Chloenat me and my little 'darling' are the same. Although he is eating ok. But he was constipated for 5 days!! So his food intake reduced due to that, but now he has EXPLODED his store that he is now gulping his food. He nearly ripped my nips off!! But he can scream for Britain at the moment, I'm getting smiles, but I have to work for them, so much so I have lost my voice!! Haha. It's raspy now, so struggling to sound excited for him or talk over his noise to sooth him.
Is you lo punching you? M just won't stop hitting me in my face, it's like he is angry at me, I do manage to make him laugh sometimes by pretending he is shocking me! But that's getting harder to achieve. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage with this leap as his sleep is the worst effected. It's gone from 3hourly wake ups to almost every hour. Last night he was awake from 2-5 just crying, chatting and sucking his bottom lip.
Nat the weather here is wonderful. I took me and my man out to the park and had him in his carrier in the swing, he loved it, the laughter was infectious...looked slightly crazy mind you. But it soon turned to tears, he is easily bored in this leap.
I even bought an ice to make the most of him not knowing what it is! He certainly seemed interested,
How is everyone managing?