**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

James is very violent with me!

Today alone I've been scratched, headbutted in the cheekbone and had my hair pulled.

James also attacks himself, he is forever scratching himself on the face regardless of how short his nails are?

It's normal though, I started a thread to check I am not raising a sociopath :lol:

Arthur is very whingy today, hasnt fed alot so i know hes going to be up all night :( still on 2hrly wake ups, so ive come out in a cold sore n sore throat for the lack of sleep, does any of u bf girls get sharp twinges in yr boobies like invisable sore skin, ive had bad soreness in my left nipple but the skin isnt sore, i thought arthur was catching me with his nail but it kept happening when he wasnt on.

Well ive cleared his draws of 0-3 months and put them away today and pulled his 3-6 months out, cant believe hes no longer a newborn :(

Arthur isnt rough with us, still a happy baby that loves his cuddles and laughs alot xx

M is not an unhappy baby because he likes to trash his arms in my direction! He is too excitable!!!

I get sharp pains quite regularly but nothing serious. I had a red lump a few weeks ago that the dr told me to leave and it did go away after a week. That bloody hurt.

Nat, m grabs my hair too, it sometimes catches me off guard when I try to put him down! Ha ha. Very funny.

I have just bought a kindle for bed time reading when I feed m at nights as my iPad is too bulky and distracting with the Internet etc, I have to do something at night during his feeds or whines otherwise I will fall asleep on him!
Ooooh now that is a hard question. He used to have a feeding pattern but now he varies, but when I get pains it's normally after 15-20 mins. He can feed anywhere from 10-1.30! Hungry fella.
Hmmm intresting, Arthur never feeds longer than 10mins at a time normally only 5-6 mins on every feed, i do have a fast flow so wasnt sure if gets alot thats why he doesnt feed for long?? Are u considering combi feeding at all? Ive just sent my oh to morrisons to pick up some comfort sma milk to give him before bed as he doesnt sleep longer than 3hrs anymore and with my milk issues thought id see if hes more satisfied on this, however he hates bottles xx
Hi mummies,
Been a little busy today!!
M got weighed she is now 15lb 8oz and 61.5cm tall!! So she's nearly at the 91st centile with weight, she seems a little short to me? We are still in 0-3month clothes and babygrows. I tried a 3-6month on her and it was huge.
M often head butts me and scratches my boobies when she is feeding! She will grab my fingers shove them in her move and look like she is trying to chomp them off quiet violently! Little devil!

It was lovely and sunny here today too just hope for a bit more warmth :)

La..I've gone for mothercares own stroller it was £44.99 I figured I wasn't spending a fortune as if it gets broke I haven't spent a fortune iykwim

Wilson..m has refused the bottle the past 2 times I've tried. I tried with Hipp she refused then tried Aptimil Hungrh baby and she snubbed that too. So I expressed 5oz today to try her with to see of its the bottles she hates or the
milk. If its the bottles ill need to try a new brand, currently using Tommie Tippie x
Kelly I have my kindle charged for night feeds but tend to goff around on the Internet. It's very distracting but keeps me awake when M feeds at 3am!

Nat hope little James stopped attacking you :D getting my hair chopped off tomorrow so hopefully M can't pull it!!


Ps sorry for the disjointed posts I'm tapatalking and can't see what everyone has written. xx
Mrs woody, what a good weight :) where are our teeny babies going?

Wilson, m is combi fed already on cow n gate with tommy tippee bottles. I give him formula twice a day and a big one before bed, I then express to store in fridge, but I'm going to start increasing formula as I'm still struggling with his feeds. But thankfully he is gaining weight again.
Hi mrsw

Maddison is growing isnt she? She doesnt look that big on fb piccys, arthurs weigh in today, going to have him measurred to as his 0-3months fit him on top but not in length so got her 3-6months on now, xx

Well in the past on emergencies we had to use formular, hes had cow n gate and aptimil, hated aptimil was ok with cow n gate, but because expressing was a pain in the arse i just stuck to boobie feeds, why have a sausage when u can have a steak he must think??

He went down at 8pm last night, fed at 11.30pm-2pm-4pm and 6am, is anyone else getting this? I do jump up when he starts to stir as he usually doesnt go bk off, i think quicker he feeds quicker i get him bk to sleep, do u think thats a habit now hes got into for regular night feeds? Xx
M is growing nicely hun!!

James is a beanpole - 13lb 2oz and a whopping 67cm long... He is going to end up like Peter Crouch at this rate. He's dropped down to 9th centile again and is already stretching his 3-6 babygrows? He won't get long out them at all :shock:

It's mad how they are all getting so big hey!!

James is just currently watching Daddy have a bath so I can have a cuppa in peace before he heads off to work for the day (daddy not James!)

We had a very difficult baby yesterday - well difficult in James' terms - he is such a good boy you really notice when he is having a fussy day!

Just managed to get 1 1/2oz of sma down him before he started messing with the teat lol, least hes had his starter now for the main on the boobie xx
Gosh it is just beautiful in London today and much warmer too!

I am excited to go out for our daily walkies, although I have a few errands to run. We'll take the scenic route though and I'll be grabbing myself a latte and newspaper so I can have 10 minutes in the sunshine on the way home. Or else I may chill out on the balcony whilst James has his afternoon nap.

Got to go Post Office, Pound Land and get OH stuff for lunch...

James *touch wood* seems to have perked up a bit today??

Lucky you Nat it's 0 degrees here up north, hope you and James enjoy the sunshine. We will have a pyjama day today I think and wrap up warm for our walk later.

My cloth nappies arrived yesterday, I've put them through the wash and am going to pop one on her at her next change. I'm a bit nervous! Xx

Sallybee, have plenty of spare clothing to hand. Took me ages to get used to them. I love them now. Can't believe how much wee can leak out of a badly fitted nappy! Or poo....yuck. Such a shame sometimes though, as he has some amazing designs on some of them and they are covered by jeans! Not the weather for bare skin yet!

I just bought some swim gear for him as I am determined to get him into the sea this summer for a paddle. This weather is getting me excited :) we have been to the park again, met a few ladies and their newborns. Didn't appreciate them constantly commenting on how big he is for a 3month old...I KNOW, STOP REMINDING ME. Never mind.

Right he is finally napping so I have boxes to pack.
What swimwear have u bought? Im looking for something for Arthur xx
I know they are so pretty aren't they! Thanks for the advice hun :) C has got a major grump on ATM so I'm holding off for a couple hours xx

Hi ladies
What a gorgeous day in the West Country! That nice we are going to walk to the docs for Ms injections later.
Kelly..I've had a few comments today on how M has grown this past week. She is piling on the weight but has moved up in clothes! Weird!!!

We bought M a swimsuit with longish legs and arms to keep her that bit warmer, we go to waterbabies so she has to wear a "happy nappy" over her swim nappy to keep in any leakages :) if you go on a website called splash about there is lots of baby swim stuff on there xx
It's a gorgeous day here too -15 degrees and sunny! We walked down into the village for coffee at one of my mummy friend's house and I didn't put my coat on for walking back.

I'm waiting for a friend to come this afternoon. She hasn't seen J yet. Shame I arranged it for today though, the weather is so lovely I want to get out there!

It was the first night of DH being away and it went OK. J slept until 6:45 with only the dreams feed and one night feed at 3:30, but I am so rubbish without my sleep. Luckily mum is staying over tonight to help.

Mrswoody, what's the mothercare pushchair like? Does it fold small and easy?

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