly until 3am and then was very fretful until we got up at 6am.

He doesn't even want his bottle yet either, he likes to get up and have a little nosy before his feed. Daddy is currently in charge LOL!

I too and very undecided about going back to work, although I am the main breadwinner. OH is self employed and is paid per job so sometimes it can be a weekly wage other times he can be waiting until job is finished (so it could be 2-3 months until he is paid) so we rely on my month salary...

OH is going to start looking for another job when he finishes up with this project and if he can find full time work at a decent salary then I won't go back.

If not then I'll go back for a bit and he'll be a stay at home Dad until he finds something.

I am going to ask work about the possibility of flexi-time / part-time as well and I want to see if I can go back in January as opposed to October.

We have about £12k saved but this so we can move in January and to subsidise my maternity pay if need be... So far we've not dipped into savings but if work goes quiet for OH we'll need to use some of it. Savings are also meant to be used so I can retrain as a teacher. I have a degree so just need to do a conversion course. Thinking I'll look into this after next baby though?

I was looking at my little baby last night and I was thinking there is just no way I'll ever be able to leave him and go back full time :shock: :shock: so I am hoping something comes up for OH!

I'd happily do part-time work? Maybe shop work so I could do weekends?

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I had a truly awful night last night. He woke at about midnight and did not sleep again till 0530. The OH and I are completly exhausted and drained. LO is not even ill, and he wasn't crying much either - just fidgeting and being wide awake. He'd cry if left to sleep and stay awake if in our arms regardless of rocking, swaying, bouncing, shhing, white noise, patting, stroking... nothing worked.

I can't handle this. My OH isn't working at the mo, but if he gets a job soon, it'll be me flying solo at nighttime and I am struggling to see me coping. Does the sleep regression end???
Morning Ladies

i know how everyone feels about going back to work, has anyone looked into income support, because you may find you are entitled to benefits and can stay home and only work one day a week :)

srob i feel your pain my lovely, i have just gone through this and luckily arthur it is settling down, i cant remember if u r breast or formular feeding? does the lo sleep much in the day? if arthur sleeps more than hrs i wake him u and feed because he was just waking every 2hrs for food, also have you got him a dummy, that is a great soother. xx
Morning ladies. Awful night for us. She has come down with a cold, God knows where from as nobody I know has one, but she's full of snuffles, very snotty and red leaky eyes. So we were up at 3 until 4:30, back up at 5:30 and thankfully back down until 8:30. I wish I could go to bed when she goes at 8:30 but I have to stay up to express.

Has anyone got any nice plans for today? We are having a pyjama day while I read The Hunger Games and Cathy gets better xx

Everyones babies seem to be keeping us up lately!!

The past week or so Lyla has slept well until we go up to bed and then she stirs every half hour/hour and I have to put dummy back in so I'm not getting much sleep at all. Poor babies a bit congested though and can't breathe well through her nose :(

She still wakes every 4 hours for a bottle and will only take about 3 ounces each time. She's a little rascal!

Arthurs full of cold to :( was more wheezy after his injections :(
Arthur only woke twice last night but stirs alot after 12am, but i read they go in a deep sleep from 8-12am maybe worth getting our heads down at 8 lol

We are having a chilling day today, i got a lay in till 9am with arthur but feel more tired for it :( xx

Hope cathy n lyla get over the snuffles soon xxxx
Sorry to hear about everyone's sleepless nights! Aela's always been a rubbish sleeper apart from yesterday! She had her jags at 3.30, and slept on me from 4-8. Then she had a feed and quick play and slept 9-6! She normally feeds several times in the night! I of course waited until after 1 to go to bed because I thought she would wake up and then was up again at 3 prodding her to check she was okay! Oh well, at least she had a nice sleep. Had her weighed yesterday too and she is 14lb 5oz :) definitely been having a wee growth spurt!xx
We've not got jabs until Tuesday, thank God that's it until he is 1.

I finally got a piccie with James smiling.

Plus a few of him "talking"





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