**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Minting mummies!
Srob glad your LO finally slept through for you :)
We are trying hungry baby milk tonight to see if that works, if not at least I tried something new :) just not sure what kind to use now as she wasnt keen on the Hipp stuff I've used before!
Wilson sounds like a lovely weekend, it's dull and gloomy here!
Nat enjoy your peaceful afternoon :)

Oh took M this morning and I slept till 11.30!! It was bliss and I only woke up because the postie rang the bell.
Not sure what today's plans are maybe just a walk with M and the pooch :)
Hi everyone

I'm having a down week. The lack of sleep (insomnia not J most of the time) is really getting to me and I've even been wondering if I have PND. There is a constant low level of anxiety and my memory is a sieve. On balance I think it's the lack of sleep. There is also something going on in our social circle (it's a very long story) which is making me insecure and unhappy.

J has been restless in the night which doesn't help. He's a brilliant sleeper normally, sleeping from his 11pm dreamfeed to 3-4am when he feeds and goes back until about 7am. This week he has fed twice in the night on one occasion and the last two nights has been very restless ifrom 3am. Nat - I think he's been taking lessons from James! I think his feeding is unsettled from the change in formula. Overall that's gone pretty well, though, I think it just needs some more time for him to get used to it.

Srob - glad you found a way to help your LO enjoy his bath

Hope you all have a lovely weekend xxx
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Hugs la! Hope your feeling better soon, lack of sleep has a lot to answer for and is usually why I feel down some days.

We booked out holiday today we are off to stay with sil for a week in Cyprus in April so it won't be roasting just nice :)
Just need to sort out Ms passport!!
Hey all

Carnat - Iv got ella a high chair allready its from mamas and papas, its the once upon a time high chair and its suitable from 4months +, i was fed up of holding ella by the window so now iv put it by the window and she can see out, she loves it and she will be used to it when it comes to weaning!

im thinking of starting ella on baby rice at 4 months as i think shes ready now lol, shes hungry all the time so i think it a tiny bit might just help, im going to see what the health visitor says. They do baby fruit juice which says suitable from 4months+ .. will any one be trying that??

Mrs woody- im so jelous lol, i would do anything for a holiday lol :)

Ella slept in her cot for the first time last night, i put her down at half 7 and didnt hear a peak, she woke at half 1 for food half 7 for food then woke up at 10 to 10 :) i know im a lucky mummy so i hope it stays like this, tonight shes gone to bed at quater past 7!! :)

Srob - glad the bath was better, just keep doing it and trying new things and im sure it will get better
Thanks mrswoody :hugs: I went for a long run, which always helps me, and my husband is doing the night feeds tonight. I'm going up in a minute and hoping for a good nights sleep.
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I hope you are feeling a bit better today L_a, you know better than anyone how sleep deprivation affects people!

I am terrible - if I am tired (or hungry!!) then I am a wreck.

Life can be tough enough without dealing with it all on no sleep. I really wouldn't worry about PND [unless of course you feel there is more going on?] I think it's natural for us to go through fits and starts of feeling like crap. We love our babies and wouldn't be without them but it doesn't mean we are feeling fantastic 100% of the time?

I love Cyprus Mrsw, lived out there for a season when I was 21 - I was a promo girl for a bar :shock: :shock:

Whereabout's do you go?

We were debating a holiday this year but I think we'll wait until next summer. We want to move early next year and then TTC from the summer :lol:

James had a really restless / fidgety night - as usual - he seems to get a good 9 hours and I get a decent few hours then I am up every hour... So bloody tired!

Off to see sister and both my nephews today, OH is out to watch the Tottenham v Arsenal game later so James and I will chill. Although I'll no doubt have the footy in the background - I do love my footy!

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Thanks Nat. I'm feeling better today although the sleep thing is still not great. J has started waking for a second feed in the night. He's been on one feed for weeks (months?). Not sure what's going on. We changed the milk and he hasn't been taking as much by volume so I wonder if he's not managing as many calories. No idea why though, he's not finishing his bottles. I've got some hungry baby formula to try for the dream feed tomorrow, see if this helps.

He woke at 6am this morning as well! Has now been napping for nearly 2 hours. I think he is taunting us :lol:

You're right about the PND. As soon as I get a decent night's sleep the other symptoms go away and I feel myself again.

