**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

We're just back from a two hour walk!!

James is a little vampire baby though and I had to cover him with my jacket (lucky it was so warm that I didn't need a jacket)

I forgot all about my errands as well, I just walked and walked. Didn't even stop for a coffee.

James was wide awake when we got home which is odd as he'll normally stay down. I popped him in his bouncer and he did the biggest poo - serious it was under my fingernails... I think this one was his record!

I always get comments on how long he is and how big his eyes are (he is a baby, he is nosy so yep his eyes are wide open) I wish people would just stfu sometimes.

I too am interested to hear about what swimwear you all have???

Also on a side note I missed a delivery when I was out, can't read what is written on the card so have had to spend 20 minutes talking to customer services who told me it's been delivered? Urm no it hasn't!

Off to have some falafel and humous for lunch, may sit on the balcony if James falls back to sleep?

I have a full body suit that I bought from a end of year sale at a surf shop, it's for a 1 yr old, but I bought 5 (2 1yrs + and then 2-3yrs) one of the 1yr I'm chopping the arms and legs and sewing back to size as his body is so long he will fit the rest of it. And I have bought him a swimsuit thing from marks and Spencer's.
I know what you mean about people always commenting on babies Nat. I always get "She's so alert isn't she?!" Is my baby not allowed to be awake at all?! :wall: People have even said this while her eyes were closing as she was so tired.
I always get "isn't he big" or "isn't he alert" too, but I don't mind. Especially the alert one, I just think they mean he looks bright and interested in stuff. Which he is :)

We go to waterbabies, and it's part of the rules that the baby had to wear a swim nappy and then a "happy nappy" over the top - like a nappy shaped pull on thing made out of neoprene.
Some days I feel like I've heard the phrase "ooh look at all that hair" about a million times. These grannies need to come up with some new phrases lol! Also the same woman in Asda has talked to me 4 times now and forgets me after every time :wall2: xx

Evening girls, had arthur weighed and hes now 14lb 5oz, hes put on 9oz in 2wks, still not a great gain but hes on the 75th centile so im happy :)

Ive managed to get 5oz of forumlar down him today as well as boobie feeding, so lets up the top up of formular works ;) he seems to love the dr brown colic bottle so guess ill stick to them as hes not fussed of tommee tippee ones, typical when i have 12 in the cuboard lol xx
La..snap!!! We go to waterbabies and we love it! We are into lesson 3 tomorrow :)
The mothercare pram folds pretty small and has a handle on it as well to carry it. We popped M in it and she seemed pretty happy in there. We got the pink Nanu I think it's called, pink and spotty :) I just didn't want to pay loads for a stroller that is just for holidays

Great weight for Arthur Wilson :) if he's more active that maybe why he isn't gaining as much as before :)

We get comments about M and how big her eyes are lol I mean it's not like they are poking out her head but sometimes when you peak in the buggy all you see is her blue eyes staring at you. I did get asked of she was a he the other day when out for dinner..not sure if the waitress thought pink blankets were this seasons thing for boys?! Lol
Help! I've tried 3 times to get M to take from the bottle (tommee tippee) and all 3 times she refused and got in a tizz! Tried the Hipp milk which she's had before-refused, so tried Aptimil-refused then decided to express 5oz to see if its the milk and she's refused that tonight!!
Any ideas what else I can do? It must be the bottle? Should I change teats , currently using a vari flow or can someone please recommend another brand.
Thank you Nat, I was thinking about these ones, stupidly have away the free one I got, doh! She's had the bottle before so wonder why she's refusing! Fussy little madam :) xx
Mrswoody - is the milk warm? Might be worth trying the first or second stage teats, before you pay out for new bottles xxx
Yeah I warm it up, could be the year size I suppose. Will grab some tomorrow while I'm out :) cx
Mrsw ive had the same issues, try dr browns bottles, bit pricey but works a treat, because m is bf yr nipple is long in her mouth, tommiee tippee teats arnt, but dr browns are, they sell them in boots, ive gone with sma comfort milk too, he seems to enjoy it xx
But be prepared for upset tummies :( hes had bad trapped wind tonight :( xx
We're off to our first baby group today! It's called Sparky songs and it's a sing along group.

I am going with a friend and her 15 month old.

I have a headache though, so maybe not the best day to go to a noisy music group :shock:

Enjoy Nat :) we go to a singing group on a Wednesday and Its good fun :) hope little James enjoys it and your headache shifts x
Hey all

I know wilson is up all night feeding but has any one else's little ones dropped the night feed yet? ella is up twice in the night for feeds and im wondering at what age they stop waking for food??! she has a full feed as normal then depending on when shes had it i usualy top her up after her bath then put her to bed!

She had her 2nd jabs today (a tad late as we were inbetween doctors) nothing calpol doesnt solve lol!! bless her shes just slept all day

I took ella swimming a few weeks back, she cried the whole time but next time il try her swim suit and not a cozy!

Wilson - do you think it could be worth trying a top u of formula just at bed times to try cut out a feed??
Ruth - C's last feed is usually at 8 or 9 then she will go through til 5-7am. It really is true that every baby is different xx

Hi ruth

Nice to hear from u my lovely :) i started arthur on top of of formular yesterday and it gave him pretty bad belly ache through the night, so ive started the top ups later on in the day, but i have to give him the 2 oz before boobie feeding or he wont have it lol, he only woke 3 times last night to ever 2hrs but stirred slot with his tummy.
He also had his jabs today and he screamed :( hes currently been asleep 2hrs so im going to leave the ickle soul bless him.

All babies r different hun, some sleep through, some poo every day, so are happy and some are the oppisite of them, ive read prones and cons about dream feeding,, my experience is just leave them to wake on their own as once disturbed they dont go off to a full deep sleep, do u use a dummie, i only use ours for sleepin, stays in his cot at all other times, that helps to sooth.
Also is lo in their cot yet? Have u got a snuggle blanket, thats also a good soother :) just make sure u rub it on you for your sent for them first.

Im hoping to take arthur swimming next week, quite looking forward to it :) xxx
Also we've decided we will add to our family this winter, i want to keep arthur and his bro or sis close as possible, so watch this space :D XXxx

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