Hope you all have a relaxing Sunday xxx
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We are flying into Paphos and staying with OHs sis and hubby for a week just in the process of looking for a cheapish stroller!
I debated a holiday too but just wanted a little sunshine, next year we will go on holiday just the 3 of us :)
Ms sleeping is killing me I am pooped!! I tried giving her a bottle if hungry baby milk and she screamed the place down, she has drank formula and taken from the bottle before so I'm not sure what's going on, I ended up bfing her at 9.30ish then a dream feed at midnight and she lasted till around half 3, then brought her in with me.
Off swimming with M today :)
I worked in Paphos summer of 2001, happy days!!

Who knows if we win the lottery we may well go away :lol:

Just heading out to see my sister and nephews. It's looking lovely out (at last) so I'll take James for a nice walk after as well.

Lyla has started the 4th leap exactly on time and it's horrible!

She's screaming constantly, won't eat much (yesterday would only take 2 ounces at a time so was being fed every hour/2 hours, won't be put down at all, screams while being changed, harder to put to bed (I had to rock her to sleep and wrap her in my dressing gown, not had to do that since she was newborn!)... it's relentless!

5 weeks of this?! Please, no!
Oh no chloenat! I haven't seen this leap, unless that's what's disturbing Js sleep. I doubt it though, he's been fine the rest of the time. Hope it doesn't last too long.

Mrswoody I'm starting to think about sorting light stuff for travel to Australia, such as an umbrella pushchair.

Chloenat I know how you feel. My sweet natured boy has turned into a grumpy monkey. Trying to feed him has not been easy. He is almost inconsoulable. Just tried to give him a bit of bf and he bit my nipple, I can confirm he's got seriously sharp teeth. My poor nip. My oh has just bought me a hot chocolate in sympathy.
Think this is our first smile in two days now!!


Lyla loves her Daddy xx
Hi girls

Hope u all had a good wkend, it was nice to go to the seaside this weekend n chill out, thought id play around with my camera and photoshoping this wkend heres some pics..
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1362329883.129340.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1362329917.796254.jpg(got to edit my nan out lol)

I have a big passion for photography, :)

Chloenat shes beautiful xx

I think we are going to our friends apartment in majorca in september, but we all need passports as ours has run out :( xx
Hey girls, hope you all had a good weekend although it sounds like a lot of you have leaping babies! Aela's been quite grumpy this weekend as she didn't do a dirty nappy for 3 days and I think she had a sore tummy! Luckily 2 came along at once today but then she spent all day fighting sleep until eventually she decided to take a 4 hour nap at 5 o clock. Doh!

She's asleep on my chest just now but her sleeping is really starting to get me down. We've been staying at mum and dads for nearly 6 weeks while our house is being done up and I think she's ended up in the bed with us every night! She occasionally will sleep 4 hours in her crib but it's rare! I don't mind so much atm because we're out of her home environment but I'm scared how difficult it's going to be to get out the habit of just having her in the bed when we finally get home!



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Hey ladies,

Hope you are all having glorious weather like we are here? It's only meant to last today though!!

James is really off today, nothing I can put my finger on (he's not poorly) but he's messed up all his nap times and has let out a few ear piercing screams for no reason?

I've checked his temp, he is eating fine and he has had a few naps. He has also had smiley moments and seems OK?? Just not himself. He is due a feed but has just nodded off, same with his earlier feed too? He fell asleep just before he would normally have it.

I am guessing it is leap time for us too, he is 16 weeks on Wednesday (17 weeks according to Wonder Weeks though!)

I got my BLW book in the post today and also Cow & Gate sent me this really useful pack - it is actually really handy and has loads of puree suggestions and instructions how to make them etc...

I've got my eye on a high chair and will order that once it is back in stock. I also picked up a sippy cup today for water...

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Chloenat me and my little 'darling' are the same. Although he is eating ok. But he was constipated for 5 days!! So his food intake reduced due to that, but now he has EXPLODED his store that he is now gulping his food. He nearly ripped my nips off!! But he can scream for Britain at the moment, I'm getting smiles, but I have to work for them, so much so I have lost my voice!! Haha. It's raspy now, so struggling to sound excited for him or talk over his noise to sooth him.

Is you lo punching you? M just won't stop hitting me in my face, it's like he is angry at me, I do manage to make him laugh sometimes by pretending he is shocking me! But that's getting harder to achieve. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage with this leap as his sleep is the worst effected. It's gone from 3hourly wake ups to almost every hour. Last night he was awake from 2-5 just crying, chatting and sucking his bottom lip.

Nat the weather here is wonderful. I took me and my man out to the park and had him in his carrier in the swing, he loved it, the laughter was infectious...looked slightly crazy mind you. But it soon turned to tears, he is easily bored in this leap.

I even bought an ice cream....got to make the most of him not knowing what it is! He certainly seemed interested,

How is everyone managing?

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